EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 1 The EU-IndiaGrid Project Joining European and Indian grids for e-science Marco Verlato (INFN-Padova) EELA WP2 E-infrastructure Workshop Rio de Janeiro, August 2007
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 2 Outline Project overview Project month 10 What next
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 3 An EGEE related project
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 4 Eu-Indiagrid Project Goals To support the interconnection and interoperability of the prominent European Grid infrastructure (EGEE) with the Indian Grid infrastructure for the benefit of eScience applications; To identify and aggregate research, scientific and industrial communities which may benefit from the use of Grid technology resulting in an eScience Network Community To promote the use of advanced Grid technologies within the created Network Community relying on pilot applications in Biology, High Energy Physics, Material Science and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and specific outreach and dissemination activities To disseminate European EGEE Grid technology achievements in India and leverage on Indian Grid experiences and skills.
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 5 PARTICIPANTS EUROPE INFN (project coordinator) Metaware SpA Italian Academic and Research Network (GARR) Cambridge University INTERNATIONAL Abdu Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics INDIA Indian Education and Research Network (ERNET) University of Pune SAHA Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai TATA Institute for Fundamental Research (Mumbai) National Centre for Biological Sciences (Bangalore)
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 6 Project Effort BUDGET: –1208 k-EUR total fund – k-EUR from European Commission Person months –353.3 PM total –226.4 PM funded from European Commission Project start: October 2006 Duration: 24 months
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 7 WORKPACKAGES WP3 WP4 WP2 WP6 WP2 WP6 WP2Building an eScience Network Community WP3Network Planning & Support WP4Pilot grid infrastructure operational support WP5Applications WP6Dissemination & Networking Events EGEE Garuda-India WP5
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 8 Project month 10 Two Project Workshops so far –Mumbai, December , jointly organized with the WLCG Tier2 in Asia Workshop Focused on High Energy Phyisics applications Over 100 registered participants –Bangalore, April Focused on new communities and application domains Over 40 invited participants, representatives from Research, Academia and Industry Boost for all project activities –Building an eScience Network Community –Network Planning & Support –Pilot grid infrastructure operational support –Applications –Dissemination
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 9 WP2-Building an eScience Network Community Contacts & collaborations already established at the Project Workshop and at the EU-IndiaGrid session during the Belief Conference in December, and then at G8-Unesco meeting of May 2007 in Trieste Identify targets –1400 contacts, active grid users from India & Europe –beyond the four application areas directly addressed Focus on building the Indian Community of contacts Over 400 members from about 250 Institutions registered through the EU-IndiaGrid portal at 30 June 2007 All Registered members inserted in the EU-IndiaGrid DB and required to fill a questionnaire 68% from India, 22% from Europe, 1% from Asia, 9% from other countries
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 10 WP3-Network Planning & Support ERNET: Education and Research Network An Autonomous Organization under administrative control of Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India 15 Point of presence (POPs) at premier E&R institutions in India 50 E&R institutes interconnected in 17 cities of India Leased line, VSAT MPLS enabled backbone Satellite Hub in C-band at Bangalore 170 Mbps Internet gateway bandwidth maintain Internet domain registration for “”, “” and “”
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 11 A layer 3 MPLS VPN outsourced to a commercial provider 45 Institutes in 17 cities of the country Access speed of 10 Mbps for 23 sites and 100 Mbps for 22 sites Backbone bandwidth of 2.43 Gbps Managed network Strict Service Level Agreement parameters WP3-Network Planning & Support
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 12 Analysis of the network status EU-India and within India to ensure adequate access to the intercontinental network –GEANT-ERNET Milan-Mumbai 45 Mb/s link opened in October 2006 Issues & actions –GARUDA-Grid sites not connected to the GEANT-ERNET project month 3 –Ensured access of GARUDA-Grid to GEANT interconnecting two routers at ERNET PoP in Mumbai hosted by C-DAC –Insufficient bandwidth to access some sites –Upgraded the link C-DAC Mumbai to GARUDA from 10 Mb/s to 100 Mb/s –Need for an upgrade of the intercontinental link once the applications will exploit the grid infrastructure –Support actions targeted at upgrading the intercontinental link WP3-Network Planning & Support
