X-CROSS PROJECT THE X-CROSS PROJECT City of Miraflores Lima, Perú. Closing Conference May 22-24, 2008 Rio de Janeiro.
The X- CROSS Project URB AL II It has been a very successful experience in the three schools participating in the City of Miraflores since july 2006.
Results for the Schools The improvement in the quality of education applying ICT s on Biology didactic material in three Public Schools of Miraflores. New and needed resources: computer Pentium D and Video camera.
Results for the Teachers. IT training on innovative softwares as sofTV and Movie Maker Sharing experiencies and team working. To be part of an International Project for the first time.
Results for the Teachers. Improvement of their professional qualifications. To be able to apply the X-CROSS softwares to Math, Art, Literature, after the Project´s time.
The Dream Teams and the Officials are commited to X-CROSS
Results for the students. 54 students (15/16 years old) from 3 schools acquired the following multimedia skills: Operating video cameras. Cutting video recordings.
X-CROSS International Certificate Ceremony
Results for the students. Producing Power Point presentations. Working with sofTV. Performing on camera. Presenting working results to a group.
Scipión Llona School in the marsh of Villa 2007
Results for the students. New possibilities to be inserted in the labour market. A higher self esteem. To be self confident and independent.
Results for the students. Learning to work as a team. The experience of students teaching students. 40 passive participants from a Lower Grade.
Juana Alarco de Dammert School With their Teacher Nora Mena.
e-lessons produced 3 Power Points. Topics: The food chain. A balanced diet. Peruvian native plants (In spanish). All the images are from Wikipedia or made by the students.
e-lessons produced. 5 videos. Topics: The Mollish reaction. Solubility. The Xanto proteic reaction. The peruvian root: the maca. The peruvian seed: the tarwi.
Federico Villarreal School 2007 in the Marsh ecosystem of Villa
E-lessons produced. 4 sofTV. Topics: “The ecosystem of the marsh of Villa Federico Villarreal School. “ Nutrients” and “10 suggestions to prevent global warmth from home” Juana Alarco de Dammert School “ The ecosystem of the marsh of Villa “2da part. Scipión Llona School
Scipión Llona School students after publishing their first sofTV
Students as IT trainers The students Diego Vega and Eder Rivera from Federico Villarreal School The students Christian Guevara and Melissa Gutiérrez from Scipión Llona School
Students as IT trainers Trained the students from Juana Alarco de Dammert school on all X-CROSS software during their summer school vacations The results were excellent.
The IT Trainers.
Strenghts of the Project The world wide image of the European Commission and its partial funding. The institutional participation of the City of Miraflores. A revolutionary vision of teaching following the students perspective on learning.
Strengths of the Project A unique opportunity in Public Schools in Perú. A privilege for teachers and students involved. The topics deeply related to peruvian reality. Nutrition and ecosystems. The special interest of the students in video filming and using a Pentium D computer.
Strenghts of the Project Their need to have new experiences through an innovative project. The contact with students of other countries and to be part of the website X- CROSS news. To see their e-lessons on the website.
Weaknesses of the Project. Having only one video camera. Solution. Not to delay but lower down a bit the rythm of the Project.
Students of Scipión Llona School with their Teacher Pilar Rodríguez
Weaknesses of the Project Having only one computer for the Project and one license for SofTV. Solution. Having temporary practice versions in more computers and publish the e-lessons only in the computer of the Project.
Weaknesses of the Project Students do not study Biology nor any other course in English. Only 1% of them speak English. The English Teachers do not attain the level required for Biology e-lessons. Solution English scripts are translated by the internal expert in charge of Contents.
We all love X-CROSS!!
Thanks The students and teachers involved in X- CROSS deeply thank the European Commission the Project Management and the City of Miraflores for giving them the opportunity to be involved in the X-CROSS Project.
City of Miraflores Lima, Perú.