Foundation Stage Sound Books The children practise their 'Rainbow Letters' every morning for each new sound we learn. A copy of each sound is then put in their Sound Book to take home, so that children can practise their sounds at home with the correct letter formations. Please encourage them as much as you can!
Reading Books I will be starting to send reading books home with the children at the start of next half-term. Initially the books will not contain any words, just pictures. Please talk about what is happening on each page and encourage your child to tell a story from the pictures. With each book there will be a list of questions that you can ask your child, to encourage the story-telling process. Once your child is ready to progress, books with words in will then be sent home.
'Big Talk' We have not completed our first 'Big Talk' yet but as the year progresses we will begin our Big Talk, which we will do on a fortnightly basis. In the Summer Term we will also be doing our Big Write. We will be continuing with our ‘Community Chat’ this year and Reception Class will also be included in this.
KIRF's- (Key Instant Recall Facts) Every half-term we will have a new KIRF, which we will practise in class, but also need to practise at home. All the children have already taken home their red bookmarks with all the KIRFS on for Foundation year.
WOW sheets