Welcome to the Map Skills Test Review Game!
What is the name of the imaginary line that divides Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? Equator
What are the names of the 4 hemispheres of the Earth?
Is the Tropic of Cancer north or south of the equator?
Name the four oceans of Earth according to size largest to smallest. Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic
What is the northernmost point in the world called? North Pole 90 degrees N latitude
What are the names of the 7 continents? North America South America Africa Europe Asia Australia Antarctica
Is the Arctic Circle north or south of the equator?
Place the four cardinal directions on a compass rose NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH
What happens when we show the earth on a flat map? The projection of the landmasses is distorted
Name different types of maps Physical, Political, vegetation, street, satellite
“In the Year of our Lord” A.D. means… Anno Domini “In the Year of our Lord”
Difference between absolute and relative location? Absolute is EXACT location
How do we express absolute location? Latitude and longitude
Europe, Africa and Antarctica What continents does the Prime Meridian run thru? Europe, Africa and Antarctica
Which continent would you be on if you traveled to 15 S latitude, 60 W longitude? South America
180 longitude International Date Line
Directions of latitude North, south
Directions of longitude East, west
Geographical dictionary What is a gazeteer? Geographical dictionary
What shape is the earth? sphere
Which lines are parallel? latitude
Another name for longitude lines meridians
Which comes first, latitude or longitude?
Which letter is closest to when Jesus was born? Z
What letter is closet to 12,000 BC? U
40 N latitude and 20 E longitude puts you in which 2 hemispheres? Northern, Eastern
Which city could be 20 S latitude 40 W longitude? Rio de Janiero
If it is summer in Melbourne, what season is it in Detroit? winter
Summer in Rio de Janeiro, season in Dar es Salaan?
Is there ever a Year “0” on a timeline? NO !
If there is no B.C. or A.D given, what do you assume? The year is A.D.- Goes BEFORE the Date
What is the LARGEST measure of time- decade year century millennium ?
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