Using Technology to Facilitate Differentiation Joy Wolfe 5th Grade Math/Science Teacher Josephine Mannino 5th Grade Language Arts/ Social Studies Teacher
What are some examples of uses of and groupings for differentiated instruction? How can technology be used to facilitate differentated instruction in all subject areas? How can I fund classroom technology? What are some free and fee internet resources and hardware which can improve differentitated teaching? DURING THIS PRESENTATION PARTICIPANTS WILL ANSWER QUESTIONS SUCH AS
Funding Suggestions Movie Nights/Play Dates Grants (see grant appendix) Community sponsors Parent donations After school clubs Fundraisers/School snack sales Auctions
Uses For Differentiation Content Process Product Environment Pre-Assessment Instruction Flexible Grouping Group Work Independent Work Assessment
Forming Differentiated Groupings Preassessments Exit/entrance cards Verbal questioning/anecdotal records Homework checks
Suggestions for Managing Differentiated Internet Usage Have links and instructions available in a hand out folder, on a website, or as a hard copy.websitehard copy Have a hard copy of an accompanying activity for the students to complete.copy Take advantage of your textbook companies’ web resources.textbook companies web resources
Free Internet Resources The Wolfe Web Puzzlemaker NLVM National Library of Virtual ManipulativesNational Library of Virtual Manipulatives Lexile Framework Internet 4 Classrooms Web Quest
Paid Subscription Internet Resources Discovery’s unitedstreaming ( Brainpop! ( Teaching Books (
Word Processors & Differentiation Microsoft Word –Reinforce grammar and spelling Tools– Options – Spelling & Grammar – Settings –Add Comments –Readability –Talking text
Graphic Organizers & Differentiation Graphic Organizers Inspiration Kidspiration Word Processors Drawing tools in Word Processors Tables Timelines Outlines Flowcharts graphicorganizers
Writing Resources Software for Organization –Don Johnston Co-Writer – spelling word predictor, talking text Draft-Builder – outline, draft, & publish Write: Out-Loud - talking word processor Renaissance Learning – AlphaSmart
Technology Products Slide shows Digital video Visual essays / reports Digital Stories stories stories Books Stationary Tables and Charts Business Cards Newsletters Postcards Signs Web PagesPages Calendars Booklets Banners Original Art Work Flowcharts Comic Strip - Speech Bubbles Presentations Games Illustrated Stories Animation Timelines Posters Portfolios Brochures Newspapers Magazines Flyers Brainstorming Web
Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology to Differentiate: 10. Can be incorporated into any classroom 9. Resources are limitless 8.Allows teachers to present lessons in a variety of ways 7. Supports all multiple intelligences 6. Meet your state’s technology standards 5. Materials are easily manipulated to fit with your existing lessons 4. Prepare your students for real world success 3. Motivate students 2. Make your life easier 1. Your students will think you’re cool!