PMP® Exam Preparation Course “PMI”, “PMP”, “Project Management Professional” and “PMBOK® Guide”. are registered certification marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. PMP® Exam Preparation Course Project Integration Management In House Course: Arya Hamrah Samaneh - Sep 2011 - Copyrighted by Season Computer
About Season Training & Development Center Season TD (Training & Development Center) is a professional training and organizational consultancy training provider in Iran, active since 2009; established as a subsidiary of Season Group (established 1994). Season TD joined the Prestigious Group of Organizations Approved by Project Management Institute to Provide Project Management Training on 12 August 2011 and is approved by Project Management Institute (PMI) to become first and only PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) in Iran. Fore more info check: This copy is a SeasonTD Student benefit, not for distribution, sale, or reproduction.
About Instructor PW: Ali Forouzesh is a Certified OPM3® Assessor and Consultant as well as professional in IT service management (Certified ITIL® v3), project management (PMP®) and IT Portfolio management (Certified IBM Portfolio Manager). He is a leader in organizational development and maturity improvement projects with experiences in planning and implementing organizational project management systems and integrated solutions. Ali is PMO manager of Season Training and Development Center and Season Corporation member of strategy board. PW: Email: LinkedIn : This copy is a SeasonTD Student benefit, not for distribution, sale, or reproduction.
Project Integration Management Project Integration Management includes the processes and activities needed to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups. The need for Project Integration Management is evident in situations where individual processes interact. Project Integration Management also includes the activities needed to manage project documents to ensure consistency with the project management plan and product deliverables. 4
Project Charter Inputs, Tools & Techniques & Outputs Project statement of work Business case Contract Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Tools & Techniques Expert judgment 5
Project Charter Content 1-A high-level, broad description of the project. 2-The business case, which describes the organizational need and justification for the project's existence, including ROI or other cost/benefit data. 3-A statement of work describing the desired product or services, including the business need and linkage to the organization’s strategic plan. 4-The project manager assigned to the project and other initial roles (sponsor). 5-The major stakeholders and their influences and project interest. 6-The expectations of the initiator, sponsor, and stakeholders. 7- The requirements of the customer. 8- What is necessary to meet everyone’s expectations. 9-The measurable success criteria for the project and who’ll sign off and measure those success points when the project is completed. 10-A summary budget. 11-What are the major milestones and a summary schedule. 12-Any assumptions that have been made or constraints that have been established. 6
Develop Project Management Plan (PM Plan) Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Inputs Project charter Outputs from planning processes Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Outputs Project management plan Develop Project Management Plan is the process of documenting the actions necessary to define , prepare, integrate, and coordinate all subsidiary plans. The project management plan defines how the project is executed, monitored and controlled, and closed. The project management plan contains scope, schedule, and cost baselines, against which the project manager will need to report project performance. یعنی در PMP معلوم می شود: 1- از 9 محدوده مدیریت پروژه، چند تا را می خواهیم در این پروژه بکار گیریم و سطح و میزان پیاده کردن هریک، چقدر است؟ 2-ابزارها و تکنیک های مورد استفاده در هریک از محدوده های انتخابی چیست؟ 3-نحوه تبادل این محدوده های انتخابی چیست؟ 4-ورودی های مورد توجه، ابزارها و تکنیکها و همچنین خروجی های مورد توجه در هریک چیست؟ 5- PMP میتواند به صورت خلاصه باشد و یا به تفصیل تهیه شود و همچنین می تواند شامل یک زیر برنامه (Subsidiary Plan) و یا بیشتر باشد. 6-PMP در واقع Baseline تغییرات پروژه بوده و با تائید تعییرات (Approved Change Request) این مدرک نیز باید به روز (update) شود. 7-در PMP مشخص می شود که یکپارچگی انواع Baseline ها چطور حفظ می شود. 8-در PMP مشخص می شود که فرایند پاسخ به Opened Issues ها به چه صورت است. 7
Cost Performances Baseline 2. PM Plan Subsidiary Plans Project Baselines Cost Performances Baseline Schedule Baseline Scope Baseline These 3 Beelines will construct Performance Baseline, which will be used in Earn Value (Cost Control) 8
Direct & Manage Project Execution Inputs Project management plan Approved change requests Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Outputs Deliverables Work performance data Change requests Project management plan updates Project document updates Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Project Management Information Systems Direct and Manage Project Execution is the integrative process that encompasses all the work needed to produce the project’s deliverables, whether they’re directly related to the final product or part of the project management processes. Other knowledge areas contain processes that are focused on work specific to subject matters, such as conducting procurements, but Direct and Manage Project Execution is the dominant one for all executing tasks. 9
