1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.1 Module 6: 2 Hours Developing Objectives Aligned to State Standards
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.2 Training Outline Module One: Overview & Introduction to Data Collection Module One: Overview & Introduction to Data Collection Module Two: Data Collection Module Two: Data Collection Module Three: PLAAFP Overview Module Three: PLAAFP Overview Module Four: PLAAFP – Documenting Strengths and Challenges Module Four: PLAAFP – Documenting Strengths and Challenges Module Five: Developing Goals Module Five: Developing Goals Module Six: Developing Objectives Module Six: Developing Objectives
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.3 Purpose of Training The purpose of these training modules is to reline and expand your current skills in developing data-based and student- focused goals and objectives that align with state standards and the general education curriculum. The purpose of these training modules is to reline and expand your current skills in developing data-based and student- focused goals and objectives that align with state standards and the general education curriculum. The purpose is also to share new forms and processes to be implemented in Cy Fair ISD The purpose is also to share new forms and processes to be implemented in Cy Fair ISD
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.4 Training Guidelines Take responsibility for your own learning and honor your personal expectations Take responsibility for your own learning and honor your personal expectations Honor the time limits (e.g. return from breaks promptly) Honor the time limits (e.g. return from breaks promptly) Participate by sharing your ideas and experiences Participate by sharing your ideas and experiences Listen and consider the opinions of others Listen and consider the opinions of others Participate in the activities and the scenarios presented Participate in the activities and the scenarios presented Maintain confidentiality Maintain confidentiality
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.5 Objectives Where is the student now? How will the student get there? Where do we want the student to go? ObjectivesGOALPLAAFP
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.6 Purpose of Objectives: Objectives Breaks down goal into measurable steps A task analysis of the goal Follows a logical sequence
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.7 Objectives Objectives should be aligned to state standards and should identify the incremental steps toward achieving the long term goal. They should: State the conditions outlining how they will observe and measure the student behavior State the conditions outlining how they will observe and measure the student behavior Define the behavior Define the behavior Be measurable, criterion Be measurable, criterion
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.8 Objectives Objectives are indicators of progress toward reaching a goal. They should state: Conditions HOW PRESENTED Conditions HOW PRESENTED The Behavior DOES WHAT The Behavior DOES WHAT Criterion HOW MUCH Criterion HOW MUCH
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.9 Conditions (How Presented): ConditionsExamples What will be imposed When working independently When working independently When seated When seated Within 5 minutes Within 5 minutes ________________ ________________ What is given Given a verbal/physical prompt Given a verbal/physical prompt Given a word bank Given a word bank Using manipulatives Using manipulatives ________________ ________________ What is denied Without reminders Without reminders Without the aide of a calculator Without the aide of a calculator ________________ ________________ Situation/Environmental setting When given a pattern When given a pattern In a small group setting In a small group setting After listening to…. After listening to…. ________________ ________________ Situations In a group of 4 In a group of 4 During group discussions During group discussions ________________ ________________
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.10 Behavior (Does What) The behavior is: Process Verbs: Completion of Statement: The expected behavior/skill to be changed or maintained What the student will do is a result of the instruction or condition is described What the student will do is a result of the instruction or condition is described Expressed by process verbs Expressed by process verbs Understandable and observable by anyone Understandable and observable by anyone Point Point Place Place Choose Choose Read Read Write Write List List Complete Complete _________ _________ To the object/picture To the object/picture An object appropriately An object appropriately The named picture The named picture A short passage A short passage ___________________ ___________________
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.11 If you cannot describe it, You cannot observe it…… And if you cannot observe it, You cannot measure it.
