2 Methodology of poll performance The poll of shipowners, research institutes, design offices, shipyards and enterprises is carried out annually since 2002 in the RS using questionnaires. The latter contains 26 blocks of questions of which 14 ones define factors affecting satisfaction of customers with RS services. All factors have two characteristics: “importance” means the level of satisfaction by the factor itself as well as “influence” of this factor on the resulting “satisfaction index”. Correspondingly, each of the factors under review has a complex internal structure and consists of subfactors with their own level of “satisfaction” and “ importance”. For example: Factor Q3 ”RS general impression” contains questions for which answers define customers’ assessment of organization and its employees’ professionalism, promptness of works, RS rates.
3 Methodology of poll performance RS general impression Block (factor) “RS general impression” includes answers for the following questions (sub-factors); a) RELIABILITY – this is a reliable professional organization furnishing services at the international level; b) PROMPTNESS – this is the organization employing efficiently working personnel; c) QUALIFICATION – this is the organization which personnel permanently demonstrate skilled performance; d) EXPANDED NETWORK OF BRANCH OFFICES – this is the organization with the sufficiently wide network of representations which can timely provide its services; e) CORRESPONDENCE OF QUALITY TO RATES – the organization wherein services quality corresponds to rates.
4 Methodology Each questionnaire item is formulated as a statement. Completing the questionnaire, the extent of agreement or disagreement with those statements is to be indicated. The scale used for answers: from 1 point (“complete disagreement”) to 10 points (“complete agreement”).
5 Calculation model - Factors - Factor significance (impact) The calculation model demonstrates basic directions of RS and customers’ interrelation. The final result of calculation is two interrelated indices: 1) Satisfaction index demonstrates, in points (from 1 to 100), clients’ satisfaction with RS co-operation. 2) Loyalty demonstrates, in points (from 1 to 100), willingness to continue co- operation with the RS, to use additional services and recommend this organization to their colleagues and other interested parties.
6 Overall indicators of shipping companies’ satisfaction index and loyalty In 2007 the values of the resulting indicators grew which is especially important after reduction of values a year before. In general, one may note rather high level of values of resulting indicators. More than 80 points is a good result keeping in mind that the average satisfaction level customers of the European banks and insurance companies is points (as per EPSI-Rating).
7 Shipping companies satisfaction by factors Majority of factors show positive dynamics in 2007 as opposed to 2006
8 GENERAL IMPRESSION factor Positive growth of the GENERAL IMPRESSION factor (+2 points) is caused by the significant positive dynamics of all components of this factor (subfactors) : Correspondence of quality to rates (+4,6); Promptness (+3,3); Expanded network of branch offices (+1,8); Reliability (+1,6); Qualification (+2,5).
9 PERCEPTION of VALUE factor The PERCEPTION of VALUE factor shows the customers’ point of view about expediency of costs associated with acquisition of RS services. In 2007 the significant increase of the shipowners satisfaction ( price/quality criteria) of surveys under repair (+2,4) as well classification (+2,2) and statutory (+1,2) services.
10 Overall indicators of industrial enterprises’ satisfaction index and loyalty The values of resulting indicators of industrial enterprises slightly reduced as opposed to 2006 although they remain higher than 2005 values. Nevertheless, the value of the satisfaction index is sufficiently high and the loyalty indicator is higher than 80 points which is a very good result.
11 Satisfaction of enterprises by factors All factors have a high satisfaction level ( 79 to 90 points). Most factors show positive dynamics. In 2007 the most significant growth is noted for IMAGE of DOCUMENTS, QUALITY OF ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, PROFESSIONALISM.
13 Provision of additional services and products The most popular additional service is a regular circulation by of RS news to customers. The second position is taken by possibility to buy RS documents in the electronic form.
14 Our standpoint is that the RS performance has improved during the last five years The distribution is permanent since 2003: the absolute majority of respondents (96%) have noted improvements in RS performance during the last five years.
15 Will you recommend to your friends and colleagues to deal with the RS? The absolute majority of respondents (70%) would recommend RS services to their friends and colleagues.
16 About SHIPOWNERS-RESPONDENTS The number of ships operated by our company:
17 We are going to increase the number of ships by means of:
18 About ENTERPRISES-RESPONDENTS Number of staff:
19 Our business is:
20 Principal conclusions: The studies performed have demonstrated rather high level of RS clients’ (enterprises and shipowners) satisfaction with co-operation with the RS. The loyalty indicator is higher than the satisfaction factor. Thus, RS has some safety margin in relations with customers. Nevertheless, the RS should successively implement improvements within the framework of control over interrelation with clients and maintain the quality of services at the proper level. In 2007 the SHIPOWNER’S SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY FACTOR grew as opposed to 2006; Shipping companies’ satisfaction and loyalty is higher than for the industrial enterprises. Therefore, RS shall put some efforts to improve relations with the industrial enterprises in the coming future.
21 Recommendations for better work with shipowners Improvement priorities : 1.Quality of survey in repair 2.General impression 3.Class image 4. Perception of value (benefits from cooperation with RS as opposed to related costs) 5.Professionalism Shipowners’ general satisfaction and loyalty is mostly influenced by GENERAL IMPRESSION and CLASS IMAGE. Both factors are RS strong advantages. Closer attention is to be paid to CLASS IMAGE which shows satisfaction with benefits gained by a ship classed by RS.
22 Recommendations for better work with enterprises Improvement priorities : 1.RS general impression 2. Perception of value (benefits of co-operation with the RS regarding costs) 3.Professionalism 4.Image of documents No areas for improvement to increase satisfaction and loyalty of customers of this group were found. Still, IMAGE of RS DOCUMENTS which shows benefits from cooperation with RS and use of its documents, norms and RS rules is worth noting. Over the whole research period customer satisfaction with this factor was lower than for other factors. This factor is to be considered during compilation of improvement programs.
23 RS management thank you for taking part in a project