NEEDS IDENTIFICATION LAP FY 2016 Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Our learning objectives for this section of the training are to: 1.Provide an overview on the tracking of Health Indices and Administrative Trends identified statewide. 2.Provide guidance on developing and entering LWP priorities based on the agency’s needs.
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION The LAP Needs Identification session of the training provides information on how to use this tool for: Tracking statewide concerns and prioritizing goals and nutrition sessions for the current contract year. Shows data for all years in the current 5 year plan. Data which will assist in developing and tracking long-term goals, objectives, and outcomes. Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Overview Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Purpose: Identify gaps in service to participants by ethnic background and program category. A tool for tracking statewide concerns and assisting in prioritization of goals and nutrition sessions for current year. Shows current service and potential eligible participants.
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Data Collection Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services State % and LWP % as reported by MOWINS data system will be pre- loaded prior to entry for new LAP completion. Data obtained is from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2015
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Tracked Health Indices – Health Behavioral Administrative Trends – Administrative Language Preference Potential Eligibles See HELP window below that is available for clarification of some terms
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Health Tab Indices 15 indicators Breastfeeding Weight Biochemical (hgb/hct) Maternal weight Prematurity LBW and VLBW Large for Gestational Age WIC Category P, B, N, I, C
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Setting Priorities: 1 thru 6 - 1 being the highest priority
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services List additional information for the item, such as the reason the need received the ranking that was given, or the reason the need will or will not be considered a goal.
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Behavioral Tab Indices 3 indicators Maternal Smoking Household Smoking Alcohol Intake
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Administrative Tab 3 indicators Enrollment in WIC, 1 st Trimester Prenatal Care Began 1 st Trimester Race/Ethnicity
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Language Preference Tab 2 indicators Spoken Read
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Potential EligiblesTab 4 indicators Contracted Monthly Caseload Average Monthly Caseload % Served of Contracted MO HealthNet Prenatals Not WIC
NEEDS IDENTIFICATION You have completed the Needs Identification Session of the training. If you have further questions, please contact your District TA nutritionist for assistance. Thank you! Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services