The course selection timeline Graduation requirements University entrance requirements Typical core subject pathways How to read your credit check What to consider when selecting your classes How to enter your selections on Infinite Campus
Juniors Seniors (Class 2016) ◦ January ◦ Forms due January 16 ◦ Counselor visits Jan 20 – 23 ◦ IC Portal closes Jan 20 Sophomores Juniors (Class 2017) ◦ January ◦ Forms due January 30 ◦ Counselor visits Feb 2 – 6 ◦ IC Portal closes Feb 9 Freshmen Sophomores (Class 2018) ◦ February 2-6 ◦ Forms due February 6 ◦ Counselor visits Feb 9 – 13 ◦ IC Portal closes Feb 9 8 th Grade Freshmen (Class 2019) ◦ February 11- Freshmen Preview Night ◦ Presentations Feb SVJH ◦ Forms due February 24 to SVJH Teachers/Counselor ◦ Counselor visits Feb 20 & 23 ◦ IC Portal closes Feb 24
English 4 credits Math 4 credits Science 3 credits ◦ One must be Lab Bio Social Studies 3 credits ◦ World Studies, Am. History, Govt (.5), Econ (.5) CTE/Fine Arts 2 credits ◦ Can be any combination Computers.5 credit PE 1 credit Electives 4.5 credits
English 4 Math 4 Science 3 Social Studies 3 CTE/Fine Arts 2 Computers.5 PE 1 Electives 4.5 Modern Language is not required for graduation! English 4 Math 4 (through Pre-calc) Science 3 Social Studies 2 Fine Arts 1 Modern Language 2 *2 years of the same language
Regular Tract English 1 English 2 English 3 English 4 or Comp 101/102 Honors Tract Honors English 1 Honors English 2 AP English 3 AP English 4
Regular Tract Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 or Algebraic Functions 1 Pre-calculus or College Algebra *see your current teacher for recommendation Honors Tract Honors Geometry Honors Algebra 2 Pre-calculus AP Calculus AB or BC Or AP Stats *see your current teacher for recommendation
Regular Tract Lab Bio Chemistry, Earth, or an Agriculture Science One more *see your current teacher for recommendation Honors Tract Honors Lab Bio 2 more credits of Honors or AP Science classes *see your current teacher for recommendation
Regular Tract World Studies Am/Az History Government.5 credit Economics.5 credit *can also earn Economics credit by completing Marketing Education or Ag Business/Management Honors Tract AP World History AP US History AP Government.5 AP Economics.5
Can have 2 credits from CTE, 2 credits from Fine Arts Or any combination of the two areas
Agriculture, Biomed, Business, EVIT, Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Industrial Education, JROTC, Family and Consumer Sciences, Sports Medicine, 4 th year of Modern Language, Academic Decathlon, Student Council, Sports Training
Performing Arts Band Choir Orchestra Theatre Visual Arts Art & Design Clay Photography Dance (if not used for PE credit) *Universities require 1 credit of a true Fine Art NOT a CTE
21 st Century Technology 21 st Century Applications Completing entire year of: Marketing Education Digital Photography 1 Ag Business and Management Take Two: Applications of Digital Media
Boys/Girls PE Intro or Advanced Sports Training Dance Weight Training Adaptive PE Unified PE Completing 4 years of Varsity Marching Band Completing 2 nd year of JROTC *Sports Med and Athletic credit do not count for PE
Electives are any class you take that is not counting as a graduation requirement for another subject. If you plan on going straight to a university after high school, you should take two years of the same Modern Language. This, however, is not a graduation requirement.
Your credit check shows you all of the requirement categories needed for graduation. It lists what you have taken, earned and still need. Remember that only semester grades are posted. Please check to make sure every class you have taken is listed on it. Any changes need to be addressed with our registrar, Mrs. Rodgers.
June 1-25 th $160/semester Will be at Gilbert High School Transportation will not be provided Registration will begin after Spring Break, and will be online at If you are an EVIT student, see your counselor before registering for Summer School
Safest bet is to take through Gilbert Global Academy On average, classes start every other week Classes are 9 weeks long Online Summer School ◦ Registration during the month of May ◦ Cost is $160/semester ◦ June 1-July 30 th More info at
The course selections you make now will help drive the master schedule. What does this mean? We hire our teachers based on the requests you make. Once we build the master schedule, we can’t make many changes. That is why we won’t make many schedule changes over the summer and as school starts. Choose wisely!
Juniors Seniors (Class 2016) ◦ January ◦ Forms due January 16 ◦ Counselor visits Jan 20 – 23 ◦ IC Portal closes Jan 20 Sophomores Juniors (Class 2017) ◦ January ◦ Forms due January 30 ◦ Counselor visits Feb 2 – 6 ◦ IC Portal closes Feb 9 Freshmen Sophomores (Class 2018) ◦ February 2-6 ◦ Forms due February 6 ◦ Counselor visits Feb 9 – 13 ◦ IC Portal closes Feb 9 8 th Grade Freshmen (Class 2019) ◦ February 11- Freshmen Preview Night ◦ Presentations Feb SVJH ◦ Forms due February 24 to SVJH Teachers/Counselor ◦ Counselor visits Feb 20 & 23 ◦ IC Portal closes Feb 24
Please review ALL directions before completing your registration sheet and prior to entering data in the Infinite Campus system – Thank You!
