Service Planning Block Stakeholder feedback
Agenda Welcome Orientation Acknowledgements Overview of Common Core 3.0 Overview of Service Planning Block Review Service Planning Block content Review Trauma Informed Practice content Next steps
Overview of Common Core 3.0 Laws, Court, Teaming, Trauma, F and E Foundation Engagement, Interviewing, Use of Authority Engagement Critical Thinking, Assessment, CMI Assessment Case Planning, Concurrent Planning Service Planning Case Plan Updates, Placement Safety and Stability Adapting Transition, Case Closure, After 18 Transition
Overview of the Service Planning Block Purposeful Visitation and Family Time (90 minutes) Case Planning Basics (90 minutes) Behavioral Objectives* (1/2 day) Case Planning in a Team Setting (1/2 day) Behavioral Objectives (1 hour) Visit and Family Time Observation (1 hour) Engaging Family Members in Case Planning (1 hour) 200 Level: Knowledge and Skill Reinforcement
Purposeful Visitation and Family Time eLearning This eLearning is 90 minutes in length It is not a requirement for a classroom or field training You will be reviewing a “raw” PowerPoint with narrative Your feedback will be incorporated in this “raw” form There will be an opportunity to see the finished eLearning to provide additional feedback
Purposeful Visitation and Family Time eLearning Review of visitation practices around the country Changing language from visitation to family time Reflects a more strengths-based perspective Materials to support purposeful activities to occur during visitation/family time
Purposeful Visitation and Family Time Helpful that you have copy of learning objectives when reviewing the PowerPoint
Purposeful Visitation and Family Time Agenda Defining Purposeful Supervision and Family Time Laws Research Levels of Supervision Visitation/Family Time by Developmental Level and Needs Roles is Visitation/Family Time Plans Developing Visitation/Family Time Plans Documentation of the Written Plan
Case Planning Basics eLearning 90 minute module This is a requirement – taken prior to the Writing Behavioral Objectives ½ day in person class You will be reviewing a “raw” PowerPoint with narrative Your feedback will be incorporated in this “raw” form There will be an opportunity to see the finished eLearning to provide additional feedback
Case Planning Basics eLearning Helpful that you have copy of learning objectives when reviewing the PowerPoint
Case Planning Basics eLearning Agenda Section 1: Components of the Case Plan Define the case plan process Minimum Sufficient Level of Care (MSLC) and the case plan Case plan goals, service objectives, and client responsibilities Timelines Section 2: Developing the Case Plan How the assessment drives the case plan Factors and practices that impact the case planning process Writing S.M.A.R.T. objectives Section 3: Implementing the Case Plan Reasonable vs active efforts Prioritization of activities Section 4: Additional Case Plan Requirements Legal Requirements Other case plan activities Section 5: Case Scenario
Writing Behavioral Objectives Classroom Training 3 hour training 45 minutes is set aside for the embedded evaluation Builds from the knowledge in the eLearning too skill building in writing objectives The focus is to personalize objectives within the context of CWS/CMS into strength based family friendly language
Writing Behavioral Objectives Classroom Training Trainer Guide and Trainee Guide Trainer Guide has Lesson Plan of Activities and Instructions to the Activities. When reviewing the Lesson Plan, you’ll see what learning objectives were covered and where
Writing Behavioral Objectives Classroom Training Agenda Segment 1: Welcome Segment 2: Review of Key Concepts Segment 3: Writing Behavioral Objectives for the Initial Service Plan Break Segment 4: Writing Service Objectives for the Ongoing Service Plan Segment 5: Evaluation
Writing Behavioral Objectives Classroom Training Embedded Evaluation
Case Planning in A Team Setting Classroom Training 3 hour training Skill-based class Scenario with directions on role plays in teams Can be adapted to simulation setting
Case Planning in A Team Setting Classroom Training Trainer Guide and Trainee Guide Trainer Guide has Lesson Plan of Activities and Instructions to the Activities. When reviewing the Lesson Plan, you’ll see what learning objectives were covered and where
Case Planning in A Team Setting Classroom Training Agenda Segment 1: Introduction—Review of Agreements (15 minutes) Segment 2: Review of the Wilson Family Vignette (10 minutes) Segment 3: Team Role Play: Family Team Meeting (70 minutes) Break (15 minutes) Segment 4: Team Role Play: Teaming for Permanency and Well-being (55 minutes) Segment 5: Transfer of Learning Activity ( 15 minutes)
Service Planning Block Field Activities Three field activities for this block Engaging Family Members is the Case Planning Process Writing Behavioral Objectives Visit and Family Time Observation
Service Planning Block Field Activities Designed for field advisors and trainees to meet before the activity Trainees either do the activity and/or accompanied by someone Debrief of the activity Discussion of what went well and upgrades
Trauma Informed Practice 6 hour training This class has been selected for evaluation 30 minutes set aside for pre-test 30 minutes set aside for post-test Introduction to trauma-informed practice (including secondary traumatic stress/stress management)
Trauma Informed Practice Trainer Guide and Trainee Guide Trainer Guide has Lesson Plan of Activities and Instructions to the Activities. When reviewing the Lesson Plan, you’ll see what learning objectives were covered and where
Trauma Informed Practice Agenda Segment 1: Welcome and Review of the Agenda (5 minutes) Welcome and briefly explain logistics, as well as review the agenda Segment 2: Evaluation Pre-Test (30 minutes) Distribute evaluation pre-test materials and provide instructions to trainees Segment 3: Introduction to the Training (10 minutes) Introduce goals of the training. Provide context for the training day and review or develop group agreements
Trauma Informed Practice Agenda (cont.) Segment 4: Trauma Basics (120 minutes) Ice breaker activity, introduction to trauma basics (terms and definitions), factors to consider, child traumatic stress, trauma triggers, video: ReMoved Segment 5: Adverse Childhood Experiences (35 minutes) Lecture, discussion, and activities related to Adverse Childhood Experiences Study and the long- term impact of childhood trauma Segment 6: Historical Trauma and Culture (35 minutes) Lecture, video, discussion, and activity related to how culture and trauma intersect (including information about ICWA).
Trauma Informed Practice Agenda (cont.) Segment 7: Child Welfare’s Response to Trauma (25 minutes) Introduction to Katie A./Pathways to Well-being, essential elements of trauma-informed practice Segment 8: Self-Care (25 minutes) Secondary traumatic stress, prevalence of trauma with child welfare staff, compassion fatigue, and coping strategies for child welfare workers Segment 9: Evaluation Post-Test (30 minutes) Distribute evaluation post-test materials and provide instructions to trainees Segment 10: Wrap-Up (10 minutes)
Next Steps Questions Access to Service Planning curriculum: Complete the feedback survey: =SV_5aTB7l58h2ZVR65 =SV_5aTB7l58h2ZVR65