Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex media: a European network Suggestions for synthetic data storage The SPICE project Expected seismic simulation.


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Presentation transcript:

Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex media: a European network Suggestions for synthetic data storage The SPICE project Expected seismic simulation data Results of ORFEUS/SPICE Meeting May 7, 2004 Examples The SPICE project Expected seismic simulation data Results of ORFEUS/SPICE Meeting May 7, 2004 Examples H., Igel, J. Wassermann, M. Stupazzini (Munich) J.-P. Vilotte (IPG Paris) B. Dost, T. Van Eck (ORFEUS)

Seismic wave Propagation In Complex media: a European network Marie Curie Research Training network in the 6th Framework Programme (Coordination: Munich seismology) 14 institutions (INGV Rome, IPG, ENS Paris, Oxford, Utrecht, Munich, Bratislava, Prague, Oslo, Dublin, Naples, Hamburg, Trieste, Zurich) 14 postdocs and 14 PhDs, 4-year project (start 2004) Training workshops, development of training material Four task groups in the fields of (1) Global seismology, (2) volcano seismology and reservoir seismics, (3) earthquake physics and (4) digital library Marie Curie Research Training network in the 6th Framework Programme (Coordination: Munich seismology) 14 institutions (INGV Rome, IPG, ENS Paris, Oxford, Utrecht, Munich, Bratislava, Prague, Oslo, Dublin, Naples, Hamburg, Trieste, Zurich) 14 postdocs and 14 PhDs, 4-year project (start 2004) Training workshops, development of training material Four task groups in the fields of (1) Global seismology, (2) volcano seismology and reservoir seismics, (3) earthquake physics and (4) digital library One specific SPICE task: Develop archive with synthetic simulation data, www- interface for data access, visualization, extraction etc.

Expected simulation data: Volcano seismology Example: Merapi volcano, Indonesia From: Ripperger, Igel, Wassermann, 2004

Expected simulation data: Dynamic rupture From: Brietzke and Ben-Zion, 2004 Example: Rupture at material interfaces

Expected simulation data: Earthquake scenarios Roermond – earthquake M5.9, 1992 Cologne basin Germany

Expected simulation data: Global seismology

ORFEUS-SPICE Meeting May 7, 2004 – Results 1/2 SEED/miniSEED seems to be the most appropriate synthetic data format for compatibility with the observational IT infrastructure We defined three synthetic data types: Type 1: Synthetic data (seismograms) that have been calculated for specific past earthquakes and are available for existing seismometer locations. These synthetic data should be stored with the corresponding UTC timing for the pre- determined origin time. Type 2: Synthetic data (seismograms) for virtual earthquakes calculated for virtual networks. This could correspond to potential earthquake scenarios in a particular region and the virtual network could consist of the 2-D surface grid points (e.g. 2-D array) where synthetic seismograms have been calculated. Type 3: Synthetic seismogram data (i.e. complete wave fields) that are available for a 3D volume (e.g. sedimentary basin, whole Earth). SEED/miniSEED seems to be the most appropriate synthetic data format for compatibility with the observational IT infrastructure We defined three synthetic data types: Type 1: Synthetic data (seismograms) that have been calculated for specific past earthquakes and are available for existing seismometer locations. These synthetic data should be stored with the corresponding UTC timing for the pre- determined origin time. Type 2: Synthetic data (seismograms) for virtual earthquakes calculated for virtual networks. This could correspond to potential earthquake scenarios in a particular region and the virtual network could consist of the 2-D surface grid points (e.g. 2-D array) where synthetic seismograms have been calculated. Type 3: Synthetic seismogram data (i.e. complete wave fields) that are available for a 3D volume (e.g. sedimentary basin, whole Earth).

ORFEUS-SPICE Meeting May 7, 2004 – Results 2/2 Additional header information for Synthetic data types (Metadata) must include at least:  a pointer to information on the model structure  the numerical method employed  simulation information (e.g. valid frequency range of simulation, physical approximations, etc.)  earthquake source information  identification (software author, date of data generation, etc.)

Examples: Data Type 1 Observations (X) and Synthetics ( ⃞ ) If you read event data, a flag ( ⃞ ) indicates that synthetics are available

Examples: Data Type 1 Observations (X) and Synthetics ( ⃞ )

Examples: Data Type 2 virtual earthquake, virtual array

Necessary developments International working group and schedule for implementation Multi-national agreement on synthetic data format Provision for multi-component (>3C) data (e.g. strains, rotations, atmospheric parameters) Coordinated software development for data access, visualization etc. Development of a test data base accessible to the community with feed-back options International working group and schedule for implementation Multi-national agreement on synthetic data format Provision for multi-component (>3C) data (e.g. strains, rotations, atmospheric parameters) Coordinated software development for data access, visualization etc. Development of a test data base accessible to the community with feed-back options