Hoàng Danh Sơn Director of International Cooperation and Science, Technology (ISD) Viet Nam Environment Administration (VEA) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) VIET NAM AN OVERVIEW ON SUSTAINABLE CONSUMTION AND PRODUCTION OF VIET NAM
Environmental Problemes Use of natural resources: minerals, energy, forest, water …; Degradation of forest and forest resources; Deterioration and waste of soils; Degradation of marine resources, environment and ecosystems; Environmental pollution; Rapid increase of population; Impacts of Climate Change …
Legal context (International) Agenda 21; Guidlines of UN on Consumers (1999); Gov. Procurement Agreement (GPA, 1994); International Declaration on CP ( VN signed: 1999); Sustainable Consumtion in ASIA, UNEP (2004)
Legal context (Domestic) National Agenda 21, Part 2: Priority sectors for Sustainable Development ; LEP, Article 5: Governmental policies on environmental protection ; National Action Plan on Env. Protection to (36 High priority Programs) ; National Action Plan on CP in Ind. Sector (2002); Strategic Plan for CP in Ind. Sector. (2009).
Concepts on SCP SCP: New concepts in VN; Focusing mostly on CP and ISO 14000; Fields of Aplication: Evaluation of Products’ circle life; Design of products and services following Sustainable Development.
Activities toward SCP in VN VIE/04/064: “Development of new services on CP through VNCPC”, (SECO/UNIDO, ); Effectiveness of Energy Use and CDM; Development of MODEL of sustainable production in Industry; Awareness Rising on Social Responsibility for SMEs 9EU-UNIDO; CP for Better Products … Green Label Program (MONRE, 2010); Energy Economy Label Program (MIT). …
Green Label Program (MONRE, 2010)
Energy Economy Label Program (MIT)
Challenges Lack of legal Framework; Lack of Institutionnal Capacity and Env. Standards; Lack of Human Resources, Information; Lack of Appropriate Financial Policies; Low level Knowledge of Community; The Rights of Cosummers not well protected …
The Needs on Green and Environmentally Friendly Products No.DegreeUrbanRuralAv. Concernning: % 1Concern Less concern No concern Understanding: % 1Understanding Less understanding No understanding
Figure 1. Green product concern Figure 2. Green product understanding
Figure 3. Green product concern between Urban and Rural areas Figure 4. Green product understanding between Urban and Rural areas
Framework of National Program on SCP Objectives: To Develop National Program on SCP to ; To Develop Vietnamese MODEL on SCP.
Framework of National Program on SCP Principles: To respect Human Life, Nature, Moral Values and To Create chance for Equality; To develop Economy, without damage Env.; To decrease use of materials and energy in production and consumption; To replace services and products with negative impacts on Env. by Env. Friendly ones; To pay more attention on life circle of products and services …
Framework of National Program on SCP Expected Results: Priorities of SCP ; National Program on SCP, ; National Action Plan on SCP.
10 Priorities of National Program on SCP I. To develop env. friendly Technology, Services, Products: 1. Integrate SCP in Planning of all ec. Sectors; 2. Green Designing for products; 3. Develop MARKET for eco-products; 4. Develop 3R economic development;
Priorities of National Program on SCP II. To provide to Consumers information about products: 5. Quality control; 6. Green Label Program;
Priorities of National Program on SCP III. To develop Green Procurement: 7. Green Procurement – Gov Program; 8. Green Procurement – in Enterprises; IV. Public Awareness Rising: 9. Awareness Rising on SCP; 10. SCP Innitiatived from Public.
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