1 EMCal TRU situation report
2 EMCal TRU situation report Dated Still lots to do (I was sick) Still few offers to get Hans ADC order has been sent, but items still missing The delivery time estimation is still valid doable, but we'd like to have few competing offers We have an offer 4-6 weeks delivery time We need to do orders for +6 components
3 EMCal TRU situation report ,86
4 EMCal TRU situation report New timetable
5 EMCal TRU situation report Component situation: 12 out of 104 have arrived in CERN Resistors and capacitators are handled by assembly company (67/104)* 15/104 have been ordered 4/104 we have order waiting for signature** 3/104 offer has expired and we are waiting for new offer 2/104 No real offer yet, Joachim in USA is handling those 1/104 part of PCB production
6 EMCal TRU situation report * Current offer states component prices ~ SFr from assembly company. ~ if we order full reels of everything from CERN system and YEint. If I recall correctly the company said that they can handle non-full reel parts too, so we could get lot cheaper by buying the components by our self. ** Order includes APA075 FPGAs which we would have to buy one third more than what we need, Jo in USA is contacted on the matter.
7 EMCal TRU situation report Coding: Current code version has not been documented properly and designed for PHOS TRU with V2 chips. The code has to be checked throughly and documented while doing it. This project is going on. Coding is done with Verilog HDL, and we are moving to System Verilog HDL, which provides better structure and the synthetisation program provides better results than the what we are currently using. The order for Synplify Premier synthetisation program was just sent ( ). (Promises 10% more effiency than the one which is used currently and Jo Inge is moving also to use it.)
8 EMCal TRU situation report Our EMCal Wiki pages: They are quite a mess... Which needs cleaning and organizationing, I'm the only one with responsibility on that issue. Dong Jo: could you copy everything what is on analysis side on EMCal pages to public side? I'll fix the links though... This is related to the coding in issue of documentation, which I need to improve a lot.
9 EMCal TRU situation report Documentation: Paper: Orders and other money related items in detail Design and part lists Timetable What else? Wiki: Timetable and budget EMCal briefly Links to other EMCal resources Design more detailed Part situation in detail FPGA code Personal: Technical details of parts (possibly needed for coding) learning verilog in order to teach you later Contacts for future use
10 EMCal TRU situation report To Do: The price for parts from assembly company was high, I need to get prices for ordering the components in reels from other source.
11 EMCal TRU situation report
12 EMCal TRU situation report