Human language technologies DG Information Society Kick-off meeting Edinburgh 28.03.2001 CROSSMARC IST-2000-25366 Project officer: Kimmo Rossi.


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Presentation transcript:

human language technologies DG Information Society Kick-off meeting Edinburgh CROSSMARC IST Project officer: Kimmo Rossi

human language technologies DG Information Society The 5th Framework Programme Creating a user friendly information society (IST) BEURO Energy, environment & sustainable development BEURO Energy, environment & sustainable development BEURO Improving the quality of life & management of living resources BEURO Improving the quality of life & management of living resources BEURO Promoting competitive & sustainable growth BEURO Promoting competitive & sustainable growth BEURO Total: BEURO BEURO BEURO BEURO Confirming the international role of Community research Promotion of innovation & SME participation Improving human potential & socio-economic knowledge

human language technologies DG Information Society Research networking Future and emerging technologies The IST Programme KA3: Multimedia content and tools KA2: New methods of work and electronic commerce KA1: Systems and services for the citizen KA4: Essential technologies and infrastructures 646 MEURO 547 MEURO 564 MEURO 1,363 MEURO 319 MEURO 161 MEURO Cross programme themes at least 10% of budget

human language technologies DG Information Society Key Action III Multimedia Content & Tools 564 meuro Demonstration Research

human language technologies DG Information Society HLT Research Agenda Full Multilinguality Add Multilinguality to systems at all stages of the information cycle – Enable cost-effective interchanges across languages and cultures Natural Interactivity Enhance the Usability of digital systems and appliances – Ease and speed up the take-up of all-digital information and communication services Active Content Enable active Assimilation and Use of digital content – Harness the power of knowledge, counter the information glut

human language technologies DG Information Society HLT Focus areas Tele business Networked business processes Online info services Theme 1 Multilinguality in digital content and services Unconstrained speech/language interfaces and I-O Interactive multimodal systems Conversational systems Theme 2 Natural Interactivity Cross-lingual information retrieval Cross-lingual knowledge discovery Cross-lingual text/speech/metadata generation Theme 3 Active Content for cross-lingual info management Human Language Technologies

human language technologies DG Information Society Quantitative analysis of IST Calls

human language technologies DG Information Society ‘E-Centres’ of Gravity  Mobile information society  eBusiness  eSociety Muchmore Mumis Multireader Limber Liquid M-Piro MK-Beem Spotlight Amities Crossmarc Nespole! Catch-2004 Memphis E-matter

human language technologies DG Information Society Strategic areas  Speech  natural interactivity  knowledge management  translation Speecon Smada Coretex Siridus C-Oral-Rom Nite Safe Vico D’Homme Amities I-eye Bindex Clarity Kermit Peking Alert Namic Salt TQPro Limber Matchpad

human language technologies DG Information Society HLT support projects ISLE International Standards for Language Engineering HOPE HLT Opportunity Promotion in Europe CLASS Collaboration in Language and Speech Science and Technology Elsnet Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies

human language technologies DG Information Society IST Information Points IST help desk Fax: IPR helpdesk:

human language technologies DG Information Society Contractual issues  READ the WHOLE contract !!  To be noted: IPR issues, reporting, eligible costs, prior authorization for some costs and budget reallocations  Project start date:  Project end-date: = end of (funded) work  Amendment sometimes necessary, e.g.  departure/addition of partners  major reorientation of the workplan  modified duration  Try to anticipate the need for amendments!  An amendment must be soundly justified!  Reporting/payments through the coordinator

human language technologies DG Information Society Appendix X  Project website before Month 3  Project presentation (PPT or HTML)  Active cooperation with support projects (1/yr)  Reporting and Meetings framework

human language technologies DG Information Society Reporting  Timely delivery (2 copies in English) of:  Deliverables: according to schedule in Annex I, deviations to be reported in management reports  Management reports: quarterly and semestrial (templates now available from PO)  Annual reports (by November 15)  Cost statements: <2 months after end-of-period  Public awareness  annual and final reports, for the Web  Web or CD-ROM showcase  presentations, articles, video clips…  Channels  EC & project websites, conferences, exhibitions...

