Data for Leadership Jason Leitch
Purpose of this session Current position of the work so far Revisit the Science of Improvement What is your data telling you? Bringing it all together on the driver diagram Reflection on your leadership role in all that Next steps
‘This model is not magic, but it is probably the most useful single framework I have encountered in twenty years of my own work on quality improvement’ Donald M. Berwick The Model for Improvement
Plan Do Study Act “What will happen if we try something different?” “Let’s try it!”“Did it work?” “What’s next? ”
Cycles of Tests Build Confidence Proposals, theories, hunches, intuition Changes that will result in improvement Learning from data
Sequence for improvement Develop a change Test a change Implement a change Sustain & spread a change to other locations Support with data and consideration of people Theory & prediction Test under a variety of conditions Make part of routine operations Study ActPlan Do
Table time How is the CPP organised for quality improvement? – Leadership meetings – Executive leadership walk rounds/huddles How does it feel to lead this collaborative?
A System for Planning: Integrate Planning for Improvement with Other Organisation Planning Processes Plan to Operate Financial Planning Developing Operating Budget Developing Capital Budget Operate and improve the Organisation Plan to Improve Operations Planning Human Resources Planning Product/Service Development Planning Project Planning Market Planning Department and Functional Planning Training Planning INPUTS FOR PLANING Purpose of the Organisation Market Analysis Customer Research Supplier Input Technology Information Economic Forecasts Business needs Regulations Future Scenarios Strategic Planning Process Business Planning Process Key measures of the system Customer feedback Employee suggestions Status of plans Annually Quarterly 1 to 5 years Annually 1 to 5 years
Setting Priorities: Process Condition and Strategic Impact Diagram Strategic Impact (total rating) Process Condition High leverage processes: develop improvement charters to address these
Organising for Quality Improvement Thanks to Edinburgh
Some examples of testing and results Aim: To improve parent confidence, parent /child interaction and instances of children’s readiness to learn, through the development of regular 1:1 bedtime story reading
The impact for A has been: A sits for a focused 20 minutes (maximum) at story time He expects to have a story and it is very much part of his routine He likes the actions and the onomatopoeic words and he is responding to these with laughter He likes to see the funny faces in the book and examines them further by turning the pictures upside down At other times during the day his mother has observed him choosing to look at a book by himself e.g. his tractor book and turning the pages slowly and focusing in a concentrated way At nursery staff have observed him choosing to go to the book corner and look at books by himself. He spends time focusing on the pictures and carefully turning the pages. He will spend considerable time doing this. Sometimes he moves between two books but focusing on each book in turn. Incremental gains…thanks to the team in East and Mid Lothian
Wider results and benefits?...Thanks to the team in East and Mid Lothian
East Ayrshire% children read to at night (Story Sack) Cohort increased to 10.
Stirling – Antenatal bookings by 12 weeks Use of patient questionnaires Posters to GP surgeries. A6 cards to pharmacies. Posters to nurseries and family centres.
Table time Where are you in relation to data and results? Where are you in relation to your testing plans in each the work stream areas? What are the prevailing challenges you are facing?