1 Introduction This activity looks at how individuals cope with cancer, the challenges that are faced with a cancer diagnosis, what can keep individuals going, and the practicalities of treatment. In this activity, you will: discover how individuals cope with cancer by listening to their personal experiences. Slide 1 of 6© South West Health Colleges Consortium 2012 Coping with Cancer
2 Cancer and people’s emotions Cancer strikes with little reason. It does not discriminate, and chooses its victims regardless of wealth or social status. It has a cruel way of robbing someone of their dignity, self-respect and independence, and can be physically and financially draining. It can steal one's hope and joy. In short, it can be very difficult to cope with cancer. Through their journey, a patient will experience a number of different emotions, which can be very confusing. Just remember, that in most circumstances, what they are feeling is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation – living with cancer. Slide 2 of 6© South West Health Colleges Consortium 2012 Coping with Cancer
3 Cancer and people’s feelings There are a number of feelings that people can have after a diagnosis of cancer. Some people report experiencing each one, while others only some, so it is difficult to say exactly what each person will feel along the way. For example, some people have reported feelings of vulnerability, depression, anger, fear, and hopelessness. Others have indicated they were forced to face their own mortality and for the first time in their life consider whether they would survive cancer. Still others search for reason, understanding and emotional support to help them deal with cancer. The important thing to remember is that there are many similarities in how people deal with cancer, yet each person is different. Watch the video on the next screen, which shows people who have been through cancer treatment, and reflect on their stories. Slide 3 of 6© South West Health Colleges Consortium 2012 Coping with Cancer
Text description Slide 4 of 6 Cancer and people’s feelings Watch the video, which contains people who have been through cancer treatment, and reflect on their stories. (If you cannot see the video above, please click here to access the video.) click here to access the video © South West Health Colleges Consortium 2012 Coping with Cancer
Text description A video about dealing with cancer. Click on the icon below for a transcript. Back to previous slide © South West Health Colleges Consortium 2012 Coping with Cancer
6 Summary In this activity you have listened to patients’ individual feelings about cancer and how they have coped. You have reflected on your feelings related to this and the challenges that individuals with cancer may face. Slide 5 of 6© South West Health Colleges Consortium 2012 Coping with Cancer
7 Guided learning Reflect on the video you have just watched. Write down how you think each person felt and handled their diagnosis. How do you think you might have helped any of these people when they are feeling the way they are? How might you change your communication? Explain the role of the health professional in helping patients minimise their anxiety. What support might you help them get? Slide 6 of 6© South West Health Colleges Consortium 2012 Coping with Cancer