Week 11 Interviewing Kent L. Barrus Pre-professional Advisor
Bio Professional School Preparation Keep up on current health care topics! STAT (Short, Topical, and Timely) Washington Headlines Next Generation MedScape ADA CURRENT TOPICS Dental Health Foundation
Bio Professional School Preparation What percentage of an applicant’s overall evaluation does the interview constitute? 0-25%1720%25-50%3439% 50-75%2933% %78%
Bio Professional School Preparation Why do schools interview? Intellectual Curiosity Intellectual Curiosity How you approach the unknown How you approach the unknown How do you organize your thoughts How do you organize your thoughts What is your preferred learning style What is your preferred learning style Do you have the desire for continuous learning Do you have the desire for continuous learning Social Awareness and Cultural Competency Social Awareness and Cultural Competency Exposure to people with different interests, religion, culture, economics, gender, age, ethnicity, language, education, and race. Exposure to people with different interests, religion, culture, economics, gender, age, ethnicity, language, education, and race. What value do you place on these differences What value do you place on these differences Can you modify your behavior to show respect for differences. Can you modify your behavior to show respect for differences.
Bio Professional School Preparation Why do schools interview? Communication and Interpersonal Skills Communication and Interpersonal Skills What is your perception of yourself What is your perception of yourself What is your response when others have misunderstood you What is your response when others have misunderstood you What are your experiences with teamwork What are your experiences with teamwork How do you handle criticism How do you handle criticism Maturity Maturity What have you done to explore a health career What have you done to explore a health career What disappointments have you experienced in your life What disappointments have you experienced in your life What accomplishments are you most proud of What accomplishments are you most proud of What is your definition of a leader What is your definition of a leader
Bio Professional School Preparation Types of Interviews Open Open Interviews has reviewed your application and personal statement. Interviews has reviewed your application and personal statement. Interviewer will often refer to information in the application. Interviewer will often refer to information in the application. Semi-Open Semi-Open Interview has read your personal statement but nothing else. Interview has read your personal statement but nothing else. Interviewer will often seek answers to questions not found in your personal statement. Interviewer will often seek answers to questions not found in your personal statement. Closed Closed Interview has never seen your application materials. Interview has never seen your application materials. Interview will ask more open ended questions. Interview will ask more open ended questions. Don’t be annoyed that questions may be answered in your application. Don’t be annoyed that questions may be answered in your application.
Bio Professional School Preparation Types of Interviews Group Group More than one interviewer and/or interviewee. More than one interviewer and/or interviewee. Designed to see how well you play with others. Designed to see how well you play with others.
Bio Professional School Preparation Halo Effect Most schools conduct closed or semi-open interviews to avoid the halo effect. Most schools conduct closed or semi-open interviews to avoid the halo effect.
Bio Professional School Preparation Practice your responses to questions. Practice your responses to questions. List five important things you want to make sure the interview knows about you. List five important things you want to make sure the interview knows about you. List five powerful questions you want to ask during the interview. List five powerful questions you want to ask during the interview. Describe three ways you can contribute to your class. Describe three ways you can contribute to your class. What are your three most significant leadership qualities? What are your three most significant leadership qualities? List of anticipated questions. List of anticipated questions. List of toughest questions you could be asked. List of toughest questions you could be asked. Review potential interview questions. Review potential interview questions.questions Learn all you can about specific schools. Learn all you can about specific schools. Mock Interview. Mock Interview. Preparing for an interview
Bio Professional School Preparation Common Interview Questions Personal Questions Personal Questions Tell me about yourself. Tell me about yourself. What do you do for fun. What do you do for fun. Why have you decided to pursue medicine as a career? Why have you decided to pursue medicine as a career? When did you decide that you wanted to be a doctor? When did you decide that you wanted to be a doctor? Do you have any family members who are physicians? Do you have any family members who are physicians? What is your greatest strength/weakness? Success/failure? What is your greatest strength/weakness? Success/failure? If you don’t get into professional school, what will you do? If you don’t get into professional school, what will you do? What did you like about college? What did you like about college? What is your favorite book? What are you reading now? What is your favorite book? What are you reading now?