human language technologies DG Information Society Meetings  Peer review 1/yr  quality, impact and effectiveness  corrective action where needed  conditional funding of further work  Concertation meeting 1/yr  e.g. organised by support projects or PO  IST programme conference & exhibition 1/yr  your project may be asked to represent the HLT area  Meetings with PO up to 4/yr (1 or 2 in Lux.)  part of the continuous EC monitoring

human language technologies DG Information Society Eligible Costs  Personnel  Durable Equipment  Subcontracting  Travel & Subsistence  Consumables  Computing  Protection of Knowledge  Other Specific Costs  Administrative & Financial Coordination  Overheads Note: V.A.T is not an eligible cost (Art of Annex II)

human language technologies DG Information Society Personnel  Invoices from consultants working under the technical supervision and at the premises of the contractor can be accepted as personnel costs. These consultants should fill in time sheets (See Guidelines on Major Financial Provisions) Durable Equipment  The Durable Equipment costs will no longer be reimbursed in a single amount. (Art 23.2 Annex II)

human language technologies DG Information Society Subcontracting (Articles 5 and 23 of Annex II)  Copies of the relevant subcontracting invoices, certified by the contractors concerned, have to be attached to the corresponding cost statement. These invoices must make reference to the project and to provide detailed description of the tasks or supply concerned.  Coordination tasks shall not be subcontracted (Art. 6.4).  Unless specified in Annex I, Commission approval is necessary if the cumulative amount of the subcontracts for the contractor exceeds  20% of his estimated eligible costs  EUR  or, if the subcontractor is established in a third country

human language technologies DG Information Society Cost Statements to be submitted every 6 months  Contractors have to provide all the information requested in the forms.  This information needs to be checked for reasonableness.  Contractors have the obligation to provide all detailed data requested by the Commission for the purposes of the proper administration of this contract (Art. 3.2.j of Annex II).

human language technologies DG Information Society Cost statement checklist  Use the official forms - Excel templates available  Costs should be eligible and in line with budget  Whenever in doubt, contact coordinator (or PO)  “nitty gritty”  hosting costs not eligible as travel cost (only “real” travel)  mention travel destinations and dates  correct reporting period, CS date after the end of period  original signatures  2 signed copies  exchange rate (official EUR rate for “in” currencies, others: )  arithmetics (check and cross-check!)  equipment claims (depreciation formula, no VAT!)  subcontracting (provide copy of contract, invoices)

human language technologies DG Information Society Payment of cost statements (Art. 3 of Annex II)  Payments shall be made within 60 days from the date on which the Commission approves the periodic reports and the corresponding cost statements  distributed by the coordinator  This period can be suspended by notifying the contractors concerned that the Commission considers that additional checks are necessary  Check the rules carefully (in the contract)  Submit on time  The period shall continue to run once the Commission has completed the additional checks.

human language technologies DG Information Society Advance and Retention  The advance is 30% of the project costs.  The guarantee retention is 15% of the maximum amount of the E.U. contribution.  paid when all deliverables, reports and CS have been submitted  The advance payment will be recovered over the life of the project (as the advance was 30%, 30% will be deducted from each subsequent payment). ( Annex II, art. 3.1.(b)) 30/15

human language technologies DG Information Society Transfer of budget (Annex II, art. 22.5)  Between contractors: Prior written authorization of the Commission (sometimes an amendment to the contract) needed for transfer of amounts exceeding 20% of the total budgeted costs of the beneficiary.  Between categories of the same contractor: Prior written authorization of the Commission (sometimes an amendment to the contract) needed for transfer amounts exceeding 20% of the original amount in the receiving cost category  In any case, the Commission shall be notified.

human language technologies DG Information Society Remember...  The coordinator is the key link between the consortium and EC  The project officer is “your best friend” at the EC  Study the contract - it will answer most of your questions  Manage and implement this project like any of your customer projects  Communicate, collaborate, be flexible …and you will be successful!