Overview 1.Funding from USAID 2.Mandate: Health Logistics/SCM 3.Past-AI poultry vaccination OR with MOA/FAO 4.Now- Flu Surveillance sentinel/lab logistics system 5.Future-Support MOH integrated SCM System May 03, 2012
DELIVER Work with MOA/CMU & FAO (2008/9): Procurement and distribution of vaccine for 12 mo OR AI poultry vaccination Project in 16 districts. Training and field monitoring for cold chain and vaccine management for OR Project in 16 districts. Preparation of 11 MOA/DAH Cold Chain Master Trainers Support of InVAG project – vaccine distribution and JogJa Cold Room renovation and equipment. NOW: Refresher cold chain training for 11 MOA Master Cold Chain trainers (4-5 May 12, Bogor).
DELIVER work with MOH/CDC on Flu Surveillance on lab/sentinel logistics systems (2010/2012: Work with NIHRD and BTDK/MOH and CDC/Atlanta- Logistics assessment of Labs and sentinel sites Logistics design workshop for labs/sentinel sites Develop Logistics SOP for labs/sentinel sites Prepare master logistics trainers at NIHRD/MOH Roll out of Logistics SOP through site log training Routine logistics field monitoring
DELIVER work with MOH/CDC on Flu Surveillance East Jakarta Project lab/sentinel – (2011/2012): Work with P2PL/MOH and CDC/Atlanta- Logistics assessment of Labs and sentinel sites Logistics design workshop for labs/sentinel sites Develop Logistics SOP for labs/sentinel sitese Prepare master logistics trainers at NIHRD/MOH Roll out of Logistics SOP through site log training Routine logistics field monitoring Procure lab and sentinel site supplies for 1 year
Additional ongoing work with MOH and MOA: MOH/CDC: Assessment of flu surveillance cold chain management Preparation of Flu Surv Cold Chain SOP Roll out Flu Surv Cold Chain management skills (June) Prepare draft PCR Machine Maintenance SOP Finalize PCR MM SOP and roll out (June/July) Evaluation of Flu Surv Logistics System (June) Procurement lab supplies Yr 2 EJP MOA/CMU-FAO: Refresher training for MOA master cold chain trainers
Future planned work with MOH: Assist in the preparation of Integrated Drug Management (One Gate Policy) concept, standards and official MOH documents Support WHO/USAID Global Initiative “People That Deliver” (PtD) in Indonesia. Assist in the preparation of individual disease logistics policies based on OGP standards Assist in the preparation of a model provincial integrated drug management pilot project
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