Teacher Preparation Issues and Challenges K. Lakshmi Chairperson SRCECE AMS
Teacher and the young ones The central point of ECE curriculum is the teacher+ teachers’ role Hence importance of teacher development Teacher needs to be adequately prepared and and continuously supported No system can function in absence of availability of right quality teachers Effective preparation of teachers/ providers for ECE is key to the issue of quality
Quality depends on Capacity Quality of any ECE program is determined by the quality of the teacher preparation Need for capacity ensured childcare service is no longer matter of option but a prerequisite on human resource development agenda Article3 of CRC directs that the best interest of children to be the primary consideration in all actions taken by public or private institutions Competent child education staff is crucial to implement programmes which are sensitive to the needs of young children
Training Scenario No manpower planning related to ECE Capacity building initiatives end up with : -assorted ad hoc interventions -Lack of linkages or continuity -Isolated structural formats -formalized training in negligible slots -only a handful of islands of excellences – duration of training range from a few days to two years in India
Issues Goal of childcare is custodian care and school readiness. Hence, ECE is not recognised as an area needing specialized training or preparation Private sector is a major employer and is not under any regulation to hence preferences range from highly but inappropriately qualified persons to uptrend persons When employers not interested in specifically trained workers potential workers have no incentive in getting trained. Affecting demand for training-resulting in closure of institution Pre-school training institutions are flourishing in private sector, govt. Approved programmes are gradually closing down.
Challenges Complex in nature-needs varied and specialised skills No adequate attention on training ECE professionals Not much empirical evidence on the components of training teachers for young children Wide gap between the context of training and field situation Universities not shown much interest in this area Training programme content quality and duration need attention ECCE is a fast growing discipline
Diverse needs Wide range of personnel functioning in diversity catering to a variety of situations, contexts components & levels (helper to teacher educator) Non availability of Tr. Edn. Inst. In sufficient numbers to meet the emerging demands
ECE is not a door decorator of primary education, but the main door opening educational structure Overall picture lack of trained persons in ECE either in terms of adequate numbers or appropriate quality Needs large number or persons with different specializations, Wide variety of earnings No standardized training curriculum Lack of systematic supervision & accreditation
Curriculum review Design of curriculum Core competencies ranging from entry level practitioners, directors, program administrators to training educators & researchers Core body of knowledge based on research & best practice evidence Needs cross sector involvement in training Existing body of research related to capacity building needs to be strengthened Accreditation system Need to venture into other crucial areas ECE should benefit from advances in other disciplines
Pathway of Professionalism “Teacher must orient his work not on yesterday’s development in the child but tomorrow” Lev Vygotsky
Teacher quality is a function of several factors. Teacher’s remuneration, conditions or work, their academic and professional education. Recognition ECE as professional discipline. ECE has not drawn any attention as a distinct area of knowledge with its own concerns, concepts and methodological perspectives Diversity calls for development of multiple models of work force. Professional excellence is possible only when child development pedagogical issues, empirical studies blend and provide direction to policies and programmes.
Training of trainers- most urgent requirements Pooling resources- It is time we mobelise all our physical, financial human resources for providing the best deal to children.