Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre Life Cycle of Deep Convection during the COPS Field Campaign (LIFCOC) Martin Hagen, Hartmut Höller, George Craig Institut.


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Presentation transcript:

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre Life Cycle of Deep Convection during the COPS Field Campaign (LIFCOC) Martin Hagen, Hartmut Höller, George Craig Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre 2 SPP 1167 Begutachtung, 10. Jan. 08, Bad Honnef LIFCOC is a proposal within the COPS bundle only project in PPL POLDIRAD only instrument to measure 4-d microphysics Its goal is: to study the complete life cycle of deep convection in mountainous terrain from initiation to decay It aims to answer the hypotheses and science questions of COPS and in particular the ones of the working group PPL: Location and timing of CI depends on the humidity (and wind) field Life cycle of single cells is affected by orography, but not the one of larger systems PPL 1: what is role of orography for the development of cells ? PPL 2: does the orography affect the hydrometeor distribution ? PPL 3: how does the RDSD change during the life cycle ?

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre 3 SPP 1167 Begutachtung, 10. Jan. 08, Bad Honnef Using radar lidar lightning measurements numerical simulations to describe the life cycle of precipitation the variation of rain drop size distribution the development of lightning in relation to orography

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre 4 SPP 1167 Begutachtung, 10. Jan. 08, Bad Honnef Isolated cell over Black Forest (IOP 8b, 15 July 2007) Reflectivity (dBZ) radar ground clutter Hornisgrinde graupel small hail rain hail + rain Hydrometeor classification

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre 5 SPP 1167 Begutachtung, 10. Jan. 08, Bad Honnef Work plan of LIFCOC New Project, funding requested for 2 years, 3rd year internal funding WP 1Case selection1.1: Evaluation of POLDIRAD data 1.2: Evaluation of airborne lidar data 1.3: Evaluation of additional measurements and background information from numerical simulations WP 2Description of the life cycle 2.1: Initiation and interaction with orography 2.2: Mature state and interaction with orography 2.3: Decay and interaction with orography 2.4: Evaluation of numerical simulations WP 3Retrieval of RDSD from polarimetric radar measurements 3.1: Implementation of the algorithm 3.2: Validation with MRR measurements 3.3: Investigation of the RDSD in relation to life cycle and orography 3.4: Comparison of RDSD to simulations with spectral microphysics or 2-moment scheme

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre 6 SPP 1167 Begutachtung, 10. Jan. 08, Bad Honnef Cooperation within COPS bundle

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre 7 SPP 1167 Begutachtung, 10. Jan. 08, Bad Honnef Other national (+SPP PQP) and international cooperation Universität Hamburg (MRR measurements), G. Peters SPP1167 QUEST (COSMO-DE simulations and improvement of model microphysics) SPP1167 DAQUA (COSMO-DE simulation and assimilation) Université de Clermont-Ferrand (X-band radar Bischenberg), J. van Baelen Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (MesoNH simulations), E. Richard NCAR (DOW), T. Weckwerth