Warm Up 1. How does climate change affect agriculture? 2. What is ocean acidification, and what is the effect on marine life? 3. How does climate change affect the spread of infectious diseases?
What do these two photos have in common?
Objective SWBAT explain how changes in global temperature have and will impact sea level.
Starter Why do you think these cities are at risk of sea level rise?
Let’s Get Focused.
Sea Level Rise: Why does it matter?? HALF of the world’s population (3.5 billion people) lives along coastlines. Why does this create a potentially devastating problem?
Why are sea levels rising? 1. As air temperatures rise (due to climate change) the water in the oceans expands and takes up more space. 2. The melting of ice in ice sheets and glaciers can increase the volume of water in the oceans. 3. Tectonic plates: Plates can move around. So, if a continent is rising, the ocean water at the continent's coast will appear to fall. Likewise, if a continent or portion of a continent is sinking, the sea level at the coast will appear to rise. This effect is known as relative sea level rise.
Video: Why are sea levels rising? rise.asp rise.asp
Is it natural or human caused? Scientists have shown that in the past there have been periods of significant sea level change due to natural factors. However, current measurements and predictions indicate that human activity is now the main driving force.
Does it rise all at the same time? Sea level rise is not a uniform process. It increases vary widely by region. Example: This means that while Scotland might not see any significant sea level rise in the near future, somewhere like the The Chesapeake Bay, USA may see an above average rise.
How much are sea levels rising? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the global average sea level will rise by 7.2 to 23.6 inches (18-59cm) by 2100 (see Figure 1)
Sea-level rise projections: 2 ft: U.S. would lose 10,000 square miles 3 ft: Would inundate Miami Affects erosion, loss of wetlands, freshwater supplies
What are the impacts of sea level rise? Sea-level rise also increases: Coastal erosion Loss of coastal wetlands Saltwater spills into freshwater drinking supplies Coastal populations become even more vulnerable to storm surge and flooding.
Guided Practice With a partner, you will have 4 minutes per question to analyze the data and answer the question.
Using the graph below describe what has happened to sea levels in the past and what is predicted to happen in the future.
Past = Before 1875 (Before the Industrial Revolution) -Slight increase but mostly straight line = constant = sea level has increased from -80 mm to 40 mm. This is a difference of an increase +120 mm Future = exponentially increase from +40mm to +500mm in This is a difference of an increase +460mm
What did the Atlantic Rising video say were the two biggest causes of sea level rise globally? Sinking land Melting glaciers and ice sheets Ocean circulation changes Warming oceans expand Water storage on land
What did the Atlantic Rising video say were the two biggest causes of sea level rise globally? Sinking land Melting glaciers and ice sheets Ocean circulation changes Warming oceans expand Water storage on land 1.Melting Glaciers & Ice Sheets 1.Warming Oceans Expand
Looking at the maps below do you think that the Bangladesh or the UK is more at risk from rising sea levels? Explain your answer.
RED = Lower sea level GREEN = Higher above sea level WHICH IS MORE AT RISK?
Looking at the maps below do you think that the Bangladesh or the UK is more at risk from rising sea levels? Explain your answer. RED = Lower sea level GREEN = Higher above sea level WHICH IS MORE AT RISK?
Based on the data below, which areas of the world will be most affected by sea level rise in terms of land area, population and GDP?
Land Area? Population? Gross Domestic Production GDP? ASIA has a lot to lose in terms of population, but those with lower GDP will take a harder hit
Europe is predicted to be affected heavily in terms of the economy but not in terms of people and land, while North America is expected to affected heavily in terms of land but not in terms of people or the economy. What might be some reasons for these differences in the predictions? TAKE IT A STEP FURTHER & PREDICT
Interactive: Sea levels rising on NC coasts
Exit Ticket 1. Why are sea levels rising? Provide two different explanations. 2. T/F Human activity is the main driving force of sea levels rising. 3. Why is the issue of sea levels rising such an important, potentially devastating issue? 4. How can sea level rise impact fresh drinking water? 5. Would coastal NC or Bangladesh be more adaptable to sea level rise?
Independent Practice Read the article about North Carolina sea-level rise. Answer the five questions on the back based on what you know about sea-level rise.
Independent Practice: Answers 1. Who is the NC-20? Why do they exist? They are a partnership of eastern North Carolina counties and businesses, called NC-20, is opposing the state's position that coastal building regulations should account for predictions that call for the sea level to rise 39 inches by 2100.
Independent Practice: Answers 2. How did North Carolina gather information on sea level rise? What were their findings? A state-appointed science panel that the ocean is ascending at about one-tenth of an inch per year and that the rate is expected to accelerate as the water warms and glaciers melt.
Independent Practice: Answers 3. According to the NC-20, what “scary” regulations need to be put in place that would devastate the NC construction industry? New houses would have to be elevated, expensive sewer treatment systems would replace septic tanks, waterfront lots would be off-limits to building, and insurance rates could skyrocket.
Independent Practice: Answers 4. How are local governments reacting to these building regulations? Most agree that we can't operate as if sea level doesn't change and isn't rising.
Independent Practice: Answers Think about this quote Miller, a coastal policy analyst for NC states, “We're not trying to tell people what they can and cannot do. We're asking how can you build properties to withstand the impacts of sea- level rise. Think long term. Will that survive a rise in sea level?” Should coastal towns like Elizabeth City and Edenton prepare for sea- level rise? Why or why not? Use evidence from the article to defend your claim. Yes- they should because parts of downtown Elizabeth City are below sea level. The courthouse property on Main Street lies at 8 feet above sea level. After heavy rains, water stands in the streets only blocks away from the Pasquotank River, which represents a sea level rising issue. They are at risk to hurricanes “like Irene” so why not prepare ahead of time? No- these are “exaggerated predictions based on bad science.”