Simple Machines
Simple machines: Reduce the effort (force multiplier)
Simple machines: Reduce the effort (force multiplier) Change point of application of effort to a convenient point
Simple machines: Reduce the effort (force multiplier) Change point of application of effort to a convenient point Change the direction of effort
Simple machines: Reduce the effort (force multiplier) Change point of application of effort to a convenient point Change the direction of effort Produce a gain in speed
Simple machines: Reduce the effort (force multiplier) Change point of application of effort to a convenient point Change the direction of effort Produce a gain in speed
Load Effort Mechanical advantage, M.A. = Load (L) Effort (E) L > E - M.A. > 1 – force multiplier E > L - M.A. < 1 – gain in speed E = L - M.A. = 1 – changes direction of effort (no change in force/speed) Units Technical terms
Velocity ratio, V.R. = Velocity of effort (V E ) Velocity of load (V L ) V.R. = d E /t d L /t V.R. = d E d L d E > d L – V.R. > 1 – force multiplier d L > d E – V.R. < 1 – gain in speed d L = d E – V.R. = 1 – changes direction of effort (no change in force/speed) Units Technical terms
Work input Work output MachineEffort Load Work input Work output
Technical terms Work input Work output MachineEffort Load Work input Work output
Technical terms Work input Work output MachineEffort Load Work input Work output
Technical terms Work input Work output MachineEffort Load Work input Work output Efficiency, η =
Technical terms Work input Work output MachineEffort Load Work input Work output Efficiency, η = Units
Technical terms Effort point Load point Input energy Output energy Principle of a machine Relation between M.A., V.R. and η