THE ENVIRONMENTAL BALANCE As Aalborg commitments monitoring tool Paola Poggipollini Comune di Ferrara UNESCO World Cultural Heritage
inhabitants km 2 :13% urbanised-52% protected The economy is made up with: 64% Business and services 18% Industries and SME: 4 EMAS, 15 ISO % agriculture students at university Citizens’ actions for the environment: 26% of journeys by bicycle - 3% by bus 5.3ha is the ecological footprint of her inhabitants 7.19 ton/year is the CO 2 -emission for inhabitant (assessment 2002) eq./in. heat by renewable energy Public Administration: workers are employed in the Local Authority Ferrara: General Overview
CLEAR eco Budget Method Environmental Accounting Accountability and Reporting System ecoBudget Method Environmental Budgeting Contents Identification of environmental competences Definition of policies Integration with the Action Plan - Agenda21 (wishes of stakeholders) Physical Accounts Plan (Financial Accounts) Contents Matching between natural resources and environmental competences Definition of indicators / short term and medium term targets Master Budget and the Budget Balance (Investments Plan) The heritage “environment” (the indicators that show the environmental richness of the municipality) Benefits / interests of environmental policies Integration Clear/Ecobudget
Environmen- tal Competence Natural Resources IndicatorsDefinitionUnit Reference Value (2004) Short Term Target 2005 Value 2005 Middle Term Target (year) Situation (population ) Green Public Areas Soil Green surface per inhabitants Public Green Areas in square metres per inhabitants (total) SM/in.32,5932,4236,40 32,38 (2005) A new Municipal Structural Plan is going to be ratified Distance to middle term target +0,6%+0,1%+12,4% Sustainable Mobility Air Quality Concentration of benzene in the air Annual Average of Benzene Concentration μg/Nm34,24,93,7 5,0 (2010) Legal attention thresholds (10 μg/Nm3) are fully met Distance to middle term target +16 %+2%+26% Urban Development Soil Speed trend of urban growth Urbanised areas in square metres per year SM/year (average ) (average 2001/05) (average ) The General Regulatory Plan does not allow an annual programme Distance to medium term target +37,2%-0%+39% Water Resources Water Drawing of drinking water Cubic meter of spring and surface water for making it drinkable CM/in.145,12150,00144, (2010) The trend of water consumption and drawings are decreasing Distance to medium term target -10 %-13,6 %-9,5 % Waste Raw Materials Waste Production Kg of Undifferentiat -ed Waste every week per inhabitants Kg/in./ week 8,999,078,67 9,76 (2005) The production of undifferentiated waste is decreasing. The total waste production is increasing Distance to middle term target +7,8%+7%+11%
1. Green Public Areas - Promote and increase biodiversity, and extend and care for designated nature areas and green spaces. (AC 3.3) - Improve soil quality, preserve ecologically productive land and promote sustainable agriculture and forestry.(AC 3.4) 2. Sustainable Mobility - Reduce the necessity for private motorised transport and promote attractive alternatives accessible to all. (AC 6.1) - Increase the share of journeys made by public transport, on foot and by bicycle. (AC 6.2) - Encourage transition to low-emission vehicles (AC 6.3) - Develop an integrated and sustainable urban mobility plan (AC Reduce the impact of transport on the environment and public health (AC 6.5) 3. Urban Development - Deliver integrated management towards sustainability, based on the precautionary principle and with regard to the forthcoming EU Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment (AC 2.2) - Re-use and regenerate derelict or disadvantaged areas. (AC 5.1) - Avoid urban sprawl by achieving appropriate urban densities and prioritising brownfield site over greenfield site development (AC 5.2) - Ensure the mixed use of buildings and developments with a good balance of jobs, housing and services, giving priority to residential use in city centres (AC 5.3) - Ensure appropriate conservation, renovation and use/re-use of our urban cultural heritage. (AC 5.4) - Apply requirements for sustainable design and construction and promote high quality architecture and building technologies (AC 5.5) - Develop and implement sustainability principles for the location of businesses.(AC 8.3) 4. Water Resources - Improve water quality, save water, and use water more efficiently (AC 3.2) 5. Waste- Avoid and reduce waste, and increase re-use and recycling (AC 4.1) - Manage and treat waste in accordance with best practice standards.(AC 4.2) Environmental budget as Aalborg Commitments monitoring tool
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