Web Search Summer Term 2006 Wolfgang Hürst Institute for Computer Science Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany (c) Wolfgang Hürst, ALU
Organizational and Administrative Remarks Type : Wahlpflichtveranstaltung SWS : 2+2 (6 ECTS) Time & Place: Tue & Wed, 9:15-11h Building 106, Room Instructor : Wolfgang Hürst Assistants : Peter Strohm (Tutor), Kerstin Schmatzer (Aufzeichnung) Wolfgang Waizenegger (Podcast)
Materials General info : Homepage at the chairs web site ss06/websearch Lecture recordings & slides : catalog/course.do?courseId=algoIR2006 Kerstin Schmatzer, Podcasts : ( address will be announced later) Wolfgang Waizenegger,
Examination Final exam : Oral or written (Depends on number of participants). Details will be given later (before Pfingstpause). Note: Not a regular course! Contact me, if you cant take your exam after the semester! Bachelor Masters Diploma ACS other
Tutorials/Labs Course is 2+2 SWS: Participation in the tutorials/lab is mandatory to pass the exam (but you can only improve your grading!) Tutorials/labs will take place at time of lecture in irregular intervals (dates announced in lecture and on web page). For some, attendance is compulsory. Details about the tutorials/lab (programming project) will be given later