Moving on to our Second Report! Due to NWCCU by Fall 2012
Accreditation Steering Committee Accreditation Steering Committee Bill Briare, Kim Carey, Kate Gray, Phillip King, Wes Locke, Elizabeth Lundy, Terry Mackey, Steffen Moller, Sharon Parker, Judy Redder, Tara Sprehe, Bill Waters
Recap…. An NWCCU accredited institution: Has a clear and appropriate mission; Has the potential to fulfill its mission; Is substantially fulfilling its mission; and Is projected to continue to do so.
Key concepts: Continual self-analysis Data-informed, systems-based, and focused on continuous improvement Integration of strategic planning, allocation of resources, and accountability Primary yardstick is the extent of mission fulfillment
Standard One: Standard One: Mission, Core Themes, and Expectations Standard Two: Standard Two: Resources and Capacity Standard Three: Standard Three: Planning and Implementation Standard Four: Standard Four: Effectiveness and Improvement Standard Five: Standard Five: Mission Fulfillment, Adaptation, and Sustainability Five New Standards
Seven Year Evaluation Cycle Event Primary FocusYear
Mission, Core Themes, and Expectations Examines institutional purpose and intentions based on a clear statement of institutional mission, articulation of mission fulfillment, and identification of mission core themes complete with objectives and assessable indicators of achievement of those objectives. Standard One: We addressed this in our first report (due this Fall)
CCC’s Core Themes Academic Transfer Career and Technical Education Essential Skills Life-long Learning
Resources and Capacity By documenting the adequacy of its resources and capacity, the institution demonstrates the potential to fulfill its mission, accomplish its core themes objectives, and achieve the goals or intended outcomes of its programs and services, wherever offered and however delivered. Through its governance and decision-making structures, the institution establishes, reviews regularly, and revises, as necessary, policies and procedures which promote effective management and operation of the institution. What’s next? Standard Two
Weave Governance Human Resources Education Resources Student Support Resources Library and Information Resources Financial Resources Physical and Technical Infrastructure Core Theme 1 Core Theme 2 Core Theme 3 Core Theme 4 Core Theme N...
Year Three Self-Evaluation Report Revise your Year One Report based on panel feedback and ADD Chapter Two: Resources and Capacity Eligibility Requirements 4 through 21 (Executive Summary) Standard 2.A Governance Standard 2.B Human Resources Standard 2.C Education Resources Standard 2.D Student Support Resources Standard 2.E Library and Information Resources Standard 2.F Financial Resources Standard 2.G Physical and Technological Infrastructure Conclusion
Creating Chapter 2 Design a model for campus-wide contribution to Standard 2. TURTLEs! Divide up the tasks Identify Key Communicators for each Turtle Identify co-leads, team members, and team resources Provide guidance and timelines for Turtle work
Introduction to the 10 Turtles
Comments, Questions, and Sign Ups!