Theories of Deviance
Cultural Transmission Theory deviance is a learned behavior differential association – interactions with deviants will make you deviant EX: you grow up around violent crime and then become violent
Structural-Strain Theory deviance is a natural outgrowth of values, norms, and structure of society when cultural goals and the means of achieving those goals don’t line up – strain is produced 4 responses to strain: innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion (pg. 165)
Control Theory weak ties to the community increase likelihood of deviant acts people with strong ties have more to lose if they are deviant with more social ties, your inner controls will be stronger to keep you from deviating
Conflict Theory struggle between haves and have-nots haves commit deviance to maintain power have-nots commit deviance: to obtain financial rewards because they have low self-esteem
Labeling Theory focuses on how our labels affect our self-concept (secondary deviance) how we’re labeled sets us on paths of either deviance or conformity
Bob Peterson: Just out of curiosity Bob Peterson: Just out of curiosity. What exactly is your Halloween costume? Jeff Montgomery: I’m a sex offender. Bob Peterson: Excuse me? Jeff Montgomery: I’m a sex offender. Oh, oh, for Halloween! Bob Peterson: You’re a sex offender? Jeff Montgomery: Yeah, pretty convincing, huh? Here, watch this: ” I’m Jeff Montgomery. By law I’m required to inform you that I am a repeat offender and I’ll be living in your neighborhood.” Great costume, right? Could you sign and date this, please?