Bio Professional School Preparation Common Interview Questions Where do you see yourself in ten years? Where do you see yourself in ten years? Where have you applied? Why do you want to go here? Where have you applied? Why do you want to go here? What leadership roles have you assumed? What leadership roles have you assumed? What clinical experience have you had? What clinical experience have you had? Ethical Ethical What are your views on abortion? What are your views on abortion? Do you have an opinion on fetal-tissue research? Do you have an opinion on fetal-tissue research? How would you feel about treating a patient with HIV? How would you feel about treating a patient with HIV? Do you agree with physician assisted suicide? Do you agree with physician assisted suicide? How do you feel about treating uninsured patients? How do you feel about treating uninsured patients?
Bio Professional School Preparation Common Interview Questions Hypothetical Situation Hypothetical Situation You are treating a terminally ill patient who is being kept alive by life support. You feel that he should be taken off the machines. What do you do? You are treating a terminally ill patient who is being kept alive by life support. You feel that he should be taken off the machines. What do you do? A pregnant teenager comes to you to discuss her options. She hasn’t told her parents about her pregnancy. What do you do? A pregnant teenager comes to you to discuss her options. She hasn’t told her parents about her pregnancy. What do you do?
Bio Professional School Preparation Common Interview Questions Health Care Issues Health Care Issues What’s the biggest problem facing medicine today? What’s the biggest problem facing medicine today? What do you think the role of the government should be in health care? What do you think the role of the government should be in health care? Do you think health care is a right or a privilege? Do you think health care is a right or a privilege? Have you been following the health-care debate? Where do you stand? Have you been following the health-care debate? Where do you stand? How do you feel about socialized medicine? How do you feel about socialized medicine? Do you know what an HMO is? a PPO? Do you know what an HMO is? a PPO?
Bio Professional School Preparation Questions that should not be asked. Marital status Marital status Planning children Planning children Age Age Sexual Orientation Sexual Orientation What if you are asked one of these questions? What if you are asked one of these questions? Don’t get angry. Don’t get angry. Politely answer or refuse to answer. Politely answer or refuse to answer. Your best bet is to just answer the question and move on. Your best bet is to just answer the question and move on.
Bio Professional School Preparation Any Questions? Don’t forget to have some good questions to ask. Don’t forget to have some good questions to ask.
Bio Professional School Preparation Managing the Interview Day Before the Interview Before the Interview Get plenty of sleep. Get plenty of sleep. Arrive early! Arrive early! Don’t bring a family member or friend to the interview. Don’t bring a family member or friend to the interview. Review you application and personal statement. Review you application and personal statement. Be polite to EVERYONE at the office. Be polite to EVERYONE at the office. Treat every interaction as if it is a part of the interview. Treat every interaction as if it is a part of the interview.
Bio Professional School Preparation Managing the Interview Day During the Interview During the Interview Use peoples names. Use peoples names. Shake hands. Shake hands. Maintain eye contact. Maintain eye contact. Don’t fidget, cross arms, etc. Don’t fidget, cross arms, etc. Don’t touch anything on the interviewer’s desk. Don’t touch anything on the interviewer’s desk. Don’t speak too quickly. Don’t speak too quickly. Smile. Smile. Avoid being arrogant and dogmatic. Avoid being arrogant and dogmatic. Don’t be antagonistic, even if the interview is. Don’t be antagonistic, even if the interview is. Don’t make up answers to questions you don’t know. Don’t make up answers to questions you don’t know.
Bio Professional School Preparation After the Interview After the Interview Shake hands and say good-bye. Shake hands and say good-bye. Write your interviewer a ‘professional’ thank you note. Write your interviewer a ‘professional’ thank you note. Don’t grovel. Don’t grovel. Managing the Interview Day