Future Search Definition The Future Search method is an interactive planning process that focuses on breaking down borders and creating understanding about common desires for the future. The cooperative planning is designed for long term initiatives. Phases 1 - Recalling the past: participants establish their own relationship with the topic noting milestones in a time line. Mixed groups present an interpretation of the timelines 2 - Examining the present: participants take part in a mind mapping session to map out current trends affecting the workshop topic. Stakeholders describe what they are doing and what they intend to do. Each group reports to the whole room and discussion can take place 3 - Create future scenarios: diverse groups put themselves into the future and describe their preferred future as if it has already been accomplished Rationale Future Search is usually used for local communities to find common goals and ways of action in a deadlocked situation. Objectives - encourage participant to new thinking and open mindedness - develop ideas and proposals which can gain wide support - set aside disagreement and spend time on constructive search for common ground. References ; ; M. Weisbord and S. Janoff (2000) “Future search. An Action Guide to finding common ground in organisations and communities.” San Francisco, Berett-Koehler Publishers Procedure The future search conference lasts for 3 days and assembles 60 to 80 participants in groups of 8 (in interest groups-stakeholders- and mixed groups). The participants fall into 3 main categories: - people with knowledge and information - people with authority and ability to act - people who are or will be affected by the workshop and its results The workshop programme comprises 5 phases, each with its own separate tasks: focus on past; focus on present; visioning – future scenarios; common ground and action planning 4 - In mixed groups, identify common ground, projects or visions in 10 years time. After observing all presentation – groups note down what they consider as common future themes, potential projects and what they see as not agreed or key hurdles. Lists are made and read out – all lists merged into one for the whole room 5 - Prepare action plans: participants select proposal they want to continue to work with, differentiate between long and short term initiatives, discuss which of the action ideas they want to support after the workshop. Ida-Elisabeth Andersen and Gy Larsen, The Danish Board of Technology Poster edited by Luis Aparicio and Delphine Ducoulombier Some Results Most important result of this method in the experience of DBT (2-3 projects) is that it helps and supports the creation of networks and networking across stakeholder groups and across expert fields. It helps networking among stake holders, who assumed that their interests were so conflicting, that they were not able to talk together or agree on anything. The Search for common ground in transportation in Copenhagen furthermore contributed to the formation of a concrete new advisory and planning body for traffic and transportation in Copenhagen.