Introduction: Video killed the radio star.
Is the web “killing” the museum?
Added value !?
Preservation Education
Museums as entertainement spaces!
Added value.
ICTs & Society of Information
New strategies for presenting content (Unthink the classical “Children and Adult Sections” of Museums) experiences! Personalization
Added value.
Contents vs Experiences
1.5 milion children die every year of starvation.
Which of the pictures shown below would make you more likely to donate to WFP?
1.5 milion children die every year of starvation children die every year of starvation.
1 child dies from starvation every 20 seconds.
The form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. Marshall McLuhan “The medium is the message”
Operational Results From: João Aragão e Pina (
Operational Results
feel the information.
The form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. Marshall McLuhan “The medium is the message”
People are overloaded with information. They want micro-content! (that’s the price of being in the Society of Information)
That’s what I have been doing in this PowerPoint
…a few…
Test your infography with some users. (if they don’t understant it, maybie neither will your audience.)
New trends in education
Don’t polute rivers!
Are you willing to pay 3x+ for your meat (just to have a small river unpoluted)?
Are you willing to pay 400 euros(!) for a pair of shoes (so that children in Taiwan are not subject to child labor)?
New trends in education? I have been telling you that for ages! Jean Piaget Cognitive conflict.
Multimedia Learning A cognitive theory Richard Mayer: Sistema de processamento visual e Sistema de processamento verbal
Cognitive Overload Problem: 1 channel is overloaded – Example: text and animation at the same time Solution: words must be narrated (audio)
Problem: channel overloaded with non- essencial information – Solutions: Remove non-essential info “Mark” the essential info
Museum AsiaAfricaEurope Food Clothes Food Clothes
#woman #food #family #woman #food #family #mulher #comida #família #ewqe #maweqe #ewqe ! ! #woman #food #family #mulher #comida #família #ewqe # maweqe #ewqe Adult Kid
Simulators: It’s about you!
Personal Metrics
Sensors (shoes, braces, …) gadgets (Smartphone, Ipod,…) Sensor networks (bikes in a gymn, …) …
The way information is presented, shapes our understanding (interpretation) of them.
Gamification of life
Serious Games
PING - Poverty Is Not a Game Serious Games
More personalizations: Some interesting practices
Customization of webpage
Smoothly integration of platforms
“Peek holes” were lowered so that people in weelchairs could “peek”. Balkony was lowered so that people in weelchairs could use it.
People participation
Anne Frank’s Free2Choose
The beginning of the recovery of the Cacheu Slave Memorial. Women took the first steps in The “rescuing of their history”, helping in the cleaning phase.
Le fin.