IT FIPT: Improving the Information Technology (IT) Acquisition Workforce Crystal Gateway 2, Suite 910 August 19, 2010 Dr. Thomas Hickok Unclassified
Purpose of Brief 9/6/20152 Unclassified This brief will provide an overview of IT FIPT* and IT Functional Leader (FL) roles and responsibilities Goal is an informed, engaged, and proactive IT FIPT partnering with the IT FL to positively impact the IT Acquisition workforce and the IT acquisitions with which they are engaged * Functional Integrated Process Team
Functional Center Directors AT&L Functional Leaders Mr. Alfred Volkman AT&L IC Mr. James Dalton FE Mr. Stephen Welby SPRDE/SE/PQM Dr. John Fischer STM Mr. Randy Fowler LOG Mr. Shay Assad CON Dr. Nancy Spruill BCEFM Mr. George Prosnik E&T Mr. Bill Kobren LOG Revised 23 Jun 10 Mr. Lenny Manning CON Ms. Sharon Jackson BCEFM Mr. Edward Greer T&E Mr. Dave Ahern ACQ & PM Mr. Brad Brown ACQ-PM Ms. Joyce France IT
4 IT Career Field Functional Leader (FL) IT Functional Leader is Ms. Joyce France, Director, CIO Management Services, ODASD (Information Management, Integration, and Technology)/DoD CIO Executive Secretariat --- Ms. Tina-Marie Buckman Support staff --- Dr. Thomas Hickok, Ms. Felicia White The IT FL is appointed by USD (AT&L): serves as senior DoD subject-matter expert for IT acquisition functional area provides oversight and management of IT career development requirements establishes and maintains position category descriptions (PCDs) and education, training, and experience requirements for IT career field establishes IT career field competency standards, DAWIA certification standards, and training curriculum requirements
5 IT FIPT Responsibilities Supports Functional Leader (FL) in carrying out responsibilities Provides input into education, training, and experience requirements for IT career field, including PCDs, competencies, and certification standards Provides IT Functional Leader (FL) with information, perspectives, and recommendations to guide decisions related to DoD IT Acquisition workforce Serves as forum for cross-cutting IT initiatives, lessons learned, and issues of mutual interest Provides means for information and best practice sharing across the DoD IT Acquisition community
6 IT FIPT Membership IT Functional Leader (FL) Component and 4th Estate IT Functional representatives Component and 4th Estate Directors for Acquisition Career Management (DACM) representatives DAU Program Learning Director (PLD) for the IT career field Information Resource Management College (IRMC) SME Other SMEs as appointed by the Functional Leader
7 IT FIPT CONOPS Meetings held quarterly IPT “Rules of the Road” apply to IT FIPT Open discussions with no secrets Empowered, qualified team members Dedicated/committed proactive participation Issues raised and resolved early Participants staff actions and issues within their Components or organizations on FIPT on FIPT initiatives and decisions As required, the Functional Leader can establish subgroups and/or assign representatives to work on specific projects issues to be addressed by IT FIPT
8 IT FIPT Strategic Focus (notional)
Momentum for Change DoD Report to Congress (July, 2010 draft) “A New Approach for Delivering Information Capabilities in the DoD”: “The new process will substantially change the [IT Acquisition] skills needed… As such, the DoD will thoroughly review its needs from a training, certification, career path, recruiting, and retention perspective.” Recommendation of HASC Panel on Defense Acquisition Reform (March, 2010): “The Department should develop a plan for how to strengthen the IT acquisition workforce as it increases the size of the overall acquisition workforce in the coming years, including defined targets for billets devoted to IT acquisition, certification levels, and plans for developing and maintaining career paths.” (p. 18) 9/6/20159
10 Quality IT Workforce, Clear Career Field Certification Requirements & Governance Structure Connected to Improved IT Acquisition Results Active Functional Proponent in IT Functional Leader (FL) Proactive & Engaged IT FIPT seeking to upgrade the IT Acquisition workforce quality and positively impact IT acquisitions IT Acquisition Workforce Training and Certification Requirements Established & Understood IT career field course content current and relevant Summary
11 Guidance Documents & Related References DoDD , "Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program", 12 Jan 05 DoDI , “Reporting Management Information on DoD Military and Civilian Acquisition Personnel and Positions”, 1 Nov 91 DoDI , "Operation of the Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program," 21 Dec 05 “Functional Area Charters for Acquisition Career Development Program”, 26 Feb 01 AT&L Workforce Desk Guide 06%20ATL%20Workforce%20Desk%20Guide%20Issued%20Version%20with%20Forms.p df DAU IT Community of Practice site: DoD AT&L Career Management Home Page Defense Acquisition University (DAU) iCatalog
12 FIPT * Functional Leader Change in requirements IT FIPT provides essential support to the IT FL * DAU representation on Functional Integrated Process Teams (FIPTs) Centralized Design/Revision Development support DAU Center Director IT FIPT/IT Functional Leader input into DAU Curriculum PLD** ** Performance Learning Director (PLD) PLD Review/Validation Establishes competencies & training requirements
DoD Section 804 Response to Congress (Draft --- In Coordination) DoD to thoroughly review IT acquisition workforce needs : Training Certification Career path Recruiting and retention Will consider establishing a rotating personnel exchange with industry (ITEP) Organizations will include a billet with critical billets in all IT disciplines Establish incentive program for initial entry, mid-level entry from industry, and career progression for IT acquisition professionals. Target superior program/project managers Assess current IT focused training/certification programs Examine additional training opportunities provided by industry for possible collaboration with DAU and NDU 9/6/201513