Ch. 19 Discussion Questions


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Presentation transcript:

Ch. 19 Discussion Questions AP World History

Discussion Questions Describe the diffusion of Iberian society to the New World. Define the model for American colonization that was established in the Caribbean. Describe the nature of the exploitation of Indians in the Americas. Define the economy of the American colonies.

Discussion Questions Identify the nature of the Spanish system of government in the American colonies. Describe the change that the discovery of gold and diamonds made on the economic organization of Brazil. Describe the social hierarchy of the American colonies. Compare the 18th century reforms in Portuguese and Spanish colonies.

1. Describe the diffusion of Iberian society to the New World. Commoners to America to become nobles holding Indian-worked estates Small urban centers Strong patriarchal ideas Family life based on encomiendas Slavery Political pattern of centralization (dependent on professional bureaucracy) Roman Catholicism Old World animals (# of cattle go up = # of Indians go down)

2. Define the model for American colonization that was established in the Caribbean. Conquest and then settlement (Spanish women and African slaves brought in) Plantation agriculture Exploitation of Indian labor Indigenous people destroyed by disease Iberian style cities (grid plan with central plaza for state & church buildings) Royal administrators & professional magistrates Church cathedrals and universities Ranches & sugar plantations

3. Describe the nature of the exploitation of Indians in the Americas. Was beneficial to the Spanish only Maintained native institutions to serve Spanish goals (traditional nobility & mita) Enslavement of natives (except in warfare) Government awarded encomiendas (source of labor and taxes) Traditional Indian religions were eliminated

4. Define the economy of the American colonies. 80% of colonists involved in agriculture – remainder was in mining Dependent on imports of finished European goods Colonies exported raw materials Became part of the world economy

5. Identify the nature of the Spanish system of government in the American colonies. Sovereignty rested with the Spanish crown (based upon papal grant) in return for converts Bureaucratic system w/core of lawyers who held legislative and administrative authority Theory – king ruled from Spain through Council of Indies Viceroyalties in based in Mexico City and Lima; divided into 10 divisions run by royal magistrates Local level – magistrates managed tax and labor service obligations Catholic Church held great influence over all levels

6. Describe the change that the discovery of gold and diamonds made on the economic organization of Brazil. Opened the interior of Brazil to settlement, devastated Indian populations, & weakened coastal agriculture Led to government policies that stimulated agriculture Rio de Janeiro became a major port and capital (1763) Coincided with the fall of sugar prices (Brazil was less important in world markets)

7. Describe the social hierarchy of the American colonies. Based on color & castas Indian women suffered sexual exploitation from Europeans The Crown sponsored marriages because of few European women – resulted in a Mestizo population Mestizos had a higher status than Indians Europeans were always at the top with Indians and slaves at the bottom Peninsulares higher than Creoles Women were under male authority Upper class women were confined to household occupations while lower class women participated in the economy

Lessening of the Catholic Church’s influence in political decisions 8. Compare the 18th century reforms in Portuguese and Spanish colonies. Creation of more viceroyalties to allow for better defense and administration Lessening of the Catholic Church’s influence in political decisions Removal of Creoles from administrative positions