P l a n e t a r y D a t a S y s t e m 1 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) How ITAR Affects PDS The Archiving of Reports & Documents Presented by: Al Schultz Location: PDS Management Council Meeting USGS Flagstaff, AZ Date: August 2-4, 2006
P l a n e t a r y D a t a S y s t e m 2 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC IN ARMS (UNITED STATES MUNITIONS LIST) – ITAR (USML) - 22 CFR 120 – Covers items such as Space Launch Vehicles (e.g., the Space Shuttle), all rocket systems and engines, all satellite systems, missile tracking systems, etc. (both the hardware and the technology) EXPORT ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS – (EAR) - 15 CFR 730 – Covers what is commonly referred to as “dual-use” items, including the Space Station (the hardware and certain technology), items which are designed for military applications, but used for non-commercial applications
P l a n e t a r y D a t a S y s t e m 3 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) ITAR Sensitive Observatory & flight instrument development activities are ITAR sensitive Command & Control activities are ITAR sensitive Spaceflight hardware including flight parts, components, accessories, engineering models, ground support equipment and technical data. Space launch vehicles and sounding rockets/meteorological rockets to include parts, components, accessories, engineering models, launch support equipment and technical data
P l a n e t a r y D a t a S y s t e m 4 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) ITAR Sensitive NASA Ground Tracking Stations (parts, components, accessories, tech data). Exchange of Information with International Partners –International Meetings (telecons & splinter meetings)- do not let your guard down; exchange only what you need to exchange –Expect “data mining” or “phishing” at open conferences –Over 50% of desired unclassified technical data is NASA technical data PDS will need to be export compliant, in accordance with NASA RFP Export clause
P l a n e t a r y D a t a S y s t e m 5 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) How ITAR Affects PDS Space missions operated by Universities Universities don’t have an ITAR office S/C and Instrument reports & documents ITAR sensitive Contractors mark reports & documents as export control Prefer Missions perform ITAR review/evaluation PDS Management performs ITAR review/evaluation ? NAIF situation and Software ?
P l a n e t a r y D a t a S y s t e m 6 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) What PDS Management Has Done in the Past for DI Mark reports/documents as ITAR sensitive Secure the reports/documents when stored Secure the reports/documents when in transit Control who has access to reports/documents Contact NASA/GSFC Export Control Office Obtain ITAR review Archive approved ITAR reports/documents