WHAT IS IMPORTANT AT THIS TIME OF INCREASED COMPETITION? Preparation Research Relevant work experience/work shadowing/voluntary work Visit institutions/HE conventions/Open Days Personal Statement/Reference Understand selection process Be realistic Alternatives
IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER – University Open Days - Universities begin processing applications 2 nd SEPTEMBER UCAS Higher Education Convention 25 th SEPTEMBER Parents’ Information Evening 26 th SEPTEMBER Assembly to launch the UCAS process 1 st OCTOBER School deadline for all Medical, Dental, Veterinary and Oxbridge applications to Guidance (including final personal statement) 11 th OCTOBER UCAS deadline for all Medical, Dental, Veterinary and Oxbridge Applications 11 th DECEMBER School deadline for pupils to have completed UCAS forms to Guidance (including final personal statement) 18 th DECEMBER 2013 – All applications sent to UCAS 24 th MARCH 2014 – Deadline for some Art & Design courses
UCAS – SOME KEY POINTS Applications completed online at Pupils start application mid September. Application allows for 5 choices. Cost £23 (more than one choice) paid by credit/debit card PSE, Guidance Interviews, University Speakers, Open Days, Career Interviews and Careers Exhibitions facilitate choice. Next Event – Careers Adviser Presentation, Mon 30 th Sept
FURTHER INFORMATION UCAS website UCAS Apply and Trackwww.ucas.com yougofurther.co.uk – the UCAS student network Facebook – Twitter – UCAStv – - video guides - channels for different audiences e.g. adviserswww.ucas.tv/ YouTube - Careers Database Skills Development Scotland- / / SAAS Prospects -
THE APPLICANT JOURNEY 1. Applicant researches where to study 2. Registers online with UCAS Apply 3. Completes form and processes payment 4. Academic reference added by school/college 5. School/college sends form electronically to UCAS 6. UCAS processes form and forwards to chosen HEIs 7. HEIs submit decisions (offer or unsuccessful) 8. Applicant views decisions on Track 9. Applicant replies to offers on Track (Firm/Insurance) 10. HEIs confirm places when results are released
THE APPLICATION PROCESS Application form has 6 main sections:- PERSONAL DETAILS COURSE CHOICES- 5 choices EDUCATION- qualifications EMPLOYMENT- part time work PERSONAL STATEMENT – very important SCHOOL REFERENCE – completed by Guidance Teacher and checked by SMT - very important
A GOOD PERSONAL STATEMENT SHOULD INCLUDE: A reason for choosing the course Any background interest Any relevant experience Career aspirations Work experience – skills developed Interests & hobbies Achievements Positions of responsibility Any other relevant information EVIDENCE OF: Independent study skills Self-awareness Motivation, maturity and commitment An understanding of the course Good numeracy and literacy Essay writing research skills Time management skills Enthusiasm to go beyond the syllabus
PERSONAL STATEMENT –POINTS TO REMEMBER Thoroughly prepare Take your time Multiple re-drafts Use a Word document Use a Spell Checker No humour Sell yourself Let others read it –Guidance, parents, older siblings 4000 characters including spaces 47 lines of text UCAS use Similarity Detection Software!
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ? Completed form sent to Guidance Teacher Payment made at home - £23 Reference written including information on predicted grades, attendance, late coming and S6 experience Form checked and submitted to UCAS UCAS sends form simultaneously to all choices HEIs consider applications. Applicant may need to: Attend an interview Send a portfolio of work Sit an admissions test
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ? Admission tutors can make one of three decisions: Conditional Offer Unconditional Offer Unsuccessful Applicants then keep a maximum of two offers: Firm Insurance Conditional Offers: Can be expressed in: UCAS Tariff points e.g. 305 points Grades e.g. AAAB at Higher A combination of both e.g. 305 points including a B in H Maths If no offers received.... UCAS Extra or Clearing in August