Service Assistant, As seen by the technician 1 Service Assistant measures: Suction pressure Liquid pressure Suction temperature Liquid temperature Ambient temperature Return air dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature Supply air dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature “If it’s true that you can’t manage what you can’t measure, HVAC performance just became manageable for the first time.”
Graphical Presentation of Goal Values assists technicians in leaving good running units 2 Evaporating Temp Condensing Temp over Ambient Goal values “No more guessing about what will happen next. You leave the systems you service “dialed in” and with documentation to back it up.” Superheat Subcooling Minimum acceptable values Maximum acceptable values
3 Effective Reporting “This changes everything. Documenting the condition of an HVAC system prior to maintenance and again after, once and for all settles the customer’s question ‘What am I paying for?’”
Service Assistant Based Maintenance 4 PM Schedule Isolate Problem Targeted Diagnosis PROJECT/ BUILDING UNIT MGT. REPORTING & ANALYSIS
Service Assistant Benefits Clear insight into what the contractor has done via reporting module Better running units – Reduced breakdowns to manage – Reduced repairs – particularly capacitors – Reduced replacements Honeywell study on 5 units – year on year comparison – Runtime reduced for the 5 units from 14khrs to 11khrs – Reduced energy costs 5