Self-Hypnosis Jen Years Certified Consulting Hypnotist Zen Jen’s Mojo Dojo Lesson 1
Self-Hypnosis Hypnosis Professionals About Hypnosis Imagination Exercises Stages of Change Your Success Step 1 Self-Hypnosis Course Agenda Assessment Goal Setting Step 2 Self-Hypnosis Developing Suggestions/Scripts Writing Your Script Step 3 Self-Hypnosis Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Hypnosis Professionals Self-Hypnosis Certified Hypnotist Certified Hypnotherapist Board Certified Hypnotist or Hypnotherapist
Self-Hypnosis You who Why
Self-Hypnosis Improving Self Confidence/Esteem Overcome anxiety, stress, fears Pain management Change habits like smoking, nail biting Manage weight Get Your Mojo Back! Benefits of Hypnosis
Self-Hypnosis What is hypnosis? Change in consciousness State of receptivity is created Introduction of meaningful and beneficial suggestions Accepted by the unconscious/subconscious Believed by the conscious mind AAI Scientific Cultural Services LtdAAI Scientific Cultural Services Ltd Retrieved from
Self-Hypnosis Changes the repeating loop and internal script that influence your behavior. When in a state of deep relaxation, your mind will be open to suggestions that change the unproductive running script to a positive one. Self-hypnosis or any form of hypnosis cannot force anyone to accept anything that they truly do not want to do. You are in state of relaxation, but alert and in control. It is a means to change your own habits. How does hypnosis work?
Self-Hypnosis Let’s try it out…. How’s your imagination?
Self-Hypnosis Another check of your imagination….
Self-Hypnosis 3TU Data Intelligence Stages of Change. Retrieved from acquisition-advice/stages-of-change/ acquisition-advice/stages-of-change/ Are You Ready?
Self-Hypnosis How do you ensure success? For self hypnosis to work for you, several things that must happen. 1.First, you must let go of any false preconceptions that you have about hypnosis. 2.You must always think positively and believe it will work. You also have to want it to work. 3.You must be willing to relax and focus and enter a trance state. 4.You also must be highly motivated to reach a specific goal – no vague generalities allowed.
Self-Hypnosis Now let’s relax… And 1 st Step…
Self-Hypnosis Jen Years Certified Consulting Hypnotist Zen Jen’s Mojo Dojo Lesson 2
Self-Hypnosis Assessment Let’s break down our wishes into behaviors, emotions, sensations, images, and thoughts… ….so we can make some goals
Self-Hypnosis BASIC Assessment Situation or Problem to be Assessed: This is your wish. Example: I am a smoker and wish to become a non-smoker.
Self-Hypnosis BASIC Assessment BEHAVIOR: What are you currently doing regarding the situation? When did you first behave that way? What is happening at the time? How do you deal with it? Who is with you? Where do you go? Example: I smoke 1 ½ packs per day - I smoke Camels - I smoke during stressful situations, especially at work, and with my co-workers
Self-Hypnosis BASIC Assessment AFFECT: What are my emotions related to my behavior? What makes you sad? What makes you cry? What makes you fearful and opposite? When would that event not upset you? Example: I’m angry at myself for continuing to smoke – I get pleasure from smoking – It reduces anxiety
Self-Hypnosis BASIC Assessment SENSATIONS: What are the physical symptoms related to my behavior? Think of the 5 senses: Which sounds are pleasant/unpleasant? What sights are appealing or not? What about the tastes – like/dislike? What physical signs, if any, do you have as a results of your behavior? Example: I get headaches – shortness of breath – hacking cough – I don’t like the taste – My clothes/stuff smell bad
Self-Hypnosis BASIC Assessment IMAGERY: How do I image myself related to my behavior? These are the mental images that influence our lives. Close your eyes and evaluate your self image during that behavior. Just what you see, not what you feel. Where are you? Who is with you and what are they doing? Example: I imagine myself as being successful when I smoke – smoking represents authority to me.
Self-Hypnosis BASIC Assessment COGNITION: What are my thoughts related to my behavior? Try not to use the word “should” or “could”. What do you think about what you are doing? What would you like to do instead? Example: My thoughts are that I’m doing a dumb thing and at some point will get ill if I continue smoking… I better stop.
Self-Hypnosis Goals Now we know what we really want and how we feel about it. Let’s make some goals and objectives!
Self-Hypnosis Goal Setting A goal is a general statement about the outcome you wish to see. Objectives are the commitments you make to achieve your goal.
