AMS Emergency Supplies Ms. Thayer’s Beginner ELL Class
Water Recommendations- Kero and Ivan ½ gallon per person per day times three days, with small paper cups
Water Page 1— Kero and Ivan We have 7 small bags of Emergency Water We are not prepared Because we need 2 liters for each person for 3 days for drinking
Water Page 2—Kero and Ivan That is 4650 liters or 1163 gallons We also need 100 sealed water pouches for first aid. We only have 7.
First Aid Part 1, Page 1 Kero and Ivan Compress, 4 x 4": 1500 per 750 students --Have 100, 1400 Compress, 8 x 10": 225 per 750 students --Have 0 Need 225 Elastic bandage: 2-inch: 12 per campus; 4-inch: 12 per campus Have 0 need 12 and 12 Triangular bandage: Need 24, have 9, need 15 Cardboard splints: 24 each, Have 9 need 15, a mix of small, medium, large
First Aid Part 1, Page 2 --Kero and Ivan We are not prepared We need many things to be prepared: 4” compresses, 8 x10 “ compresses, elastic bandages, triangular bandages and splints
First Aid Part 2 Page 1 —Diego and Joshua Butterfly bandages: Need 50, have 200 Water in small sealed containers: Need 100 (for cleaning wounds, etc.), have 7 Hydrogen peroxide: need 10 pints have 0 Bleach, 1 small bottle, have 0 Plastic basket or wire basket stretchers or backboards: 1.5/100 students Need about 8 stretchers, have 2 and 0 backboards, need 6 stretchers
First Aid Part 2 Page 2— Diego and Joshua We are not prepared To be prepared we need water, peroxide, bleach, and stretchers. Costs
First Aid Part 3, Page 1 Diego and Joshua Scissors (paramedic): Have 0 need 4 Tweezers: Have 0 need 3 campus Triage tags: Have 0, need 75 Latex gloves: Have 50 pairs, Need 150 pairs Oval eye patch: Have 0 need 50 per campus
First Aid Part 3, Page 2 Diego and Joshua We are not prepared To be prepared we need scissors, tweezers, tags, more gloves and eye patches. Costs
First Aid Part 4 Page 1— Nazar and Juan Tapes: 1" cloth: have only 1 roll, need 49 Tape 2" cloth: Have 0 need 24 Dust masks: we have 2 and need about 200 Disposable blankets: have 0 need about 80 First Aid books: Have 0 books, need 2 standard and 2 advanced per campus Space blankets: Have 799, need 0 Heavy duty rubber gloves: Have 1 pair, need 4 pairs
First Aid Part 4 Page 2— Nazar and Juan We are not prepared To be prepared we need more tape, masks, disposable blankets, heavy gloves and first aid books.
Sanitation Page 1— Nazar and Juan Have 2 toilets and 2 shelters, we need 8 full toilet kits: 1 portable toilet, privacy shelter, 20 rolls toilet paper, 300 wet wipes, 300 plastic bags with ties, 10 large plastic trash bags Soap and water, in addition to the wet wipes, is strongly advised.
Sanitation Page 2— Nazar and Juan We are not prepared To be prepared we need more toilet kits, with 6 more toilets, 6 more shelters, 160 rolls of toilet paper, 2400 wet wipes, 2400 plastic bags and 80 large trash bags. We should also have soap, water for handwashing and we do not.
Tools Part 1 Page 1— Mohamed and Daniel Barrier tape, 3" x 1000": 3 rolls, Have 0 Pry bar Have 1, need 0 Pick ax Need 1 Sledge hammer Have 1 Shovel Need 1 Pliers Have
Tools Part 1 Page 2— Mohamed and Daniel We are not prepared To be prepared we need barrier tape, a pick ax, and a shovel.
Tools Part 2 Page 1— Mohamed and Daniel Bolt cutters HAVE Hammer HAVE 3 Screwdrivers Have10 Utility knife Have 5 Broom Do not have Utility shut off wrench: 1 per utility (Gas and Water) Have gas wrench but not water
Tools Part 2 Page 2— Mohamed and Daniel We are not prepared To be prepared we need= Brooms, water shut off wrench
Food Recommendations— Sharon and Linh The Red Cross says that food is not as important as other things. But the Red Cross says one thing we can do is get 2-3 energy bars for everyone in the school. After 1 year, we can give those bars to the food bank and get new ones. It is important to have some food for people with diabetes. We will need 1550 to 2325 energy bars
Food—Sharon and Linh Right now we don’t have any emergency food. Food like carbohydrates calms people down. What if we are stuck here and can not get home? We should buy new food every year and donate the old food to the food bank every year.
Other Supplies 1 Page 1 –Kero and IVAN Folding tables, 3' x 6': Need 3-4, have 0 Chairs: Have 0 if we can’t go back in school. Identification vests for staff, preferably color-coded per school plan Clipboards with emergency job descriptions
Other Supplies 1 Page 2 –Kero and IVAN We are not prepared We have only one empty clipboard with no job descriptions. To be prepared we need everything on this list: tables, chairs, vests and clipboards with jobs
Other Supplies 2 page 1— DA and Joshua Office supplies: pens, paper, etc. Signs for student request and release Alphabetical dividers for request gate Copies of all necessary forms Cable to connect car battery for emergency power
Other Supplies 2 Page 2— DA and Joshua We are not prepared To be prepared we need signs, forms, ABC dividers, student release forms, cable for car battery power.
Search and Rescue Team Member Needs Page 1 = Juan and Nazar -- Hard hat, OSHA approved Identification vest Leather work gloves Safety Goggles Dust mask Flash light, extra batteries Duffel or tote bag or backpack to carry equipment
Search and Rescue Team Member Needs Page 2 = Juan and Nazar We have 7 people assigned to search and rescue. We have 3 helmets, maybe 3 pairs of gloves, maybe 3 dust masks Each team member needs a complete set of gear.
Search and Rescue Gear for Team— Sharon and Linh We have 7 people on our Search and Rescue Team. Gear per S&R Team Backpack with First Aid supplies Master keys
Search and Rescue for Team—Diego and Joshua We have 2 backpacks, but we would like better first aid supplies. We have people with Master Keys, but what if those people are trapped in the building? What is our plan?