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.12 Criteria (How Much) Types of Criteria Examples of Criteria TimeAccuracyDurationCombinationIntensity Within 10 minutes Within 10 minutes ______________________________ ______________________________ Three out of four opportunities Three out of four opportunities 70% accuracy 70% accuracy With no more than 2 errors With no more than 2 errors ______________________________ ______________________________ For ten minutes For ten minutes After 10 minutes After 10 minutes _______________________________ _______________________________ A minimum of 3 correct responses within 10 minutes A minimum of 3 correct responses within 10 minutes For 5 minutes, with 70% accuracy over 10 consecutive trials For 5 minutes, with 70% accuracy over 10 consecutive trials _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Using a volume appropriate for the classroom Using a volume appropriate for the classroom ________________________________ ________________________________
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.13 Measurement (How Evaluated) Measurement indicated how progress toward the objective is to be measured. This is documented on the IEP page under the section: “Evaluation Procedures May Include:” Examples: Pre and Post Testing Pre and Post Testing Written Assignments Written Assignments Physical Demonstration Physical Demonstration Oral Questioning Oral Questioning Criterion/Curriculum Testing Criterion/Curriculum Testing Student Portfolio Student Portfolio Other____________________________ Other____________________________
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.14 Writing Objectives When given a structured writing assignment, Johnny will edit towards standard grammar and usage with 70% accuracy. As a teacher, what skills would you teach to master this goal?
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.15 Reasons to Make Objectives More Specific Teachers from year to year know what specific skills are of particular weakness in grammatical skills Teachers from year to year know what specific skills are of particular weakness in grammatical skills Parents know specifically what skills you plan to work on so they can better support you Parents know specifically what skills you plan to work on so they can better support you At the end of the annual ARD period, students may not have mastered all of the goal but may have mastered a portion of the goal indicating progress towards mastery. At the end of the annual ARD period, students may not have mastered all of the goal but may have mastered a portion of the goal indicating progress towards mastery.
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.16 Rewritten Objective In a structured writing assignment, Johnny will edit towards standard grammar and usage to include subject/verb agreement with 70% accuracy.
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.17 Writing Objectives GOAL: By the annual ARD, when presented with grade level standards, Johnny will edit towards standard grammar and usage as evidenced by mastery of the following objectives at the criteria level indicated below. OBJECTIVE: Given a structured writing assignment, Johnny will use subject/verb agreement in 7 of 10 opportunities. Who? Behavior (Does what?) Conditions (How presented?) (How presented?) Criteria (How much?) How evaluated?
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.18 Writing Objectives GOAL: By the end annual ARD, when presented with grade level standards, Susie will answer comprehension questions as evidenced by mastery of the following objectives at the criteria level indicated below. GOAL: By the end annual ARD, when presented with grade level standards, Susie will answer comprehension questions as evidenced by mastery of the following objectives at the criteria level indicated below. OBJECTIVE: After reading a passage at her instructional level, Susie will orally answer comprehension questions including literal questions with 70% accuracy. OBJECTIVE: After reading a passage at her instructional level, Susie will orally answer comprehension questions including literal questions with 70% accuracy. Who? Behavior (Does what?) Conditions (How presented?) (How presented?) Criteria (How much?) How evaluated?
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.19 Goal and Objective Activity 10 minutes In small groups, select a facilitator, recorder, timekeeper and reporter In small groups, select a facilitator, recorder, timekeeper and reporter Select a goal previously written for Rusty or Sam in Module 5 Select a goal previously written for Rusty or Sam in Module 5 Write 2 objectives using the form provided Write 2 objectives using the form provided Record your objectives in sentence form on the overhead transparency provided Record your objectives in sentence form on the overhead transparency provided
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.20 Application Activity: Writing Standards Based Goals and Objectives Teams will be given a student profile. Teams will be given a student profile. Determine the student’s strengths and needs. Determine the student’s strengths and needs. Develop a PLAAFP statement Develop a PLAAFP statement Determine an area affected by the disability Determine an area affected by the disability Determine which standard the student will be working toward Determine which standard the student will be working toward Develop a goal aligned to the state content standard Develop a goal aligned to the state content standard Write at least 2 objectives for that goal using the forms provided Write at least 2 objectives for that goal using the forms provided Determine if all criteria for goals and objectives have been met Determine if all criteria for goals and objectives have been met Write the goal and two objectives on an overhead transparency to share with the total group Write the goal and two objectives on an overhead transparency to share with the total group
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.21 Case Studies NAME Page No. GradeDisability StanPPCD Dev. Delays Lewis7thLD/OHI Juanita9thMR Suzie4thMR/SI Maria3rdLD
1/12/09Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.22 DomainStrengthsChallenges Vocational Communication/Language Academics Motor/Sensory Social/Emotional Self Help/ Independence PLAAFP:___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
1/12/09 Module 6 - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. 23 Questions and Concerns