Project / subject name: Industrial Realization of CMOS- integrated Nanosensors Contact person and organization: Anton Köck, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

Project / subject name: Industrial Realization of CMOS- integrated Nanosensors Contact person and organization: Anton Köck, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Gmbh address: Telephone number(s): , Grand challenge addressed (from AWP 2013): “Competitiveness through Semiconductor Process Differentiation” Acronym proposal: RealNano

Motivation Problem to be solved: Reliable fabrication and implementation of nano- components (nanowires, nanoparticles,…) on CMOS devices Research Domain: Heterogeneous Integration, 3D-integration, Nanotechnology; More than Moore Market innovation and impact: Employing nano-components for the realization of new devices, such as smart sensor systems (e.g. gas sensors in consumer electronic products, safety- and health-applications in smart phone)

WS on 3D SiP, ESREF 2012 Cagliari, Italy, October 1st, 2012  COCOA: Chip-On-Chip technology to Open new Applications STMicroelectronics + 19 partners (ams AG,…) Device development  ESiP: Efficient Silicon Multi-Chip System-in-Package Integration – Reliability, Failure Analysis and Test Infineon AG + 41 partners (ams AG,…) Reliability issues Gas Sensors

WS on 3D SiP, ESREF 2012 Cagliari, Italy, October 1st, 2012 SnO 2, CuO & ZnO-Nanowires + Nanoparticles  Reproducibility !  Each device is unique !  How to implement on CMOS-chip ? SnO 2 CuO SnO 2 CuO

WS on 3D SiP, ESREF 2012 Cagliari, Italy, October 1st, 2012 SnO 2, CuO & ZnO-Nanowires + Nanoparticles SnO 2 CuO ZnO

Objectives Brief description of a project/subject idea: Development of an industrial process chain enabling the implementation of nano-components on CMOS- chips Final objective: Demonstration of “nano-based” devices capable for mass production (e.g. gas sensor arrays,…) Main activities: Process development, nanowire synthesis (on wafer- scale), nanoparticle implementation, transfer processes, device development, device fabrication, reliability issues

Organizational Consortium status Preliminary: AIT, ams AG, EVG, IMTEK(?), CAN Available key partners and capabilities AIT, ams AG, EVG, CAN NW synthesis, 3D integration, wafer handling, NP production Missing capabilities and/or partners: Other partners employing nano-components, identifying additional “nano-enabled” devices (e.g. super-caps), definition of viable process chains Indicative size (person.years and Euro’s): t.b.d. Program addressed (ENIAC/CATRENE): ENIAC