Power Controllers Watlow solid state power controllers complement the rapid switching required by PID temperature controls and help deliver optimum system performance and service life. Available in 1-phase and 3-phase/2-leg and 3-leg configuration, Watlow power controllers meet most industrial heating applications. Random, zero cross or phase angle fire options allow for a variety of applications. DIN-A-MITE® SCR Provides a convenient DIN rail mount package in current ratings from 18 to 100 amperes A good replacement for equal mercury displacement relays. QPAC SCR Rated up to 1,000 amperes for large process heating applications POWER SERIES POWER SERIES Microprocessor-based SCR Ratings from 65 to 250 amperes Offers extensive system and heater diagnostics features and agency approvals SERIES CZR CSA, VDE and UL® recognized contactor Ratings from 18 to 50 amperes single phase Single solid state relays from 10 to 75 amperes E-SAFE® II E-SAFE® II Hybrid Solid State Mechanical Relay Current ratings up to 35 amperes An excellent mercury displacement relay replacement
ControllersAmpsConfigurationsFiring Options DIN-A-MITE ADIN-A-MITE AUp to 25 ampsSingle-PhaseContactor or Burst Fire DIN-A-MITE BDIN-A-MITE BUp to 40 ampsSingle- & Three-PhaseContactor or Burst Fire DIN-A-MITE CDIN-A-MITE CUp to 80 ampsSingle- & Three-PhaseContactor, Bust, Phase DIN-A-MITE DDIN-A-MITE DUp to 100 ampsSingle-PhaseContactor or Burst SSRFrom 10 to 75 ampsSingle-PhaseVAC or VDC Contractor QPACFrom 30 to 1,000 ampsSingle- & Three-PhaseContactor, Bust, Phase POWER SERIESPOWER SERIESFrom 65 to 250 ampsSingle- & Three-PhaseContactor, Bust, Phase SERIES CZRSERIES CZRFrom 24 to 50 ampsSingle-PhaseVAC or VDC Contactor E-SAFE® IIE-SAFE® IIUp to 35 ampsThree-Phase24, 120 and 220 input, VAC Contractor Power Controllers Applications Semiconductor processing Plastics processing Heat treating Drying ovens Foodservice equipment Petroleum/chemical Lighting equipment Glass processing Furnace/oven
DIN-A-MITE® Power Controllers DIN-A-MITE® Family of Power Controllers Offers Exceptional Performance in a Compact Package The DIN-A-MITE family is the ideal solid state replacement for mercury displacement relays (MDRs) in an easy-to-install, compact, touch-safe package. The solid state power controllers provides SCR control, heatsink, wiring and touch-safe exterior in one package. By designing the DIN-A- MITE as a total power controller unit, the need to prep wires for terminals, locate the right heatsink and determine adequate terminations is eliminated. It's a complete package you can install easily with CONTROL CONFIDENCE®. Four DIN-A-MITE styles meet most power controller needs with ratings from 18 to 100 amps with voltages from 24 to 600V~(ac). The four models match load requirements with 1-phase, 3-phase/2-leg and 3-phase/3-leg switching. The controllers also provide a convenient DIN-rail and sub-panel mount package. Applications Semiconductor processing Plastics processing Heat treating Drying ovens Glass processing Food processing Petroleum/chemical Lighting equipment Furnace/oven
DIN-A-MITE® Power Controllers
QPAC SCR Watlow's QPAC is a modular SCR power controller with plug-in features for flexibility. Bases are rated from 150 to 1000 amperes in one phase, three phase, two leg and three phase, three leg. A variety of transformers from 120 to 575 volts along with 50/60Hertz operation enable the QPAC to operate in applications anywhere. Plug-in controller cards set the QPACs SCR firing modes; solid state contactors, burst firing (zero cross) or phase- angle models are available with a wide variety of options. High-speed fuses are included to protect the SCR from short circuit currents. QPAC applications include furnaces and ovens, petrochemical, heat treating and environmental chambers.
POWER SERIES Controllers Microprocessor-Based SCR Power Controller Designed for Application Flexibility For over thirty years Watlow® has been manufacturing solid state power controllers. Watlow's new POWER SERIES represents the latest in SCR power controller technology. This microprocessor-based product offers features and application flexibility unmatched by any other SCR power controller on the market today. Capabilities include single-phase and three-phase models from 65 to 250 amps. Field configurable phase angle or zero-cross firing improves application flexibility on site where you need it. 50/60Hz independent operation means you can operate almost everywhere in the world without special calibration considerations. Serial communications utilizing Modbus® protocol allow for remote control setup, and monitoring of load status from a nearby computer station or control room. On-board semiconductor fusing improves reliability by protecting the SCRs from heater short circuits. Plus, on-board heater bakeout and control diagnostics can help eliminate initial start up problems. All this in a touch-safe package that can be quickly and easily mounted in your control cabinet. Agency approvals ensure a product that meets world safety and operational standards. You can be assured your power controller will be ideal wherever you choose to do business.
POWER SERIES Controllers
CZR Solid State Contactors Compact Design Provides Versatile Solid State Option The new SERIES CZR solid state contactor from Watlow® provides a low-cost, highly compact and versatile solid state option for controlling electric heat. With DIN-rail and back panel mounting standard on every controllers, the CZR allows for simple and quick installation. The extensive capabilities of the SERIES CZR include single-phase, 24 to 50 amp zero-cross and random switching up to 600V~ (see output rating curve). The unique integrated design removes the guesswork associated with selecting a proper heat sink and precise terminations for the application. This controller holds many agency approvals and is ideal for applications that require UL®, CSA and CE approvals. SERIES CZR contactors are available in V (ac/dc) input contactor versions. All configurations are model number dependent and factory selectable. The SERIES CZR is reliably backed by a two-year warranty from Watlow.
CZR Solid State Contactors
E-SAFE® II Hybrid Power Switch Watlow's patent pending E-SAFE® II hybrid power switch provides reliable and accurate power switching up to 35 amperes at 158°F (70°C). Because of the product's unique design, there is no need to purchase costly heat sinks used with traditional solid state relays (SSRs). In addition, this is a three-phase device, so there is no need to wire multiple command signals. With a switching life of millions of cycles and an ambient rating of 158°F (70°C), with no heat sink required, this product is more superior than typical SSRs. The E-SAFE II hybrid power switch provides operators with longer contact life and higher performance than typical mechanical contactors used in equipment. By using Watlow's patent pending NO-ARC technology, the E-SAFE II can switch millions of cycles increasing the life of the product with decreased noise and increased temperature accuracy. E-SAFE II's inherent ability to operate at fast cycle time provides a nice complementary product for a time proportioning (PID) controller.
E-SAFE® II Hybrid Power Switch