1. There were ______ essentials the early church organized itself around. four
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
1. Apostles’ Teaching: Sermons/Bible Study
2. Fellowship: Meeting in Homes and Sharing Your Life With Believers 1. Apostles’ Teaching: Sermons/Bible Study 2. Fellowship: Meeting in Homes and Sharing Your Life With Believers
1. Apostles’ Teaching: Sermons/Bible Study 2. Fellowship: Meeting in Homes and Sharing Your Life With Believers 3. Breaking of Bread: Communion 1. Apostles’ Teaching: Sermons/Bible Study 2. Fellowship: Meeting in Homes and Sharing Your Life With Believers 3. Breaking of Bread: Communion
1. Apostles’ Teaching: Sermons/Bible Study 2. Fellowship: Meeting in Homes and Sharing Your Life With Believers 3. Breaking of Bread: Communion 4. Prayer: Taking part in Public and Private Prayer Time 1. Apostles’ Teaching: Sermons/Bible Study 2. Fellowship: Meeting in Homes and Sharing Your Life With Believers 3. Breaking of Bread: Communion 4. Prayer: Taking part in Public and Private Prayer Time
Which of the above activities are included in your life on a weekly basis? Which activities are not included in your life on a weekly basis? Which of the above activities are included in your life on a weekly basis? Which activities are not included in your life on a weekly basis?
2. The early believers were organized around _______ meetings and for larger gatherings they met in the temple courts. hous e
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. Acts 2:46
a. Lydia’s house at Philippi (Macedonia) House churches are located all around the Mediterranean Rim:
When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. “If you consider me a believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my house.” And she persuaded us… After Paul and Silas came out of the prison, they went to Lydia’s house, where they met with the brothers and encouraged them. Then they left. Acts 16:15, 40
a. Lydia’s house at Philippi (Macedonia) b. Priscilla and Aquila’s house at Ephesus (Asia) a. Lydia’s house at Philippi (Macedonia) b. Priscilla and Aquila’s house at Ephesus (Asia) House churches are located all around the Mediterranean Rim:
Greet Priscilla and Aquila… Greet also the church that meets at their house. Romans 16:3, 5
a. Lydia’s house at Philippi (Macedonia) b. Priscilla and Aquila’s house at Ephesus (Asia) c. Philemon’s house at Colosse or Laodicea (Asia) a. Lydia’s house at Philippi (Macedonia) b. Priscilla and Aquila’s house at Ephesus (Asia) c. Philemon’s house at Colosse or Laodicea (Asia) House churches are located all around the Mediterranean Rim:
“… To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker … and to the church that meets in your home” Philemon 1:1-2
a. Lydia’s house at Philippi (Macedonia) b. Priscilla and Aquila’s house at Ephesus (Asia) c. Philemon’s house at Colosse or Laodicea (Asia) d. Nympha’s house at Laodicea (Asia) a. Lydia’s house at Philippi (Macedonia) b. Priscilla and Aquila’s house at Ephesus (Asia) c. Philemon’s house at Colosse or Laodicea (Asia) d. Nympha’s house at Laodicea (Asia) House churches are located all around the Mediterranean Rim:
Give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house. Colossians 4:15
3. The _______ of God was freely displayed in the early Adventist’s small groups. power
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20
Who led the groups? What did the groups do when they met? Was there singing and music? Who led the groups? What did the groups do when they met? Was there singing and music?
Should we in the 21st century meet in small groups like the 1st century believers? Are you willing to open your heart to the possibility of participating in a small group? What prayer request would help you make time to participate in small groups? Should we in the 21st century meet in small groups like the 1st century believers? Are you willing to open your heart to the possibility of participating in a small group? What prayer request would help you make time to participate in small groups?