Center Elementary School February 2009 GAPSS Presentation
Demographics Total Enrollment: 428 Gender: Male-48%; Female-52% Ethnicity: Black-54%; White-39%; Hispanic-3%; Asian-1%; Other-3% Gifted: 12% Special Education: 11% EIP: 23% Free/Reduced Rate: 73%
Reading/ELA CRCT 5-Year Trend Data 2008 AYP Goal: 73.3%
Math CRCT 5-Year Trend Data 2008 AYP Goal: 59.5%
School Improvement Goals Improve mathematics achievement for all student subgroups (ED/SWD) Improve reading achievement for all student subgroups (ED/SWD) Improve attendance for all student subgroups (ED) Improve parental involvement
SMART Goals The percentage of all 3-5 students not meeting or exceeding standards on the CRCT in math will increase from 79% in to 90% in , then to 92% in , and to 95% in The percentage of 3-5 ED students not meeting or exceeding standards on the CRCT in math will increase from 75% in to 87% in , then to 89% in , and to 92% in The percentage of 3-5 SWD students not meeting or exceeding standards on the CRCT in math will increase from 55% in to 65% in , then to 75% in , and to 80% in
Initiatives Remediation/Enrichment Time in Reading (30 minutes per day in flexible groups ) Remediation/Enrichment Time in Math (30 minutes per day in flexible groups) RTI: Paraprofessionals & Software Differentiation: Professional Learning Schoolwide Writing Prompts/Competition Schoolwide Behavior Management Plan —rules, rewards, consequences Student Pledge & Mentoring
Initiatives Continued… Improve Communication: All-American Student, Positive Contact, Instant Alert, Tiger Talk, Newsletters/Planners, Parent Portal, Website, Newspaper, Marquee Sign, Italia Sign Parental Involvement : Parent Resource Room, Curriculum Nights, CRCT Parent Workshops, PTA, Winter Celebration, Spelling Bee, CRCT Pep Rally, School Council, Honors Assemblies, Reward Days, Mentoring, Tutoring, Competition Events, Book Fairs, Read Across America, Tiger Team, Parent Portal, JOY Club,Grade Level Luncheons, Santa Pictures, All-American Student, etc… Technology —21 st Century Classrooms, Parent Portal 9 Week Award/Incentive Program Graduation Program for K and 5 th
School Strengths AYP for 7 consecutive years Title I Distinguished School for 4 consecutive years Silver Award for Greatest Gains th Grade Writing Assessment School-wide/System Writing Competitions: 2 System Fair Bear Winners; Young GA Author School-wide Behavior Management Plan School-wide Celebrations/Promotions
School Strengths Academic Competitions “Whatever It Takes” Attitude Shared Governance Positive Climate Instructional Coach 21 st Century Classrooms Website Remediation/Enrichment Time Parental Involvement
Academic Strengths 5th Grade - CRCT Reading Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard5th Grade - CRCT Reading 5th Grade - CRCT English Language Arts Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard5th Grade - CRCT English Language Arts 3rd Grade - CRCT Reading 96.2 Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard3rd Grade - CRCT Reading 1st Grade - CRCT Mathematics 96.1 Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard1st Grade - CRCT Mathematics 5th Grade - CRCT Social Studies Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard5th Grade - CRCT Social Studies 2nd Grade - CRCT Reading Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard2nd Grade - CRCT Reading 5th Grade - CRCT Mathematics Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard5th Grade - CRCT Mathematics 3rd Grade - CRCT Social Studies Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard3rd Grade - CRCT Social Studies 4th Grade - CRCT English Language Arts Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard4th Grade - CRCT English Language Arts 1st Grade - CRCT Reading Percent Meeting and Exceeding Standard1st Grade - CRCT Reading GAA Success Kindergarten GKAP 96% Success Rate
To be a success you must work at success