EMBARQ The mission of the EMBARQ network is to catalyze environmentally and financially sustainable transport solutions to improve quality of life in cities. Solutions catalyzed by EMBARQ: - Reduce air pollution and improve public health - Reduce greenhouse gas emissions - Improve safety, accessibility and personal security - Improve quality and cost effectiveness of transport - Improve quality of public spaces
The EMBARQ Network
EMBARQ Established as a unique center within World Resources Institute in 2002, EMBARQ is now the hub of a network of centers for sustainable transport in developing countries. Shell Foundation and Caterpillar Foundation are EMBARQ’s Global Strategic Partners, supporting EMBARQ projects worldwide Additional EMBARQ supporters include –Hewlett Foundation –Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs –BP –US AID –Asian Development Bank –Energy Foundation –Blue Moon Fund –US Environmental Protection Agency –Japan Int’l Transport Institute
EMBARQ in Asia 1.Partnership for Sustainable Urban Transport in Asia (PSUTA) - Project identified indicators of sustainable transport in three Asian cities (Hanoi, Pune, Xi’an) to help decision makers better understand the current sustainability, or lack of it, of their urban transport systems and to develop more structured and quantified approaches to policy making. 2.China Urban Transport Studies (CUTS) - EMBARQ, together with the Energy Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation are currently in the process of preparing a China urban transport flagship series focusing on energy, environment, and transport development and policy options for China. 3.Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia (SUMA) – PSUTA part two – EMBARQ is currently discussing the scope of SUMA and EMBARQ’s involvement in continuing the development of sustainable transport in Asia.
EMBARQ in Asia II 1.Partnership with Istanbul – EMBARQ and its partners and the City of Istanbul carried out the first-ever mobile source inventory in the region, measuring emissions from 200 vehicles in use as well as calibrating annual usage and on-road driving cycles. Further work will expand to mitigate some of the problems discovered. 2.Partnership in India? After participating in the first-ever national conclave on sustainable urban transport (under the aegis of the Ministry of Urban Development), EMBARQ has begun discussions with leading cities in India to create a sustainable transport partnership. 3.EMBARQ expects to announce a position soon for its Asia program director.
EMBARQ in Latin America 1.Partnership with Mexico City – Following on the success of Metrobus ( passengers daily on 1 BRT corridor), EMBARQ’s Center for Sustainable Transport in the Mexican Capital will assist the new mayor in expanding that system, as well as work with other cities in Mexico who are standing line line to improve their buses. 2.Partnership with Porto Alegre. EMBARQ’s Center for Sustainable Transport (CST) in Porto Alegre continues to work closely with the Mayor and Secretaries of Transport and Environment to improve the bus system. 3.Cooperation with other Cities and Institutions in Latin America. EMBARQ works with the World Bank, other NGOs, and other cities directly to foster more sustainable transport in the region.
EMBARQ in Research and Outreach 1.The Transport-CO2 Link – EMBARQ is completing its survey and development of methodologies to link transport projects to changes in CO2 and criteria pollutant emissions, changes that arise because of projects. 2.Human Exposure to Air Pollution from Traffic. EMBARQ is developing a number of ways to measure exposure people suffer from traffic when in traffic, and how both cleaner fuels and vehicles as well as systems like BRT would reduce exposure and improve health. 3.BRT Simulator Prof. L Lindau, head of the CST in Porto Alegre, continues to develop his BRT simulator, and expects to calibrate it against systems in Mexico City, Curitiba, and Bogota. He also expects to add a fuel and emissions component so that planners can look before they leap in designing BRT systems and choosing buses and fuels. 4.Transforming Transportation. As in the past EMBARQ has organized a major TRB workshop, this year focusing on Environment in Latin American Transport and Istanbul
Transforming Transportation at TRB Part One: Achievements in the New World North and South “Mexico – Past Achievements, Future Prospects” (Dr. Lee Schipper, EMBARQ, chair) “The Cloud of Hyper-Motorization – Future Prospects” – Fernando Menendez Garza, Senior Advisor for Strategic Projects for Mexico City’s Mayor Metrobus Passes 100 million Passengers » – Adriana Lobo, Center for Sustainable Transport, Mexico City. A Breath of Fresh Air Riding the Bus in Mexico: The Hidden Benefits of Metrobus” – Miriam Zuk, EMBARQ. “Benefits of Cleaning up Buses in Queretaro, Mexico” – Maria Cordeiro, EMBARQ “Integrating Transport and Environment in Brazil” (Maria Cordeiro, EMBARQ, chair) “Simulating Bus Rapid Transit for System Optimization and Environmental Performance – Prof. Toni Lindau, UFRGS, Porto Alegre The Bottom Line on Alcohol Duel or Bio-Diesel in Brazil – Blessing or Bane for Energy and Clean Air? – Prof. Suzana Kahn Ribeiro, COPPE, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro. Integration Elsewhere: Chile and Colombia (Sergio Sanchez, Clean Air Institute, Washington) Clean Air in Santiago Chile – Prof. Mauricio Osses, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, University of Chile. The Environmental Performance of Trans-Santiago – Juan Carlos Goicoechea, SECTRA, Santiago The Environmental Performance of Transmilenio BRT System – Eduardo Behrentz, University of the Andes, Bogota. The Challenge Remaining – Sergio Sanchez, Clean Air Institute, Washington
Transforming Transportation at TRB Part Two: Where East Meets West: Istanbul Introduction – Sibel Koyluoglu, EMBARQ Istanbul. Istanbul’s Transport System Today – Prof. Deniz Karman, Carleton University, Ottawa. Why Istanbul’s Transport trends are Unsustainable – Dr. Haluk Gerçek, ITU, Istanbul Environmental Challenges – the roads – Dr. Alper Unal, EMBARQ Istanbul Environmental Challenges - the waters – Dr. James Corbett, Univ. of Delaware Preliminary Results of the Mobil Source Inventory for Istanbul – Dr. Matt Barth, University of Calif. Riverside and ISSRC, Riverside CA. Towards Sustainable Transport - Buses, ITS, cleaner vehicles, and a revitalized city – Dr. Lee Schipper, EMBARQ, moderator Clean Transportation for Istanbul – Dr. Alper Unal, EMBARQ. Bus Rapid Transit in Istanbul – Sibel Koyluoglu, EMBARQ, Istanbul. The Role of IT in Taming Traffic in Istanbul – Prof. Kaan Ozbay, Rutgers University The Way Forward: Turkish Experts Discuss The Future. Moderated by Dr. Lee Schipper, EMBARQ.
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