Tyler Jenkins High School Teenagers Importance of exercise and physical activity.
ExercisePhysical activity Physical activity includes any body movement that contracts your muscles to burn more calories than your body would normally do by just being at rest. Physical activity can also improve strength, endurance and flexibility to a certain extent, but not as much as exercise can. Physical activity are things we do on a daily basis such as walking, cleaning, going up stairs, or even running to your car. There are ways to increase physical activity, such as always taking the stairs. Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful. Exercise improves muscular strength, physical activity, flexibility, and cardio vascular health. Exercise includes workout regimens that must be consistent in order to effective. It could vary from weight training to yoga. Difference between exercise and physical activity
o Everyone one exercises, it varies. o Males and females o Young and old o Professional athletes o Actors/actresses o Celebrities o Political figures o Teachers o Domestic animals What type of people exercise?
Aerobic exercise is sometimes known as cardio. exercise that requires pumping of oxygenated blood by the heart to deliver oxygen to working muscles. There are different types of aerobic exercises: running, walking, swimming, dancing, skiing are all examples of aerobic exercise.
Anaerobic means without oxygen Usually are short duration activities such as sprinting or weight lifting. You do not need oxygen because you are only doing it for a few seconds to a couple minutes Exercises that are anaerobic usually use fast twitch muscle fibers.
Weight training ΩWeight training increases muscular strength ΩWeight training increases muscle mass ΩWeight training increases joint strength ΩWeight training helps burn body fat and calories.
Cardiovascular training Increases blood flow to the heart Reduces risk of heart disease Helps to burn fat Can reduce body weight Can reduce blood pressure Improves overall health
Athletes and the effects of exercise and physical activity Exercise and physical activity can help to optimize performance. It can help to reduce the risk of injury in athletes. Give athletes a certain edge on the field. Helps athletes to become stringer and more powerful.
Effects of exercise and physical activity on depression Regular exercise has been proven to: Reduce stress Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression Boost self-esteem Improve sleep Are there Types of Exercises That Are Better for Depression? Biking Dancing Gardening Golf (walking instead of using the cart) Housework, especially sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming
How to perform certain basic exercises
o Works pectoralis major and minor (chest) it also incorporates your triceps as well. o Eyes should be directly under the bar. o Hands either be just a little more than shoulder width apart which is the neutral grip or even wider which is referred to as the wide grip. o The bar should be gripped tightly. o back should be retracted on descend. o Try and keep your elbows in and use explosive movement. o Try to accelerate bar quickly after touching chest. Bench press
Works on your quadriceps and incorporates hamstrings as well. It also involves your lower back as well. Feet should be shoulder width apart and toes should be pointed forward. The bar should not be placed directly on your neck. It should be placed right above your scapula's. Chest wide and head should be up upon descend. Knees should be over toes. Use explosive movement. Squat
Works a different angle of the chest it works the upper part of the chest muscle. Grip is the same as the bench press either neutral or wide grip. You can touch your chest but if you are using heavier weight it can put a lot of stress on the shoulder joint so you don’t always have to touch your chest. Should be an explosive movement. Do not arch your back if you do you must reduce your weight. Incline bench
Works your hamstrings. Grip should be a neutral grip. Knees should be slightly bent. Upon descend hips should go back head should be up and back should be straight. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings if you do not your knees are bent to much. Straight leg deadlift
Tip Should only be working out 45 minutes max 45
Should eat within 30 minutes after your workout. Tip
Should workout out at high intensity to get the most out of your workout Tip Intensity
Should be static stretching after your workout to prevent soreness and should dynamic stretching before to prevent injury. Tip Stretch
Should be working out at least 3 times a week!!! Tip 3 times a week!!!
Please feel free to me at with any questions you have about exercise or physical activity and even nutrition. It would be my pleasure to answer any questions that you have. Contact information