Grassroots Reachout and Networking in India on Trade and Economics WHAT IS TO BE RESEARCHED, WHY & HOW?
What is to be Achieved?
Main Objectives: To generate a more coherent civil society voice on economic governance in India in context of globalisation and its effects on the livelihoods of the poor, particularly marginalised and women Expected Outcomes There will be more pro-poor changes in NFTP of India 2004 – 09 and in next policy The process of formulating next policy will be more inclusive PROJECT OBJECTIVES
Expected Outcomes Strengthening the GRANITE Network 3600 beneficiaries will become more aware and knowledgeable about NFTP and its impact on livelihoods CSO engagement in policy formulation 1350 beneficiaries from various backgrounds (policy making, political, research, media) recognise and incorporate ground realities By 2010, at least 5000 to 8000 people (policy makers, govt. officials etc) will be more aware on issues relating to political economy of economic governance in India
OUTPUTS Activities over a period of three years: Twenty four research output from eight states The standalone papers on key messages and effectiveness of advocacy tools At least three new ideas for future research 72 advocacy meetings at the local level in eight states 27 meetings at states and national level
Outputs (con’t) Three advocacy meeting in Norway Monthly dissemination of Project related information to stakeholders in India and abroad An inception workshop at the beginning of the project and eight state level inception workshop A specific advocacy in 2008 for wider consultation before adopting NFTP
Research Objectives 1 st Year (2007 – 08) Involvement of State Govt. and other stakeholders in preparation and implementation of NFTP 2 nd Year (2008 – 09) Impact of NFTP on specific products (thrust areas) 3 rd Year (2009 –10) Similar research on different set of products
Activities ResearchAdvocacyNetworking To seek changes which are necessary to ensure better economic literacy in India Connect the targeted beneficiaries with the state and national level policy-makers on issues related to economic governance in India To prepare the inputs for advocacy and networking
Specific Activities Meetings ResearchDocumentation ObjectivesObjectives ImplementationImplementation Impact assessment aspect of NFTPImpact assessment aspect of NFTP ResearchResearch AdvocacyAdvocacy Networking activitiesNetworking activities Inception workshopInception workshop Project Review MeetingsProject Review Meetings Outreach meetingsOutreach meetings State and National level seminarsState and National level seminars
Research Methodology Outreach Meetings (Focus group discussions) Personal Interviews Govt. Officials Govt. Officials Policy Makers Policy Makers Other Stakeholders Other Stakeholders Analysis Draft Report Final Report Peer Review
First Year of Research (July 2007 – June 2008) Research objective for first year is to find out the involvement of state government and relevant stakeholders in NFTP Other relevant stakeholders includes: Govt. staff in trade legislation committee, Ministry of Commerce and industry or other agency responsible for foreign trade Officials of central bank or other concerned banks Representatives of other (quasi-) government agencies Politicians and members of legislative assembly Academics and researchers Civil society organisations, community-based organisations, non-governmental organizations.
Second Year of Research (July 2008 – June 2009) Project Partners will conduct research on specific products in order to understand whether and how, as a result of implementation of NFTP 2004 –09: Intensive exports have been generated on these products Employment has been generated in these sectors Employment has been generated for marginalised and women
Tentative Product Selection For 2 nd Year of Research Andhra Pradesh: Agriculture and Handloom/Handicrafts Karnataka:Agriculture and Marine Products Maharashtra: Agriculture Products Rajasthan: Agriculture and Handloom/Handicrafts Tamil Nadu: Agriculture and Marine Products Uttar Pradesh:Agriculture and Handloom/ Handicrafts West Bengal: Agriculture and Handloom/ Handicraft
Third Year of Research (July 2009 – June 2010) Project Partner will conduct similar research as in second year of project but on different set of products Project Partner will conduct similar research as in second year of project but on different set of products The products selection for research will depend on the thrust area of new NFTP The products selection for research will depend on the thrust area of new NFTP
Positive Consequences GOI will be in better position to mainstream international trade into national development It will help in more informed debate on the opportunities and challenges of international trade Employment Generation Poverty Reduction &