Activities Outcomes – Impact Short Term Medium Term Long Term Problem statement: New York City teen pregnancy rates are higher than the national average, and are highest in Central Harlem and some of the city’s other poorest neighborhoods. Teenage parents are less likely to complete high school, and children born to teens are at increased risk of low birth weight, child abuse, behavioral disorders, and future poverty. Outputs Staff Volunteers Time Money Research Materials Equipment Technology Partners # enrolled # of Job Club sessions/# hrs # attending # of bank accounts opened & maintained # of community service activities # of entrepreneurial activities # of AA sessions/ # of hrs # attending Test scores Academic Grades # of report cards/test scores # of FLSE sessions/# of hrs # attending # of FLSE annual surveys # of SE sessions/# of hrs # attending # of Sports activities/# of hrs # attending # of Power Group sessions # attending # of counseling sessions # of referrals # of student profiles complete # of receiving health care # of medical appts/exams # of referrals # of parent activities/# of hrs # attending # of staff trainings Logic Model: Club Real Deal Pregnancy and sexual initiation and activity behaviors in teenagers are reduced Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and utilization of contraceptives in teenagers is increased Education levels rise Employment levels and earning potential rises Health indicators improve Participants’ use of condoms/contraceptives increases Participants do not become pregnant or cause a pregnancy Participants access to and utilization of health care increases Participants’ academic performance (grades and test scores) increases Participants engagement in risky behaviors (drug/alcohol use, violence) is minimized Participants stay in school, improve academic performance, and advance education & employment prospects Participants are physically active and demonstrate self- discipline Participants’ overall health improves; participants are happy and well-adjusted Parents employ new parenting and life skills Participants’ sexual and reproductive health knowledge increases Parents’ sexual and reproductive knowledge and parenting skills increase Participants learn work-related skills and gain knowledge of careers, banking, savings, and other business activities Participants learn importance of academic success while improving study skills and knowledge of academic subjects Participants build self-esteem, creativity, and self-discovery; They learn how to express thoughts and feelings related to individual identity and their families and communities Participants gain new sports skills as well as self-discipline and impulse control Participants absorb importance of comprehensive medical, dental, & mental health care and learn how to access it Adopted: 5/10/2010 Updated: 11/29/2012 Enroll 60 adolescents (ages 11-13) Provide Job Club weekly (Junior Achievement curriculum, financial literacy, bank trips, entrepreneurial activities, career exploration, & community service) Provide Academic Assistance weekly (tutoring, homework help, enrichment, Individual Academic Plan, & college exposure) Provide Family Life Sex Ed (FLSE) weekly (sexual literacy, healthy relationships, body image, gender/social/family roles, & sexual orientation) Provide Self-Expression weekly (arts, drama, dance, music) Provide Lifetime Individual Sports (martial arts, swimming, & fitness) Provide Power Group weekly, plus mental health counseling and crisis intervention as needed Coordinate free comprehensive medical, health, & dental services Provide parent activities, such as FLSE, monthly Parent Association meetings, capacity-building trainings, & social events Update databases by due dates & maintain complete files Inputs Developed by New York City Mission Society Department of Quality & Evaluation