Direct & Manage Project Process Decomposition Objectives: Perform the activities that produce deliverables Obtain vendor quotes, bids, and offers Staff, train, and manage human resources needed for the project team Incorporate approved changes (which includes approved process improvement activities, approved corrective actions, approved preventative actions, and approved defect repair requests) into the project. Collect and report on work performance information, such as status, cost, schedule, quality. Main Input: Approved change requests These were requested changes that have been approved for implementation through the processes in Perform Integrated Change Control. Change requests can come about due to any reason, including scope changes, policy or procedural changes, cost or budget changes, bor schedule changes. Main Tools &Techniques: PMIS (Project Management Information System) The PMIS provide templates and automated tools that assist in the project management processes. A PMIS can include any number of components that might assist in processes relating to scheduling, resources, configuration management, change control, and issues management. A PMIS also provides methods to collect and distribute data the PMIS contains. 10
Monitor & Control Project Work Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Inputs Project management plan Performance reports Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Outputs Change requests Project management plan update Project document updates Activities in the Monitor and Control Project Work process start immediately after the project is initiated and continue all the way until closure, and they make sure that the project plan is being followed and also forecast future performance on the project. 11
Monitor & Control Project Works Topics Comparing the work that is occurring to the project management plan. Assessing work performance information to determine if any corrective or preventative actions are necessary. Analyzing, tracking, monitoring, and reporting on project risks. Providing status reports, accomplishments, and issue reports. Monitoring the implementation of approved changes. Making sure that approved defect repairs have been made. 12
5- Perform Integrated Change Control Inputs Project management plan Work performance data Performance reports Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Outputs Change request status update Project management plan update Project document updates Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Change control meeting Activities in the Perform Integrated Change Control process make sure that all changes, regardless of how large or small, are logged, evaluated, reviewed, approved or rejected, and communicated. 13
Change Request Change requests: Change requests come from a variety of project processes and include corrective actions, preventative actions, defect repair, alterations to specifications, and modifications of policies and procedures. All of the monitoring and control processes and many of the executing processes produce change requests as an output. Change requests can include corrective action, preventive action, and defect repairs. However, corrective and preventive actions do not normally affect the project baselines, only the performance against the baselines. 14
Change Control Board The board is responsible for reviewing and analyzing change requests. It then approves or rejects the changes The board may include the project manager, the customer, experts, the sponsor, and others
Close Project or Phase Outputs Inputs Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Inputs Project management plan Accepted deliverables Organizational process assets Outputs Final product, service, or result transition Organizational process assets updates Close Project Phase is the process of finalizing all activities across all of the Project Management Process Groups to formally close the project or phase. This includes finalizing all activities across all the Project Process Groups to formally close the project or phase and transfer the completed or cancelled project as appropriate. The Close Project or Phase process also establishes the procedures to coordinate activities needed to verify and document the project or phase deliverables to coordinate and interact to formalize acceptance of those deliverables by the customer or sponsor and to investigate and document the reasons for actions taken if a project is terminated before completion. 16
Close Project or Phase Process Decomposition Main Input Accepted Deliverables: Those deliverables that have been accepted through the Verify Scope process. Main Output Final Product, Service, or Result Transition Formal acceptance and handover of the final product, service, or result that the project was authorized to produce (or in the case of phase closure, the intermediate product, service, or result of that phase). The acceptance includes receipt of a formal statement that the terms of the contract have been met. Close Project Or Phase Administrative Closure Actions and activities necessary to satisfy completion or exact criteria for the phase or project. (Product verification) Actions and activities necessary to transfer the project products or services to the next phase or to production and or operations. Activities needed to collect project or phase records. Audit project success or failure. Gather lessons learned and archive project information for future use by the organization. 17