1 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems By: Josefina Guerrero García Advisor: Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt
2 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Outline 1.Introduction 2.State of the Art 3.Conceptual modeling of workflow 4.Methodology for developing the UI of a workflow system 5.Case study 6.Conclusion
3 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Outline 1.Introduction 2.State of the Art 3.Conceptual modeling of workflow 4.Methodology for developing the UI of a workflow system 5.Case study 6.Conclusion
4 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Introduction (1-6) Organizations Organizational connection requirements Technological connection Hybrid connection Information Systems development
5 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Introduction (2-6) Workflow management technology as a possible solution Currently, widely used to handle business process using Information Systems
6 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Introduction (3-6) The development of workflow systems represents major new challenges today for several important reasons: Lack of integration of individual interactive systems in the global workflow ( communication is not enough). Lack of system integration both at a local and at a global scale (the problem is not the definition of the tasks but the integration in a complete workflow which could be reinforced by a system).
7 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow challenges Cont… (4-6) Activities changes induced by inappropriate technological integration (user activities change with the introduction of new technologies). Difficulty of obtaining a workflow system evolving with the organization (changes in the organizational model do not consider automatic changes in the workflow and vice versa). Absence of considering real group requirements in workflows (it is necessary to consider the task performed by the groups).
8 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Research Question (5-6) Would it be possible to generate the user interface of a workflow information systems from its specifications (provided that they address the relevant aspects) and the different constructs that link the tasks and the users together?
9 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Thesis statement (6-6) In order to bring together the advance of the Information System and the workflow modeling in a co-evolutionary way, it is possible to introduce a conceptual model of the workflow information system so as to derive a potential user interface as systematically as possible.
10 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Outline 1.Introduction 2.State of the Art 3.Conceptual modeling of workflow 4.Methodology for developing the UI of a workflow system 5.Case study 6.Conclusion
11 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow definition (1-7) Workflow is the automation of a business process in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules (WfMC).
12 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow characteristics (2-7) Tasks/activities to be performed by (role- playing) persons using supporting tools that give access to various shared information resources. Marshak
13 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow notations-Petri Nets (3-7) Notation Graphical representation Transition Arc Token Place
14 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow notations- Statechart (4-7) Notation Graphical representation State Transition Initial State Final State
15 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow Tools (5-7) The Progression Model incorporates some of the managing concepts of workflow to increase the flexibility in information systems.
16 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow Tools (6-7) Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) is an extensible framework for developing workflow solutions on the Windows platform.
17 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow Tools (7-7) Flexo Engine interprets the workflow description, controls the instantiation of processes, sequences activities, adds work items to the user work lists and invokes application tools when necessary.
18 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Outline 1.Introduction 2.State of the Art 3.Conceptual modeling of workflow 4.Methodology for developing the UI of a workflow system 5.Case study 6.Conclusion
19 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Requirements for the conceptual modeling of workflow (1-9) A workflow model Organizational components The process model The task model
20 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems FlowiXML (2-9)
21 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems FlowiXML- Process Model (3-9)
22 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems FlowiXML- workList (4-9)
23 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems FlowiXML- workList (5-9)
24 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems FlowiXML (6-9) Task Task Relationships
25 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems FlowiXML (7-9) Organizational Concepts Resources type
26 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems FlowiXML- agenda (8-9)
27 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Mapping model (9-9)
28 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Outline 1.Introduction 2.State of the Art 3.Conceptual modeling of workflow 4.Methodology for developing the UI of a workflow system 5.Case study 6.Conclusion
29 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow users (1-12) 1.Workflow designer 2.Workflow manager 3.Process manager 4.End user (internal, external)
30 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Expanded task life cycle (2-12)
31 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems UsiXML method to develop UI (3-12) Task model Enriched task model FlowiXML
32 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems With FlowiXML we define: Who? Where? How? What? (4-12)
33 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Workflow patterns (5-12) Control flow patterns identify useful routings construct. (20) Workflow data patterns aim to capture the various ways in which data is represented and utilized in workflows. (40) Resources patterns indicate the way in which tasks are assigned to human resources. (43)
34 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Petri net representation of mapping model (6-12) Offer multiple-resources - Offer a task to a group of selected resources (e.g. the sell portfolio task is offered to multiple stockbrokers).
35 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems (7-12)
36 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Abstract UI description (8-12) Is Delegated To. A resource who is assigned to a task allocates it to another resource (e.g. the Chemist passed all of the items allocated to him onto the Chemist Assistant).
37 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Abstract user interface (9-12)
38 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Concrete user interface (10-12)
39 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Final user interface (11-12)
40 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems In short… (12-12) We need to develop different UIs –Individual UI for each task (exist) –Individual UI for workflow manager [managing director ] –Individual UI for process manager [supervisor] –Individual UI for group task [planning group] –Individual UI for end users [architect] We need to make a connection between the different UIs
41 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Outline 1.Introduction 2.State of the Art 3.Conceptual modeling of workflow 4.Methodology for developing the UI of a workflow system 5.Case study 6.Conclusion
42 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Bank operational line (1-6) A bank has lot of processes, as: –Opening a savings or check account –Arrange of complaints –Inter-banking transfers –Hire personnel –Advise to clients –Money exchange –Arrange loans
43 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems The process "Credit Card Request“ (2-6) 13userStereotype (Human Resources) WHO? 36Tasks HOW? 10Organizational units WHERE? 3 typesRelationships of mapping model 22Relationships
44 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems The process "Credit Card Request“ (3-6)
45 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Task: verify client address (4-6) Task 15. The investigation department investigates the personal information of the client going to check his address. This task is optional; it is performed in a random decision. If nobody is in the client’s address the employee leaves a message to the client, in order to make an appointment with him for a next visit. Resources: Employee of the investigation department. Organizational unit: investigation department. Delegation Relation: yes
46 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Task model: verify client address (5-6)
47 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems User Interface: verify client address (6-6)
48 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Outline 1.Introduction 2.State of the Art 3.Conceptual modeling of workflow 4.Methodology for developing the UI of a workflow system 5.Case study 6.Conclusion
49 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Conclusions (1-2) A conceptual modeling approach has been proposed that integrates the following notions: task, process, workflow, job definition, organizational structure, agenda (to do) list, workflow list, and resources. These concepts along with their attributes have been integrated in the syntax of UsiXML, a User Interface Description Language One real-life case study has been reported and summarized
50 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Conclusion: Future Work (2-2) Conceptual and methodology –Graphical editor of the workflow notation –Formal definition –Redefine the steps of the methodology –Modeling the connections between the different UIs
51 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Conclusion: Future Work (2-2) Incorporation of concepts in software tool –Collaboration with Defimedia in AToms
52 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Conclusion: Future Work (2-2) Validation –Apply the methodology to the Bank operational line –Apply the methodology to the Spécification Système du site portail de l’IFMP (Defimedia)
53 Conceptual Modeling of User Interfaces to Workflow Information Systems Thank you very much for your attention