Self-Hypnosis Goal Setting GOAL: What do I want to achieve and by when? Example: I am an ex-smoker on January 31, BENEFITS: What benefits will I derive from achieving my goal? Example: I’ll feel better – I’ll feel clean – I’ll save money – My body and clothing will smell better and my social life will improve
Self-Hypnosis Objectives Be sure to remember when you write your objectives, keep it: Positive Simple Believable Measurable Reward Centered In Present Tense
Self-Hypnosis Objectives THINKING: What must I be thinking to achieve my goal? Example: I must rid myself of the idea that I am attached to getting pleasures from smoking – I must acknowledge that I own the habit instead of it owning me.
Self-Hypnosis Objectives FEELING: What must I be feeling to achieve my goal? Example: I must feel that being an ex- smoker is OK – I must experience that giving up this bad habit and addiction will give me a better feeling about myself.
Self-Hypnosis Objectives ACTION: What specific steps – By what deadline must I achieve my goal? Example: I must set up a withdrawal system for quitting (e.g ). I must buy cigarettes only in the morning and break up all but my daily allotment. I must drink lots of water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C daily. Grubbing and giving are no longer okay.
Self-Hypnosis Step 2 25
Self-Hypnosis Jen Years Certified Consulting Hypnotist Zen Jen’s Mojo Dojo Lesson 3
Self-Hypnosis Build Your Script With Suggestions What are you going to tell yourself? Use your goals and action objectives to build positive suggestions.
Self-Hypnosis Suggestions Goals Beliefs Feelings Attitudes Behaviors Reinforcement: Any action or thing that strengthens a habit – positively or negatively Encouragement: Motivational tool to manipulate an individual’s drive – can be internal or external
Self-Hypnosis Reinforcement: Any action or thing that strengthens a habit – positively or negatively – often unconscious and counter-productive HabitNegative Reinforcement OversleepingWatching late shows on TV SmokingGoing for drink after work Weight ControlUsing candy to reward self Reinforcement To create positive suggestions, we must overcome fear. Fear and resistance exist together. Eliminate either and change can occur. How do we make these positive?
Self-Hypnosis Drive Example The drive to meet the weekly sales goal Internal Self-Suggestion – Preparing a Daily Sales Plan External Company Sales Contest Encouragement: Motivational tool to manipulate an individual’s drive – may be internal or external Encouragement What are some examples of internal and external encouragement for you?
Self-Hypnosis Writing Your Suggestion/Script Now, take your Goal Setting form and look at the Action Steps again. ACTION: What specific steps – By what deadline must I achieve my goal? Example: I must set up a withdrawal system for quitting (e.g ). I must buy cigarettes only in the morning and break up all but my daily allotment. I must drink lots of water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C daily. Grubbing and giving are no longer okay.
Self-Hypnosis Writing Your Suggestion/Script Take your Action Steps and check: Is it Positive, Simple, Believable, Measurable And does it Carry a Reward? Is it in Present Tense? Example: I must set up a withdrawal system for quitting (e.g ). I must buy cigarettes only in the morning and break up all but my daily allotment. I must drink lots of water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C daily. Grubbing and giving are no longer okay.
Self-Hypnosis Writing Your Suggestion/Script Take your Action Steps and check: Does it Carry a Reward? Go back to the Goal Setting form – Benefits Section Example: I must set up a withdrawal system for quitting (e.g ). I must buy cigarettes only in the morning and break up all but my daily allotment. I must drink lots of water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C daily. Grubbing and giving are no longer okay. BENEFITS: What benefits will I derive from achieving my goal? Example: I’ll feel better – I’ll feel clean – I’ll save money – My body and clothing will smell better and my social life will improve
Self-Hypnosis Writing Your Suggestion/Script Rewrite your Action Steps as a Suggestion Script and use present tense verbiage: Example: I set up a withdrawal system for quitting (e.g ) which allows me to save money. I buy cigarettes only in the morning and break up all but my daily allotment. I drink lots of water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C daily which allows me to feel better. Grubbing and giving are not okay. These things allow me to feel clean, smell better, and my social life improves.
Self-Hypnosis Now Put It All Together Take your suggestion and enter it into the Reinforcement Script: Example: I set up a withdrawal system for quitting (e.g ) which allows me to save money. I buy cigarettes only in the morning and break up all but my daily allotment. I drink lots of water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C daily which allows me to feel better. Grubbing and giving are not okay. These things allow me to feel clean, smell better, and my social life improves.
Self-Hypnosis Step 3 Example: I set up a withdrawal system for quitting (e.g ) which allows me to save money. I buy cigarettes only in the morning and break up all but my daily allotment. I drink lots of water, eat fruit, and take vitamin C daily which allows me to feel better. Grubbing and giving are not okay. These things allow me to feel clean, smell better, and my social life improves.
Self-Hypnosis YOU ARE READY FOR CHANGE I’m here to support you. Thank you for sharing.