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 13 GEANT POP AT MILAN TIFR MUMBAI ERNET POP AT C-DAC MUMBAI BARC MUMBAI VECC KOLKATA VPN Cloud connecting Punjab University, Aligarh University, University of Rajasthan, Jammu University, Institute of Physics Garuda Cloud ERNET Cloud 45 Mbps IPLC 34 Mbps 10 Mbps 34 Mbps Tier2 CMS Tier2 ALICE Tier3 CMS 10 100 Mbps EU-IndiaGrid network
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 14 WP4-Pilot grid infrastructure operational support Key points –Certification Authorithy –Creation of a pilot testbed –Interoperability
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 15 Certification Authority Cooperation with Academia Sinica (Regional Operation Centre for Asia) allowed: –To established Registration Authorities at each site in order to ensure immediate grid access worldwide to Indian users –Set the necessary steps for an Internationally recognized Indian Certification Authority (Responsibility taken by C-DAC)
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 16 Pilot Testbed
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 17 Since December 2006: 1 VOMS INFN-CNAF (Bologna) 1 LFC INFN-CNAF (Bologna) 1 TOP LEVEL INFN-PADOVA 1 WMS-LB INFN-PADOVA 1 GridICE INFN-PADOVA 1 AP-ROC, Taiwan Available Services
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 18 Interoperability India has two main grid infrastructures: –The GARUDA National Grid Initiative –The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Grid IGCAR: wide-area Data dissemination BARC: Computing with shared controls VECC: real-time Data collection CAT: archival storage 4 Mbps Link 4 Mbps Link DAE Grid GARUDA Grid 100 Mbps and 10 Mbps links
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 19 GARUDA/Sigma components
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 20 Interoperability Issues and actions deeply discussed at the Project Workshops: –Pilot testbed based on gLite –Gridway proposed to address interoperability between GARUDA and gLite (cooperation between C-DAC and Madras Institute of Technology) –But a wider vision of interoperability based on OGF standards is needed, profiting of the outcome of EU projects like OMII-Europe (JSDL, BES, VOMS/SAML, GLUE, etc.) EU-ChinaGrid faced similar issues joint workshops at EGEE’07 and IEEE eScience2007 conferences
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 21 Example: JSDL/BES scenario in OMII-EUROPE
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 22 WP5-Applications Good progress for all the four application areas directly addressed by the project Boost from the Mumbai and Bangalore Workshops and follow-up meetings, especially for High Energy and Condensed Matter Physics, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences applications
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 23 Applications: Atmospheric sciences Collaboration between: –Physic of Weather and Climate group at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy –Computational Atmospheric Science group at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Pune, India The first challenges: –Develop a Regional coupled atmosphere-ocean model system for “Prediction of the Indian summer Monsoon” –Coupled meteorology-air quality modeling system for the study of pollutant dispersion in urban areas Simulation Tools –Several atmospheric/climate models –MM5/RegCM3/ROMS/WRF etc... First step: port them on the EU-IndiaGrid
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 24 The RegCM3 application RegCM3: Regional Climate Model Version 3 CPU intensive tightly coupled parallel code I/O intensive code –EX: The model generates about 9GB of data for one month of model integration for the domain covering the monsoon region the RegCM3 model is being integrated for a 15 years period to study the intraseasonal and interannual variation of the Indian summer monsoon It has been adapted and ported on both the gLite based and Garuda grids
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 25 Applications: Condensed Matter Many different research groups within University of Pune and ICTP Different applications/porting approaches: from trivial parameter-sweep computational tasks to tightly coupled MPI parallel programs –Real Space Density Function Code for Quantum dots (University of Pune) –Equilibrium geometries of atomic clusters using VASP code (University of Pune) –Quantum ESPRESSO suite for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale (ICTP) –Biased exchange metadynamics alogorithm based on Gromacs MD package (ICTP)
