AD 70 Doctrine
What It Is… Empty, Upsetting, To Be Avoided! “But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, men who have gone astray from the truth saying that the resurrection has already taken place, and they upset the faith of some.” – 2 Timothy 2:16-18
The AD 70 Doctrine: What It Is… Has Many Names: Realized Eschatology, Consistent Eschatology, Transmillennialism™ Core Belief: All Bible prophecy was fulfilled (literally or spiritually) in AD 70 at the destruction of Jerusalem. Core Belief: The “last days” are not the gospel dispensation, but the 40 years between Jesus’ resurrection and the destruction of Jerusalem. Core Belief: The Law of Moses was not replaced with the Law of Christ at the cross. Rather, the Law of Moses continued until AD 70. Conclusion: We are not awaiting Jesus’ Return, a worldwide resurrection or judgment.
The Basis of The AD 70 Doctrine Abuse of Matthew 5:17-18 & Luke 21:22 – The Law of Moses would only pass away when “all” (prophecy) was fulfilled. Since all (prophecy) was NOT fulfilled until AD 70, the Law of Moses must have remained in effect until AD 70. The Context is Righteousness, not Prophecy! – Jesus fulfilled ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS! – Luke 18:31 “all things…about the Son of Man”
The Basis of The AD 70 Doctrine The Nearness of Jesus Return – Romans 13:11-12, Hebrews 10:37, Rev. 22:7 But They Pass Over The “Delay” Verses – Matthew 24:48 – Matthew 25:5 – “after a long time” Matthew 25:19
Exposing The Error & Emptiness AD 70 Says: All prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70. The Bible Says: The 4 th Kingdom (Rome) would one day fall. This took place in AD 476! – Daniel 2:44 AD 70 Says: The Law of Moses overlapped with the early church until AD 70. The Bible Says: The Law was a tutor, and both Jew and Gentile are no longer under that tutor! – Galatians 3:24-29, Colossians 2:14
Exposing The Error & Emptiness AD 70 Says: The 2 nd Coming of Jesus was to spiritual Israel in spiritual form at the destruction of Jerusalem. The Bible Says: The 2 nd Coming of Jesus will be in the same form as His ascension, and will bring the destruction of the world with fire, as well as the judgment of “all nations.” – Acts 1:9-11, Acts 17:31, 2 Peter 3:5-13, Matt. 25:32 AD 70 Says: The resurrection is not literal. The Bible Says: The body will be raised/trans. – 1 Corinthians 15:16, 38,42-52
What’s So Attractive? Knowledge Puffs Up: Adherents set themselves apart as experts. Appeals To Impatience: Adherents are no longer waiting for Christ’s return. Fills A Hole: Those unfamiliar with the Bible’s teaching about the end of the world can simply select this doctrine. Accounts for Jewish Practices: No need to distinguish between custom and obligation.
“IF” The AD 70 Doctrine Was True Jesus Did Not Have All Authority In Mt. 28. He was only over-lapping with Moses. Partaking The Lord’s Supper Today Is Pointless – 1 Corinthians 11:26 Marriage Is Meaningless Today – Luke 20:34-35 Godly Living Was For The Previous Age – Titus 2:13
Applications For Us Remember God’s Warnings. Patiently Wait Jesus Return (James 5:7-8) Carefully Test Everything By The Scriptures, In Their Context! Diligent Bible Study, Not Creeds, Are The Best Defense. Pray For Those Who Have Abandoned The Doctrine of the Apostles.
AD 70 Doctrine