1 1 FEMA Region VII Private Sector
Private Sector Representative Subject Matter Experts Provide Situational Awareness Manage Logistics Crosscutting Planning Logistics Operations Admin/Finance ESFs
RRCC State EOC PSR NRCC Located within the Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) Integrates private-sector expertise and resources into the Incident Command Structure through coordination with private-sector partners within the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC), the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), business fusion cell,or Business EOC (BEOC) and partners at the local level. Tested: activated during NLE11 and in the Joplin tornado response to support critical response operations. PSR
Banking Communications Transportation Retail Insurance Agriculture Health and Medical Ad hoc PSR Sectors
Why PS Works Organization: organized according to the Incident Command Structure, and NIMS… Focus: Private-sector efforts focused effectively on the critical, life-saving and life-sustaining response mission… Force multiplication: Private-sector partnerships at all levels multiplied the force by which local needs were assessed, processed and responded to…
Private Sector and FEMA Before After State FEMA HQ FEMA REGION
Critical Life saving Life sustaining
NLE11 Logistics
JOPLIN Opening roads for the delivery of emergency supplies: PSRs prioritized transportation routes for clearing debris so emergency supplies could be delivered to local retailers; ESF 1 Emergency medical services: PSRs coordinated medical partners to stock and deploy mobile emergency medical units with health supplies for disasters; ESF 8 Disaster assistance messaging: PSRs worked with partners to create billboards and Public Service Announcements, directing survivors to disaster assistance servicing locations. ESF 2
Joplin NRCC NBEOC Missouri BEOC ) ( =
11 (a few of our partners) premierstudios
Billboards & Televised Public Service Announcements Estimated value: $500,000 premierstudios
Strengthen partnership regionally Integrating additional business sectors Supporting local BEOCs Moving Forward