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 26 Electronic structures of QDs Many iterations with many initial guesses, each with different spin and impurity parameters thousands of independent jobs
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 27 Quantum ESPRESSO suite porting Tightly coupled MPI parallel program Doesn’t fit with MPICH over Ethernet implementation typical of gLite based resources (latency and bandwidth limitations) New approach: use most recent multicore WNs to run small parallel jobs exploiting shared memory for communication Python utility developed to reserve a full WN on a CE, more details at:
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 28 Applications: Biology Focused on porting to grid the Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) Work lead by NCBS team in Bangalore Compute intensive application Some models partitionable in loosely coupled sub- models which can run independently
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 29 Applications: High Energy Physics HEP LHC applications are already grid-enabled EU-IndiaGrid is supporting the establishment and the operations of two WLCG Tier-2 sites in India: –TIFR/Mumbai involved in CMS –SAHA/VECC Kolkata involved in ALICE First file transfer from CERN to Mumbai and Kolkata exploiting the 45 Mbps link initiated the 12 February 2007 ( see )
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 30 Applications: High Energy Physics ALICE Physics Data Challenge at SAHA/VECC Kolkata Tier-2
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 31 WP6-Dissemination Promotion material –Several hundreds contacts reached through participation to Conferences (G8, BELIEF-EELA, EGEE, OGF, etc.) –Thousands contacts reached through press releases Website –More than 400 contacts from about 250 Institutions registered in the EU-IndiaGrid Community through the portal Training events –1° Training Event during the EU-IndiaGrid – WLCG Mumbai Workshop, December 2006 –2° Training Event during the EU-IndiaGrid Interactive Workshop in Bangalore, April 2007 –3° Training Event for Site Administrators at Kolkata, June 2007
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 32 Next Steps Towards strengthening and enlarging the collaboration Towards Indian National Certification Authority recognized internationally Toward an EU-IndiaGrid testbed involving all sites Towards an operational service for Applications Towards GARUDA-gLite interoperability
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 33 Summary and plans for EU-FP7 Less than one year from its start-up the project has: given access to Indian Researchers to the Intercontinental Grid Infrastructure (on temporary basis through a cooperation with Academia Sinica Taiwan) and taken the necessary steps for an internationally recognised Indian Certification Authority. The selected Institution is C-DAC, spearhead of GARUDA Indian National Grid Initiative promoted and supported cooperation in grid technology between Europe and India identified and aggregated a community of about 400 people from over 250 Institutions in Research, Academy and Industry promoted the use of grid technology through its supported four main application areas and identified new applications interested in the use of the grid infrastructure set-up a test-bed for the benefit of EU-IndiaGrid applications
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 34 Summary and plans for EU-FP7 On this basis, an new EU-FP7 I3 project EU-IndiaGrid2 is proposed, with the following objectives: development of the appropriate tools to ensure a full interoperability between the European and Indian grid infrastructures cooperation on middleware developments of common interest for EGEE and the GARUDA National Grid Initiative support and operation of National Indian Certification Authority internationally recognised so to give access for Indian researchers to the intercontinental grid infrastructure support an Indian Regional Operation Centre through a cooperation with the GARUDA National Grid Initiative in order to ensure a production service of the grid infrastructure to the applications (including pilot cases of business applications) continue the dissemination and training activity supporting the existing applications and identifying new application areas where European and Indian collaborations may benefit of grid technologies
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 35 Future Events September, 24-28, Pune - Project Workshop focused to Condensed Matter Physics, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences applications and Training Event December, 13-14, Bangalore – Project Conference in conjunction with the 3 rd IEEE International Conference on eScience and Grid Computing
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 36 Thank you