Head of School Search Process Overview and Stages Agnes C. Underwood Consultant
Stage I - Major Tasks December and early winter 2005 Developing Search Plan Determine situation, goals and leadership needs of the school Develop leadership profile Agree on pace and approach
Stage I - Major Tasks December and early winter 2006 Intensive Interaction with the School Understand the school, its challenges and opportunities Review Mission Conduct interviews and focus groups Lead Trustee Search Workshop Define qualities for Head Prepare Position Description
Stage II - Major Tasks Spring 2006 Determine marketing plan and channels Building the candidate pool Place advertisements Communicate leadership profile Communicate appeal of school’s unique identity, culture and mission colleagues and contacts Persuade strong candidates to apply Develop pool with colleagues on weekly search call
Stage III - Major Tasks May and June 2006 Evaluating and narrowing the candidate pool Generate complete candidate credentials (vitae, educational statement, references, cover letter, writing sample) Evaluate candidate folders Personally interview all quarter-finalists Check references of all quarter-finalists Schedule and attend off-campus interviews Support search committee with customized interview questions Keep candidates aware of status
Stage IV - Major Tasks September-October 2006 Evaluating finalists Making a successful appointment Arrange comprehensive interviews on campus/spousal support Support search committee reference check Manage pool Reach consensus Make an offer Negotiate the contract
Stage V - Major Tasks Supporting the management transition Provide transition tools Model job description Entry plan Board chair/new head team building Mentoring 100 day transition assessment
What the Candidate Can Do Preparation Determine if you want to be a school head Interview other heads, talk to your mentor Write your resume Ask others to review (consultants will help) Try several models Be succinct, but thorough Don’t leave spaces Prepare a statement of educational philosophy (1-2 pages)
What the Candidate Can Do Gather 5 references from different parts of the school community Before submitting your materials for a search, be sure to check school position description, web site and other materials. Make sure there are no errors Determine the match Polish any written work you have done for submission, if requested Ask someone for a practice interview
Answers to your questions Career paths in independent schools? administrative positions teaching demonstrated leadership in other areas advanced degrees What makes one attractive to search firms and schools? Accomplishments Leadership Staying the course (don’t jump around too much) Energy Unusual interests/service to others Modesty Other things?
Answers to your questions Is it critical to hold certain positions before becoming a head? What different tracks can lead to advancement and headship? Yes, those that show leadership and familiarity with independent school constituencies and situations Pros/cons of staying on one position What about non-academic positions? What about teaching experience? Other questions?
Other Thoughts Do not be afraid to throw your hat in the ring. It usually takes a number of tries to get your first head position. Ask for feedback. Some consultants and search chairs will comply. Use your networks and mentors Search is all about fit!