INTRODUCTION ? IS in EMS to improve: ? IS in EMS to improve: Emergency patient management. Emergency patient management. Education and training for EMS. Education and training for EMS. Research in EMS. Research in EMS. UMCL - the biggest health institution in SLO: UMCL - the biggest health institution in SLO: Medical services are at the hig h est level. Medical services are at the hig h est level. Complicated EMS organization. Complicated EMS organization. Poor condition of IS in EMS. Poor condition of IS in EMS.
SYSTEM ANALYSIS Performance of EMS: Performance of EMS: long reaction times of Ambulance service emergency dispatch center, long reaction times of Ambulance service emergency dispatch center, izvajanje predbolnišnične nujne medicinske pomoči, izvajanje predbolnišnične nujne medicinske pomoči, izvajanje bolnišnične nujne medicinske pomoči. izvajanje bolnišnične nujne medicinske pomoči. Priložnost prenove procesov na vseh nivojih Priložnost prenove procesov na vseh nivojih
SYSTEM ANALYSIS Performance of EMS - problems: Performance of EMS - problems: Long reaction times of Ambulance service emergency dispatch center. Long reaction times of Ambulance service emergency dispatch center. Long arrival times of pre hospital emergency medical teams. Long arrival times of pre hospital emergency medical teams. Long event to treatment times in the hospital emergency department. Long event to treatment times in the hospital emergency department. High costs of labor. High costs of labor. High working load. High working load.
GOALS GOAL DESCRIPTION IMPORTANCE 1. shorter response times of Ambulance service emergency dispatch center shorter arrival times of pre hospital emergency medical teams shorter event to treatment times in the hospital emergency department lower costs of labor lower working load 10 TOTAL100
SOLUTIONS Solution A (EMS employees): Solution A (EMS employees): Enlargement and better usage of present resources. Enlargement and better usage of present resources. Solution B (private providers): Solution B (private providers): Involvement of private providers in the EMS. Involvement of private providers in the EMS. Solution C (professional statements ): Solution C (professional statements ): Goal-oriented implementation of information technology and proper process renovation goal- oriented implementation of information technology and proper process renovation. Goal-oriented implementation of information technology and proper process renovation goal- oriented implementation of information technology and proper process renovation.
PROCES RENOVATION AND OPTIMIZATION > 22% of present emergency medicine process should be renovated. > 22% of present emergency medicine process should be renovated. The changes will be needed because of : The changes will be needed because of : Ambulance service emergency dispatch center optimization. Ambulance service emergency dispatch center optimization. Paperless patient administration management. Paperless patient administration management. Shortening of event to treatment times. Shortening of event to treatment times. Providing telemedicine services. Providing telemedicine services.
TESTING OF A TELEMONITORING SOLUTION Agreement between UMCL management and A – Form company Agreement between UMCL management and A – Form company Three month testing period of Medtronic telemonitoring solution Three month testing period of Medtronic telemonitoring solution Goals: Goals: To perform ability analysis of hospital information system in University Medical center Ljubljana for data transfer from the ambulance to the hospital emergency department. To perform ability analysis of hospital information system in University Medical center Ljubljana for data transfer from the ambulance to the hospital emergency department. To implement and test basic telemonitoring system. To implement and test basic telemonitoring system. To prepare suggestion of changes for University Medical center Ljubljana management. To prepare suggestion of changes for University Medical center Ljubljana management.
TESTING RESULTS > 300 patient data transfers. > 300 patient data transfers. 39% AS, 28% SNMP and 24% IPP. 39% AS, 28% SNMP and 24% IPP. 76% all data. 76% all data. Mostly archiving and poor patient condition (38% heart problems). Mostly archiving and poor patient condition (38% heart problems). 77% availability. 77% availability.
CONCLUSION Proposals to UMCL management. Proposals to UMCL management. Future research in the next fields: Future research in the next fields: Information integration between different emergency intervention services. Information integration between different emergency intervention services. GIS in emergency medicine. GIS in emergency medicine. AVL systems and navigation systems in emergency medicine. AVL systems and navigation systems in emergency medicine. Expert tools for decision support on operative, tactic and strategic level of emergency medicine. Expert tools for decision support on operative, tactic and strategic level of emergency medicine. IS in EMS - integral part of modern emergency medical system. IS in EMS - integral part of modern emergency medical system.