Name of Model here Congregation name here
We want our children to be guided by core values, cared for, proud of our heritage and deeply connected to our community
To raise our children rooted in their heritage and able to face today’s challenges In our rapidly changing world, it is more difficult than ever
We joined the Coalition of Innovating Congregations where children don't just learn about Judaism; they live Judaism.
Congregation Name is creating a new kind of Jewish education: [Model Name]
Insert selected text here (see slide 13)
It used to be… Meeting the Needs of Families Today Curriculum Technology Success All in classroom Learning in the classroom, in real- world social action projects, and personal journaling Chalkboards, text books, and desks No assessment, did not know how learners were doing Video, shared class blog, text polls in classroom Educators are assessing Knowledge, Relationships, Values, and Lived Actions NOW
An Example of Impact Let me introduce you to [learner/hero]. Learner used to…[ordinary world] Through [model], learner has emerged [struggle, treasure and road home]
The bigger picture
In the Coalition Educational Expertise & Leadership The Coalition is developing new models of education, designing new kinds of learning, and building new leadership teams. Professional Development & Consultation The Coalition builds networks of colleagues, learns from others, and adapts resources to meet the needs of their families. Resources & Materials The Coalition accesses grant money, consultants, top-notch educators, and resource providers (ERPs).
At [Congregation Name] Children are developing deep connections, values, and knowledge to equip them for resilient lives in today’s changing world.
Instructions for Customizing this Presentation A.Delete this slide and the next one after you have finished customizing this presentation. B.Wherever possible, use your own pictures. We have inserted pictures from your colleagues’ models in the Coalition. We encourage you to use pictures of your kids and families. You may also want to use images of your learners’ work (drawings, journals, etc). C.Use your logo, or other imagery that feels comfortable and evokes pride from your audience. D.Keep text limited – slides should have headlines only (think NYTimes). If you want to include notes, such as details of your story, put that in the “notes” at the bottom of the screen. What to do on each slide: Slide 1: Insert Congregation’s Name and Model Name. Insert a picture from your community Slide 2: If you have a vision, replace this text or add a new slide with the vision Slide 5: Insert Model Name Slide 6: Insert descriptive phrase from slide 13. Insert a picture from your community Slide 7: Update chart if needed. This slide is optional and best used with your board. You may wish to delete it. Slide 8: Insert headlines from your hero’s journey story. (See “D” above.) Insert a picture from your community. Slide 9: For use with your board (not likely helpful for families). Refer to the “Data to Tell Your Story” handout to select data to make your chart. Slide 10: For use with your board only if they need to understand the resources provided by Coalition membership. If this slide is not needed, then delete. Slide 11: Insert Congregation’s Name. Insert a picture from your community.
Children love Shabbat Families learn and laugh together Children put values into action by helping repair the world Children laugh and play and enjoy learning that is like Jewish camp Children make friends Children are guided by role models to ask their own questions and discover answers Phrases for Slide 6 Select the phrase that best explains your model(s). You may use them “as is”, revise, or write your own. You may use more than one of these phrases and more than one slide to present the phrases. We suggest that you use no more than 2 phrases per slide.