Class of 2016 (current Jrs) ◦ January Registration presentation and materials distributed to students ◦ January Infinite Campus online registration Student Portal open ◦ January Registration materials due to English teacher ◦ January IC Portal closes Class of 2017 (current Soph) ◦ January Registration presentation and materials distributed to students ◦ January Infinite Campus online registration Student Portal open ◦ January Registration materials due to English teacher ◦ February 2 -- IC Portal closes Class of 2018 (current Frosh) ◦ February 2 -- Registration presentation and materials distributed to students ◦ February 2 -- Infinite Campus online registration Student Portal open ◦ February 6 -- Registration materials due to English teacher ◦ February 9 -- IC Portal closes Class of 2019 (current 8 th graders) ◦ February Registration presentation and materials distributed to students ◦ February Infinite Campus online registration Student Portal open ◦ February Registration materials due to jr high teacher/counselor ◦ February IC Portal closes
To access the Course Description Catalog: go to click on “For Parents” click on “Course Description Books – Secondary”
In addition to the on-line Course Description Books, students also have a Course Listing Form to use as a quick reference.
Some courses require an Application, Audition, or Teacher Approval for final enrollment. Any time you see an “A” listed, your enrollment request will be contingent upon final approval from the instructor. Dance, Student Council, Advanced Theatre, Biomed and GC 105 are some examples of these types of classes. If you are an athlete and would like to request a sports training class, please select the course number that matches your primary sport. If your specific sport is not listed, please request the PE230A/B Sports Training—Any Sport Not Listed Below
Graduation requirements / required courses Prerequisites, applications or auditions necessary for courses Required Fees Career Pathways Semester vs. Year-Long Alternate choices
Students were given a copy of this form during their registration presentation on campus. Use this form as a worksheet while searching the course catalog and selecting courses. It will be important to record Course Numbers and Names for BOTH semesters. This will be critical for the online registration portion of the process! Students will be required to turn in this form with their online course print out -- so hang on to this form!!
When entering course request for a year long course, you will need to enter the course number followed by an “A” for semester one and the course number followed by a “B” for semester two. See highlighted examples above. Only year-long course will have an “A” and a “B” This will be important information to have recorded accurately when you begin requesting your course through the online student portal!
To request an A-Hour, rather than requesting a specific class, students will need to select an additional course and place that course request in slot #8 as shown below (green highlight) When entering courses in the Infinite Campus Portal, students will enter the course number(s) listed in slot #8 AND will also enter the course code AHOUR (this process will be outlined in more detail in the Student Portal section)
Remember to select and record at least 4 alternate courses. You enter these courses the same way you entered your selections on the top of the form. Please select courses that you have an interest in and are willing to take. Not all course requests can be honored and we often have to schedule students into their alternate courses, so choose carefully. Keep in mind, if you don’t choose alternates, we choose them for you.
Have you selected enough courses? If you have a semester long course, have you selected another semester long course for the other half of the year? Have you entered course numbers for each of your courses each semester? Have you included the “A” and “B” on the course numbers of your year long courses? Have you selected alternate courses? Have you recorded the course numbers, including “A” and “B” on your alternates? Have you selected an additional course (slot #8) if you are requesting an A- Hour?
When the registration portal is open, students and parents will see a link to Course Registration: Campo Verde High School. Click on this link to begin the course request process
Search for courses using the course number only (do not enter any information in the course name box!) Refer to the Course Selection Form that you completed prior to logging into the Student Portal. Find the course number for the first class you would like to request. Enter that course number in the space provided. Don’t forget to include the A or B for each semester of a year long course. Click “Go” after you enter your course request.
After clicking “go,” the course you have requested will appear to the right under the heading Select a course to view The screen below will appear. To finalize your course request, simply click the Request this Course button. Click on the course number under Select a course to view … Course Registration: Campo Verde High School
Once you finalize a course request, it will appear on the Requested Courses list. Repeat the process for each course: 1.Click Course Search 2.Enter Course Number (include A or B for year-long courses) 3.Click “Go” 4.Click the Course Number under Select a course to view 5.Click Request this course 6.Make sure course appears on Requested Courses list As you enter courses, you will see the number of units increase. A typical schedule for 1 st -7 th hour will have 14/18 units (7 courses 1 st semester and 7 course 2 nd semester) NOTES: Lunch has already been entered for grades Requests for release time must be entered using the same process as all other courses.
Select your alternate courses using the same process as before, only this time click on the Request an Alternate button
Alternate course requests will appear under the Alternate Courses section. Please make sure you select a total of 8 units for alternates (4 semester one and 4 semester two courses) Important Reminders: Students were given a Course Listing Form that includes all courses offered at CVHS. This form also includes the course numbers for release time, release time for OCI and lunch. Enter those options just as you would any other year-long course (lunch has been pre-entered for grades 9-11). Carefully check your request for A-hour. Make sure you have included an additional course (units need to indicate 16/18 course requests) AND you have also entered the AHOUR code as a course request. You must enter BOTH course codes or your request will not be submitted. If you select a class that you really did not want to request, simply click on the course name as it appears on the Requested Courses list. A pop-up option to drop the class will appear. Click “Drop This Request” and the course will be removed.
Click on Print Request Summary to print a copy of your course requests and alternates. Print two copies – one for your records and one to turn in to your English teacher
Your printout will look something like this. Have your parent/guardian sign and date the form. Make sure that the courses on your IC printout MATCH the courses written on your Course Selection Form Turn in BOTH the signed copy of this printout AND the completed Course Selection Form to your English teacher on the due date!
Thanks You For Your Help!